Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022

this controversy is old "thou shalt not kill" although the woman (anunnaki spirit) is murderess with her collective.

آقا 12 سال پیش داشتم میرفتم خونه یکی، شک داشتم رژیمی هست یا نیست، گفتم بذار یه ژستی بیام بینم راه میده مارو تو یا نه، دیدم کوسخله، از زندگی سیره، میگه: به به به قدمتون روی چشم. گفتم تو کشتن نداری مادر قحبه ازگل از زندگی سیری، اربابت کجاست!؟ گفت شوخی هم که داری، تو بمیری اگر پیداش کنی رفیق

the ayatollahs kill because of pretense: political hostility, activism and fight against the system. these families with justification 1932 with UN help

this race has been killing innocent people in iran for 40 years, and abroad they are sitting next to israel UNO europe america and saying: we want to know who is protesting and who has the potential to stop it

what is valuable in these families in iran and outside iran is the criminal and murderer genes. 120,000 people murdered in iran. 120,000. this is the valuable gene for europe UNO america and other countries. victimizing rana farahani and my mother without empathy.

in this race and body in UNO, amnesty international, vienna, berlin EU, america iran turkey, no matter where is nothing inside, evolution killer race like 5000 UNO city employees, international evolution origin

the analysis and correct behavior is gene archaeology, we have always been human you are new

who are these analyzes and reports for? for god gene carriers? or satanism? for religion and ritual freedom

fact is: UNO vienna say: you can do whatever you want with gott gene from iran. we have the iranian government behind us

علی پاکی و رحیم هندی

حاجی امروز هوس تمبر هندی کردم، اومدم بخرم دیدم شکرش زیاده، قندمون میزنه بالا، خلاصه اومدم خونه شروع کردم خیارشور خوردن بجاش. یاد این آلبوم افتادم: این جنگ هندی ها با عراق کی شروع شد؟چرا شروع شد؟ ول کن نیستن حاجی، با ما هم 24 ساله جنگ دارند و میگن: عربی، جهودی، ارمنی هستی، ژن خر داری، ژن خدا پرستی داری، ژن کاکو سیاه و آذری داری، چیکار کردی با این مملکت تو!؟ اینا کیان دیگه!؟ اینم شد رفیق حاجی!؟ رفیقای شمان دیگه

Montag, 4. Juli 2022

second world war was therefore possible: in 1920 the secret society knew that 500,000 women and 150,000 jews volunteer. for global event and network, because of god genes

science is a facade, a veil, an excuse, for hundreds of thousands of years aliens have wanted to erase god's creation, god genes. There are millions of artifacts as proof and my smoke

there is a pdf file, this man presents himself as a biologist and scientist. my question is: what do you care about my spirituality and connection? wasn't nazi experiments enough? who are you monkeys anyway? who are you monkeys? what the fuck is wrong with you and your secret cameras?

austrians don't treat god genes as full citizens, names of the vmat2 carriers are published in secret networks so that the second world war is repeated in a way that the injection in a hospital becomes a relief, death by injection and the end of poverty and isolation.

SPÖ heinrich gross fascism has secret chatrooms and courses on how to condemn god genes, pull them down and kill them

Das Buch wurde von der populären Presse stark behandelt, einschließlich eines Artikels im Time Magazine, der auf dem Cover des Magazins erschien ( Kluger et al. , 2004 blaues nach rechts zeigendes Dreieck ). In seinem Buch behauptet Hamer, dass die Veranlagung zur Spiritualität durch genetische Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Kontroverser schlägt er vor, dass der VMAT2Gen ist eines von vielen potenziellen Genen, die sich auf die Spiritualität auswirken. Hamer identifiziert eine bestimmte Variation, eine Änderung von A zu C, die in 28 % der Allele in seinem Datensatz vorhanden ist, als Marker für die „spirituellere“ Version dieses Gens. Diese Arbeit wurde nicht in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift veröffentlicht.

VMAT2 codiert ein Transporterprotein, das mehrere Monoamin-Neurotransmitter in Vesikel im Gehirn importiert (Übersicht in Zheng et al. , 2006 blaues nach rechts zeigendes Dreieck ). Daher könnte eine Veränderung des Transporters möglicherweise die Spiegel mehrerer Arten von Neurotransmittern beeinflussen, was zu einer veränderten Gehirnfunktion führt.

آقا دقیقه 15:30، ما چربی با آب حوض آب کردیم، این تکامل یافتگی هم یه چیزی تو گوشمون آواز میخونه ما عمل میکنیم. شما جلادین خانوم دکتر، مگه خدا سادیسم داره رنج بده!؟ آزاده با باباش سادیسم داره، آخوند سادیسم داره، اتریش سادیسم داره. عجیبه ها

بفرما، حاجی خانم دکتر داره، میگه بلدی؟ بلدم؟ من کی هستم؟ نزنی به شرفم، نگی بیشرفم، منی که بلدم

ayatullah and mullahs never lied about supernatural, the lie is only: emam zaman is coming because of us!, no he comes for me and because of us, genetically, racially, ethnically. that's the truth

what do you think that is you judge asshole? I attended the vmat2 school for that, which means sleeping 2 hours longer, you get up and have to rest for 3 hours after sleeping, the journey is not easy, the way to the university and the journey is long. michael häupl's demon and ali and azadeh

this business was 8 years of work in the family business, working without salary and gaining experience like in a university. effort, books, study, practical work. fucking aryan race austria

that was yesterday as today with this indo-persian aryan race the problem: why do you torture and kill!? aryan race: i am human and i need 6 houses

emam ali time sasanian plate, we ordered emam ali to persia because of alien, with salman as a pioneer, today is also the time again with emam zaman. vmat mass murders iran

i am an old persian, with alien knowledge. this approach is women's sophistication and instinct, in mojtaba khamenei lives a woman's spirit and not a man. he's gay, soleymani knew that too, that's a woman and not a man

both career plans ruined because 0815 women 3rd generation of child killers are anti vmat2 psychopaths and sick. Austria with its women is a danger to the world because human, vmat2 human

everything that was done to my sister is vmat2 hate and fascism, from active fascism iran and vienna. all viennese parties police, judges, and officials are involved, mainly because of vmat, race, and ethnic origin

this is also a cooperation viennese iranian, ayatollahs hezbollah vienna women police secret services and government, millions deal in torture and live cameras. rana is an example, vienna is silent

What austrian women and the government did with rana farahani is fascism because of race and ethnicity

آقا ما با 47 سالگی جنده و سلیطه بازی داریم در میاریم، اصغر فرهادی نشسته تهرون میگه: هیچی نگید ها، فقط یاد بگیرید آدم چه جوری جنده سلیطه میشه، چیزی نگید ها، فقط جنده سلیطه ببینید آدم چجوری میشه. عکس امروز