Sonntag, 3. Juli 2022

Viennese women are secretly looking for genes and race in laboratories so that they can find humans to torture and nobody reports anything!?

persecution of christians, mass murders, children and women in arenas to this day, because of this woman: my uterus is not what it should be

since alexander, for millennia, not only the molossian tribes, but many other tribes have been the problem: our uterus does not produce any genius, no vmat2 and other models. psychopathic evolutionary psychosis

Killing 1.5 million children apart from adults was collective genetic female behavior. race and tribe behavior. the hyenas from the battlefields as betold brecht describes it. Today these women are key figures in all offices, organizations, media, newspapers and UNO/amnesty international

2017 was public prosecutors, judges, police, politicians, the whole system on murder mode and terror, I waited until 2019, then I realized UNO and amnesty and zara are waiting for a family to be murdered, silent death. For 2 years now I've been forced to make this statement, killing 1.5 million children was the work of millions of Germans and Austrians, the third generation sits in the UN Amnesty and all other organizations and behaves like it did back then

???? Der Verborgene

Exkurs AMUN: »Der Verborgene«, dargestellt mit hoher Federkrone, oft auch in der ithyphallischen Gestalt des Min, daneben als Widder und Gans. Sein Kult ist zuerst im thebanischen Gau greifbar, doch wird er als Urgottheit schon früher erwähnt, später gehört er zum System der Achtheit von Hermopolis.
AMUN-RE: Verschmelzung von Amun und Re. Trotzdem blieb jede Gottheit für sich, eine eigenständige Gottheit.

sasa gyoker cosmic goose is in master photo. mine just a hint, tablet photoLOL

some young and old police officers are political, smoke, the matter is intelligence, this intelligence is in a dimension that you will never have and will never understand, even in combat

we came to vienna in 1986, between 1989 and 2009 rana and i cost the austrian state zero cents. 0 cents. never registered as unemployed or asked for money from the state. people are genetic psychopathy and sick. look what they're doing even worse from 2009 onwards

what haji started with azadeh was a pleasure for austrians, for austrofascism, we destroy and ruin jews again. shame haji shame on you. handy photo 2008 barbad farahani. before 280.000 euro theft from me

این حاج آقا فقط قبل از انقلاب با این ریقو ها بد بود، الان ولی معموریت های بالا تر از خطر میده بهشون، حاجی تو دیگه کی هستی

austrians definitely want to kill me with the viennese secret services: thoughts wanking, and ecstasy: we killed jews again in front of millions of spectators. what happens afterwards doesn't matter, losing hundreds of millions of euros doesn't matter, only: we tortured and killed a jew in front of millions of spectators

we came to vienna in 1986, between 1989 and 2009 rana and i cost the austrian state zero cents. 0 cents. never registered as unemployed or asked for money from the state. people are genetic psychopathy and sick. look what they're doing even worse from 2009 onwards

the root of mass murder and genocidal thoughts lies 20 meters deep in a cave in vienna, gene archeology from africa should come here and prove it: genes manipulated evolution baboons that developed into humans

fascism and racism brings reason to a threshold, in the 21st century :racial murder thoughts mass murder thoughts must be destroyed with his children and families. no matter how

viennese israelis are proponents of the death penalty VMAT2 after stasi financial projects

the viennese police and hezbollah and ayatullahs want to kill me, i am only an austrian citizen and an eu citizen without an iranian passport, because iranian race are only recourses for europe, america and the UN, amnesty international

austria has made vmat2 economic resources again with 5 parties and leftists, it believes that with iranian, native iranian, no one will suspect that it is about jews and vmat2 again

I have psychological problems with the lowest class of society because of secret cameras. 120 human rights violations and the UN collects money every day alongside amnesty International for illegal real estate financing

this has become of europe and america and other states: we are evolutionary monkeys and you are animals. you don't deserve human rights

این منوم؟ یا تو؟ میگه نه منم نه تو، من میمون تو هم حیوون

با آخوند کار کردن پیشرفته ها، از شما حمایت میکنه، پیشبرد کاری داری، ولی اونجایی که میخواهی وایسی چهار کلام حرف بزنی، میشنوی که: هنوز وایسادی جناب، کاری هنوز داری؟ بعد میفهمی جریان همینه، پشتت وایساده آخوند، ولی اونجایی بهت زده که نباید بزنه، دوربین مخفی. نه برای عوام، بلکه اونجا


2500 سال ما بدبخت شدیم سر توطعه، هر کوسکشی اومد ایران دید نسبت به ما هیچکارست گفت باید آدم بکشیم، ایرانی ما هستیم، ما آدمیم، ما ارزش داریم، ما بلدیم، شاعر ماییم، نویسنده ماییم، ضد اروپا ماییم، تو دهن آمریکا ما میزنیم. از دم هیچکاره مادر جنده ها، بیا اینم وین

this gate has many meanings, you need 5 ideas and 5 inventions to edit it. only the rootrace genes can go in with editings. vmat human


Der Lebensbaum gehört zur Mythologie vieler Völker und ist ein altes Symbol der kosmischen Ordnung.
Er steht als Weltachse (axis mundi) im Zentrum der Welt. Seine Wurzeln reichen tief in die Erde und seine Wipfel berühren oder tragen den Himmel. Somit verbindet er die drei Ebenen HimmelErde und Unterwelt.

Ötzi: die Zait'n sand vorbei wo moan zu uns gesogt hot: Gottfried mayer hot ka eier, UNO gibt uns sechser packung, wir sand das recht

even Robert Gabriel Mugabe is unable to do this: worldwide vmat2 persecution project, financial project and assassination

austria has made vmat2 economic resources again with 5 parties and leftists, it believes that with iranian, native iranian, no one will suspect that it is about jews and vmat2 again

these bastards have earned money for 20 years by ruining our shops and existence and even unemployed people say today: our state has no money and the rich children have not earned any money either. unemployed austrians!

in a country where the nazis want to pollute cigarette paper, it's just avesta instructions that save you. I walk kilometers to buy paper and filters, more steps for tobacco