Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022

ladies and gentlemen hints from antonio campi, to a town with a hill where vmat2 is crucified en masse

why does a neutral austria buy eurofighter for 18 billion euros? jörg haider also asked himself too!? waiting for the white horses on the kahlenberg?. ahirmanism wants to shoot down the white-clad riders in the air

this viennese denial psychopathy against god gene has finally found tehran, after 80 years, for holocaust denial, with millions of euros from the stasi system pot of my family 1998-2006. Iranian secret service was busy with Austrian constitutional agents in 2002. denial psychopathy

look at the judges judgments in iran, turkey, america and EU: God genes gets threefold penalty than evolution, test yourself on genes and DNA., judges collective in vienna have dropped all the curtains: evolution gets criminal protection and a guarantee of impunity for 130 human rights violations

in 2004 i was often in ali gharib's cortez, the terrorist, i ordered: one shot from the left bottle, then the second from the left, now the middle one, and now a lemon orange and lime shot, I have garlic with me. I'll kill myself if I want, not you

yeah baby

I don't need a lot to feel satisfied
I just close my eyes let my thoughts run wild
Bit expecting way to much reaching out to far
A summer breeze let it touch my skin wash away all the cold from my flesh and my bones
I'm along with the birds that sing let their song lift me up, song lift me up
I'm just sitting in the morning sunshine waiting for my life to turn right
And I'm just waiting for love love love love
I'm just sitting in the morning sunshine waiting for my life to turn right
And I'm just waiting for love love love love
I'm just waiting for love Yeah
I'm just waiting for that special one
So take me by the hand, take away my thoughts
Uncomplicated love that kind that will lift me up

viennese stone: well 40 days on foot with a couple of donkeys with black sara is believable

history repeats itself: rich monkeys advise azadeh amiri to buy a villa on the french coast. she is idiotic as magdalena.

i have the thesis: jesus ascended to heaven on kahlenberg

The Adversaries: The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Their Followers

“I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army” (Revelation 19:19).

The Antichrist will unite the world during the Tribulation. Those who bear his mark and worship him will join his army to battle against the Lord. Evil will make its final stand against the Lord and all that is good.

psychopathic anti god gene mafia vienna

I had an apartment 10 minutes walk from the Vienna Opera, 80 m2. until 2013. the spö with michael häupl didn't manipulate the electricity meter and neither did the bills. a 4000 euro bill for 80 m2 is therefore: i didn't want to have any energy stones at home back then, i stuck my finger in the socket like a small company and got energy. my consumption is enormous

two stones. the third genetic eye from the apostle and the prediction of the end of the world. gate for pure beings and the journey

this is the truth: where would the three fake world religions be without the ancient race, persians and greeks!? children perses, perseus and andromeda? where are my spaceships? they only fly with my left hand, atlantis genes

Montag, 11. Juli 2022

genetic enmity israel, austria america iran and EU, melchior genes. my grandfather, native iran, and descent vienna europe, also father of juden race.in america, the pigs killed tara after graduating from university, at 29.the pigs want to kill my mother and sister and me with lynching


israel hands out prizes for international ahirmanism, vienna wants to wipe out god genes internationally, for this, politicians in vienna get high, good working positions in israel, just with one statement: only we were and are a race, otherwise there are no chosen ones,
genes and dna were stolen from us, all other religions and even ahura mazda are fictional and imaginative

دو سنگ

آقا دوربین بهتر نداریم، ولی این دو سنگ نشان دهنده این است: این گاو خوشبین به آینده همه ما هارو چجوری میخواد بکشه ما نفهمیدیم

This apostle has a meaning with another position, 23 years

when i bought these pieces, i saw these positions, i do not find the light for the apostle and the cursed one, it takes days

آقا جان آقا جان، ما این کاشی کوردیستان را هی نیگاه میکنیم 20 ساله، کورد کوردیستان کرم از کجا رفته تو، آخه مگه تو کون عقاب کرم میرود تو، تو کوردی یا کورد نیستی، ده آخه کورد کوردیستان رژیم و دولت اتریش کوسکیش شکاریه، تو دیگه به ما چکار داشتی، کاک کورش رو هم که قبول نداری، خیرنبینی کورد

fucking world

do you know what the parasitic behavior is? this is what the artifact says:
if i had stuck a knife in her stomach, 2016, she would die with crying spasms in her throat, today there would be no crying spasms in her throat but: my life has principle and order, i bought several houses, everything done, he ends up in prison like it should be, he has nothing and no real estate, asshole. I can die now, I'm content, everything is settled. how many houses are there? ahhh 5. ok all right, bye fucking world

what feminism has in its gut and also moves in human rights activist costumes in amnesty international and the UN or in hospitals is anunnaki parasites. why do dozens of microbiologists die more every year!? why do you think? anti-feminist movement? it says: our parasites are nobody's business, it's the second brain in our stomach

this report points fingers at leftists in iran outside iran, the perpetrators, and european and american leftists and at the UN. anti vmat2 fascism and movements

UNO BASTARDS VIENNA... it's all about iranian god genes, because no other government is willing to sell its citizens like the islamic republic of iran, the three of us were born in tehran and victims of UNO city anti god gene program

I received the stones I bought from the online auction today, it reminds me why I'm sitting at home alone

viennese police and secret services sent fake material with my name to every corner of the world in networks and tagged me for stalking, persecution, because of children, family, work, capital and to murder me, all because of gene dna

my photos are all taken with a tablet, unedited and raw, for one purpose: what happened in history nobody was interested in, but the reason for torture and mass murder is because of what has been in prehistory and genes and dna

green party and leftists earned dirty money with a good gene family, today it says: we pull pistols if there is evidence

it's all about iranian god genes, because no other government is willing to sell its citizens like the islamic republic of iran, the three of us were born in tehran

vienna is new rome in europe

Viennese judges report in chat rooms and networks: our economy cannot function without black magic stasi torture and murder system, not without black money. this is a lie, this is mass murder sign vmat2. and excessive claims by officials for luxury living. luxury life of officials

green party and leftists earned dirty money with a good gene family, today it says: we pull pistols if there is evidence

which is taboo: persia fought in vienna against rome, with other tribes from scandinavian tribes. against SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ GREEN party AND LEFTISTS, anti god genes and race tribes