Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022

I've been getting up at 9 for some time now, not at six anymore, the reason is: I eat 8 pieces of garlic instead of two, the blood pressure makes me a motionless body. I made 6 hours of sleep into 9 hours. last night it was quiet until 7 a.m. when the connection was up. it showed me a black destiny in vienna, also concerning my mother and sister. if nothing happens

herr richter, wollen haben. at hat für wollen haben affen viele steine zu verkaufen alles wollen haben affen oing oing oing dort gehen zu wollen haben. at kaufen

Werdet Durchquerende!» [42. Spruch des Thomas-Evangeliums]. Die erlöste Seele ist im Weltall frei in der Wahl des Ortes ihrer weiteren Existenz.

multi-dimensional movement was also mazdak, which concerned the darkness and the light

he ho hi


دست از آن ماست گر دست فلک بالاترست

گرچه خاکستر بود برتر، مقدم اخگرست

در نظرها اعتبار کس بقدر نفع اوست

عزت هر نخل در بستان بمقدار برست

65% of iranian society was vmat2 from the 6th century, almost 98% of poets like saeb kalim hafiz and hundreds of others. the depth is two-edged blade, multi-dimensional movement, like emam ali's sword. almost all were in ahrimanic target intrigue like hafiz

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2022

کوسخل هم زیاد داشتیم، ناگفته نماند یکیش صائب تبریزی، عکس دیروز

ای دل ز اوضاع جهان بیگانه شو بیگانه شو

با آن نگار خانگی همخانه شو همخانه شو

از اهل دنیا نیستی در فکر عقبی نیستی

دست از دو عالم برفشان دیوانه شو دیوانه شو

یک چند در خواب گران بردی بسر چون غافلان

چندی دگر در عاشقی افسانه شو افسانه شو

از دیده هر روشنی در غیب باشد روزنی

هر جا به شمعی برخوری پروانه شو پروانه شو

آن گنج با شمع گهر ویرانه جوید در بدر

تا جهد داری ای پسر ویرانه شو ویرانه شو

خواهی ز دست یکدگر گیرند میخواران ترا

دست از گرانجانی بشو پیمانه شو پیمانه شو

از هوشیاری نقل پا سد سکندر می شود

چون سیل در راه طلب مستانه شو مستانه شو

تا در حریم زلف او گستاخ گردی همچو بو

با صدزبان در خامشی چون شانه شو چون شانه شو

در پله دیوانگی فرش است سنگ کودکان

مرد ملامت نیستی فرزانه شو فرزانه شو

خود را نسوزی پاک اگر از عیب خود را پاک کن

دریا چو نتوانی شدن دردانه شو دردانه شو

شبنم ز راه نیستی با مهر تابان شد یکی

جان را به جانان برفشان جانانه شو جانانه شو

از عارف رومی شنو گر حرف صائب نشنوی

حیلت رها کن عاشقا دیوانه شو دیوانه شو

alfred kubin's message: you ended up on a beach where the screaming only gets attention and that attention is:..... what have we done!? are you sure!? are you normal? aren't you the crazy one?

these are the deeply believing ahrimanists and immigrants in iranian villages: kill our children grandchildren and all of us we were always rich people. we torture as rich people, we kill as rich people. ahrimanic capital psychopathy soroor shams. 1200 euros salary and rahim 1800 euros salary

one says i am muslim one says i am christian, another says i am jew and all churches, synagogues and mosques want to kill innocent vmat2 because of money

god is not for monkeys evolution and jesus never loved monkeys evolution either, you are of perverse origin that also shows your racist and fascist behavior, the same applies to islam and judaism. evolution is not a religion race or god's creation

today i say: everything about monkeys origin in austria and tehran, monkeys friendship and society. i am old, you are new. I am not of animal origin, i am elam and luristan, you evolution

in 2011 i wanted to sell this carpet, i thought with 8000 euros i can start again. the price was dealer price. Internationally, none of the old network moved. nobody wanted it. it became clear to me: it's the police and vienna's secret services with ayatullahs. I've been damaged since 2002. international

حاجی خط خون سیدی ها، اگر تونستی 20 تا صورت عوض کنی، عکس امروز

the greatest danger for iran was austrian genetic engineering, a 25,000 large ayatullah family must find out, 95 percent of you are not seyyeds but evolutionary origin

دایی ما رو هم زنده نگه نداشتند سر خواهرش، کمی امروز با هم فلسفه بچینیم، به کوس ننت ظالم


بند از زنجیر نتوان کرد دل وارسته را

می‌تواند زد به عالم پشت پای بسته را

تشنه یک آرزو از همت والا نه ایم

خاک هم آبست دست از آب حیوان شسته را

تا توانی ناتوانان را بچشم کم مبین

یاری یک رشته جمعیت دهد گلدسته را

رحمت حق را هر آن عارف که بشناسد درست

داند اجری نیست چندان توبه بشکسته را

هیچگه راه جدائی در میانشان وا نشد

دوست دارم الفت آن ابروی پیوسته را

ای دل اندر بزم او بر زاری از حد می بری

یادگیر از شمع آنجا گریه آهسته را

خنده بدمستی است، در ایام او هشیار باش

محتسب بو می کند اینجا دهان بسته را

مینهم در زیر پای فکر کرسی از سپهر

تا بکف می آورم یک معنی برجسته را

کس بجز ساغر تلاش ما نمی فهمد، کلیم

شعر فهمان جمله صیادند صید بسته را

A monkey evolution origin family lives on a high tree and says: I don't want to see any human below. upper class evolutionary fascism and anti god genes movement

everything that the UN and amnesty international propagate and establish worldwide: evolution as a criminal and offenders is human with human rights, creation as a victim is not a human and without human rights

Do you understand? the whole world is not in evolutionary fascism, only officials, international agency officials, and human rights activists are genetically sorted and selected. collective fascism in UNO and amensty is proof against mother and daughter

I can pull out movie characters with 400 smoke photos and write a fantasy and sci-fi movie screenplay. you can not do that. where is your problem since 20 years!?

ich verstehe das nicht, ihr seid evolution, politiker und netzwerke, parteien, polizei und geheimdienste, die richter sind affenherkunft. wir sind mensch, wo liegt das problem? was wollt ihr? was ist mit euch?

like in 1920, many lived withdrawn and didn't want to have anything to do with anyone, see today vienna and berlin are still crazy, worse than roman times, more murderous than 1938

the waves and transmitter and receiver model was different, what rome was yesterday is vienna with stasi system today.

atheism says the world is a desert, nothing more than that what you see. but the hissing makes the desert restless, and this snake what i pull out is something different, soon

in österreich ist résumé a fremdwort, deshoilb ist oills wos i moach a gemüse. arschlöcher

I like coded novels the most. will i be 200 years old in vienna? because snake bites in vienna are more poisonous than the cobra in the desert

with 500,000 euros of equipment, 3 steps from me cost 60,000 to 150,000 euros per month, and mayors in austria are worth: 1900 to 15,000 euros gross per month. I could have earned 15,000 with world art from 2002 onwards

Austria has distributed dozens of millions of euros internationally, to the UN and Amnesty International and international authorities, just for one satisfaction: you are unimportant and not human. I only paid 30 euros for these stones: you are not human

there is only one case where austrians and many germans forget everything human in themselves and are no longer human: when they find out that you are a human or let's say: the special human being. today they will find you in laboratories. this psychopathy never rests: monkey evolution and ancient human

you understand, erich siegfried has been waiting for me to leave the country for 5 years so that he can find me outside of austria or europe. it shouldn't look like domestic fascism