Montag, 4. Juli 2022

SPÖ heinrich gross fascism has secret chatrooms and courses on how to condemn god genes, pull them down and kill them

Das Buch wurde von der populären Presse stark behandelt, einschließlich eines Artikels im Time Magazine, der auf dem Cover des Magazins erschien ( Kluger et al. , 2004 blaues nach rechts zeigendes Dreieck ). In seinem Buch behauptet Hamer, dass die Veranlagung zur Spiritualität durch genetische Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Kontroverser schlägt er vor, dass der VMAT2Gen ist eines von vielen potenziellen Genen, die sich auf die Spiritualität auswirken. Hamer identifiziert eine bestimmte Variation, eine Änderung von A zu C, die in 28 % der Allele in seinem Datensatz vorhanden ist, als Marker für die „spirituellere“ Version dieses Gens. Diese Arbeit wurde nicht in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift veröffentlicht.

VMAT2 codiert ein Transporterprotein, das mehrere Monoamin-Neurotransmitter in Vesikel im Gehirn importiert (Übersicht in Zheng et al. , 2006 blaues nach rechts zeigendes Dreieck ). Daher könnte eine Veränderung des Transporters möglicherweise die Spiegel mehrerer Arten von Neurotransmittern beeinflussen, was zu einer veränderten Gehirnfunktion führt.

آقا دقیقه 15:30، ما چربی با آب حوض آب کردیم، این تکامل یافتگی هم یه چیزی تو گوشمون آواز میخونه ما عمل میکنیم. شما جلادین خانوم دکتر، مگه خدا سادیسم داره رنج بده!؟ آزاده با باباش سادیسم داره، آخوند سادیسم داره، اتریش سادیسم داره. عجیبه ها

بفرما، حاجی خانم دکتر داره، میگه بلدی؟ بلدم؟ من کی هستم؟ نزنی به شرفم، نگی بیشرفم، منی که بلدم

ayatullah and mullahs never lied about supernatural, the lie is only: emam zaman is coming because of us!, no he comes for me and because of us, genetically, racially, ethnically. that's the truth

what do you think that is you judge asshole? I attended the vmat2 school for that, which means sleeping 2 hours longer, you get up and have to rest for 3 hours after sleeping, the journey is not easy, the way to the university and the journey is long. michael häupl's demon and ali and azadeh

this business was 8 years of work in the family business, working without salary and gaining experience like in a university. effort, books, study, practical work. fucking aryan race austria

that was yesterday as today with this indo-persian aryan race the problem: why do you torture and kill!? aryan race: i am human and i need 6 houses

emam ali time sasanian plate, we ordered emam ali to persia because of alien, with salman as a pioneer, today is also the time again with emam zaman. vmat mass murders iran

i am an old persian, with alien knowledge. this approach is women's sophistication and instinct, in mojtaba khamenei lives a woman's spirit and not a man. he's gay, soleymani knew that too, that's a woman and not a man

both career plans ruined because 0815 women 3rd generation of child killers are anti vmat2 psychopaths and sick. Austria with its women is a danger to the world because human, vmat2 human

everything that was done to my sister is vmat2 hate and fascism, from active fascism iran and vienna. all viennese parties police, judges, and officials are involved, mainly because of vmat, race, and ethnic origin

this is also a cooperation viennese iranian, ayatollahs hezbollah vienna women police secret services and government, millions deal in torture and live cameras. rana is an example, vienna is silent

What austrian women and the government did with rana farahani is fascism because of race and ethnicity

آقا ما با 47 سالگی جنده و سلیطه بازی داریم در میاریم، اصغر فرهادی نشسته تهرون میگه: هیچی نگید ها، فقط یاد بگیرید آدم چه جوری جنده سلیطه میشه، چیزی نگید ها، فقط جنده سلیطه ببینید آدم چجوری میشه. عکس امروز

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2022

one should sterilize austrian and german women after murdering 1.5 million children, israel does it today with ethiopian jews

I have had 36 lab tests, all negative, to date. worldwide action due to blocking ofStarting a family and children: is that psychosis and psychopathy in Vienna!?

Viennese women are secretly looking for genes and race in laboratories so that they can find humans to torture and nobody reports anything!?

persecution of christians, mass murders, children and women in arenas to this day, because of this woman: my uterus is not what it should be

since alexander, for millennia, not only the molossian tribes, but many other tribes have been the problem: our uterus does not produce any genius, no vmat2 and other models. psychopathic evolutionary psychosis

Killing 1.5 million children apart from adults was collective genetic female behavior. race and tribe behavior. the hyenas from the battlefields as betold brecht describes it. Today these women are key figures in all offices, organizations, media, newspapers and UNO/amnesty international

2017 was public prosecutors, judges, police, politicians, the whole system on murder mode and terror, I waited until 2019, then I realized UNO and amnesty and zara are waiting for a family to be murdered, silent death. For 2 years now I've been forced to make this statement, killing 1.5 million children was the work of millions of Germans and Austrians, the third generation sits in the UN Amnesty and all other organizations and behaves like it did back then

???? Der Verborgene

Exkurs AMUN: »Der Verborgene«, dargestellt mit hoher Federkrone, oft auch in der ithyphallischen Gestalt des Min, daneben als Widder und Gans. Sein Kult ist zuerst im thebanischen Gau greifbar, doch wird er als Urgottheit schon früher erwähnt, später gehört er zum System der Achtheit von Hermopolis.
AMUN-RE: Verschmelzung von Amun und Re. Trotzdem blieb jede Gottheit für sich, eine eigenständige Gottheit.

sasa gyoker cosmic goose is in master photo. mine just a hint, tablet photoLOL

some young and old police officers are political, smoke, the matter is intelligence, this intelligence is in a dimension that you will never have and will never understand, even in combat

we came to vienna in 1986, between 1989 and 2009 rana and i cost the austrian state zero cents. 0 cents. never registered as unemployed or asked for money from the state. people are genetic psychopathy and sick. look what they're doing even worse from 2009 onwards

what haji started with azadeh was a pleasure for austrians, for austrofascism, we destroy and ruin jews again. shame haji shame on you. handy photo 2008 barbad farahani. before 280.000 euro theft from me

این حاج آقا فقط قبل از انقلاب با این ریقو ها بد بود، الان ولی معموریت های بالا تر از خطر میده بهشون، حاجی تو دیگه کی هستی

austrians definitely want to kill me with the viennese secret services: thoughts wanking, and ecstasy: we killed jews again in front of millions of spectators. what happens afterwards doesn't matter, losing hundreds of millions of euros doesn't matter, only: we tortured and killed a jew in front of millions of spectators

we came to vienna in 1986, between 1989 and 2009 rana and i cost the austrian state zero cents. 0 cents. never registered as unemployed or asked for money from the state. people are genetic psychopathy and sick. look what they're doing even worse from 2009 onwards

the root of mass murder and genocidal thoughts lies 20 meters deep in a cave in vienna, gene archeology from africa should come here and prove it: genes manipulated evolution baboons that developed into humans