Freitag, 15. Juli 2022

gypsies like ali and hussein gharib, gypsies like rahim amiri and shams family's, other families and tribes are killing children, fourteen year old kids who are on the streets and we have the right to armed defense, america/CIA/NSA and UNO say: you are terrorists ali and hussein and rahim amiri decent ones persons

bloody asshole america and UNO, dirty mother fucker animal americans and UNO. god gene hunter and mass murder

After murdering Judge Moghaddasi, Majid Kavousifar escaped from Iran to United Arab Emirates and went to the United States embassy to apply for refugee status. Instead, the embassy surrendered him to Emirati police, and the UAE extradited Kavousifar to Iran in 2006.[5]

in iran the judges kill because of vodka, and in vienna with UNO city because of mineral water with (H2CO3). both are based on god genes

خارکوسده ها، اونجا سر عرق سگی دار میزنن اینجا سر آب معدنی میکشن، جر یان اینه مادر جنده

in vienna the judges are dirtier than in iran, mass murderers with international anti-race and god genes networks with financial projects and human trade

i loved this young man for judge murder, my criticism after his death was why only one judge, you had more potential, why not 23? he laughed and he closed the gate

ali khamenei and mojtaba khamenei ahmadinejad have all western networks under control because of regime opponents, even israeli and american. the reason is. inferior primitive monkeys network society that hates empathy, deep belief in freedom and peace and honest political activism, empathy

dealing in antiques and antique textiles is a complicated business, a science and it takes ten years of experience, monkey potential, 1200 policeman and 4000 euros judges say with 1800 rahim and 1500 euros salary azadeh and 1300 salary ali what!? we are potential? that we are higher? no UN says: international monkey violence and state violence against god genes

du haunsau drecksau scheiß affenland hast du nicht genug ruiniert und getötet du scheiß minderwertige blonde drecksau affe, du huansau österreicher, du scheißdreck

i say i have 38 projects to earn money, inferior iranians say we have austria behind us as a power to burn god gene every year to earn money

in many countries like america, the death penalty is for the people who earn money and then the criminals secretly kill the victims, with burglary, intrigue, syndicate, mafia formation, here it is about: politicians police judges and secret service god genes genocide mafia

everyone who claims that we build houses with iranian god gene stasi system and vmat2 torture must be executed immediately, lawlessness prevails in europe, america, iran and turkey. this is racial annihilation and forced sterilization, genocide

چپ همیشه درایران به این معنا بوده: مزدک! یعنی خدا شاه میهن. شاه که نباشه و دگر هم خواهد نبود میشه همین کوس شعر امروز، لنگه پاچه مارو میفروشن و میگن: خل ها شاشخالیان و از سال 57 به اینور به همه چی ریدن

نژاد هخامنشی بودن قانون داره حاجی، به جنده هات بگو اگر واسه حفره میمون کوچیکه خوب بیا از پهنا بذار دهنت خارکوسده، والا بخدا

what this psychopathy did in iran from the 15th century: england europe and austria transported underdeveloped evolution to iran for one purpose: you are evolution we are human. who am I? crossing elam and luristan, azerbaijan?

i can show you where the creation is buried for more than 500,000 years with high technology in vienna and what this aryan and indo aryan race was as an evolution: pets and workers for humans

BASTARD ANIMAL NAZI SPÖ/ÖVP, DIRTY EVOLUTION ARYAN RACE.... this is the result of clandestine aryan archaeology, the reason for psychotic depression and criminal behavior of the aryan race: we were humane, you are not. what the Indo-Aryan race in Iran has been doing for 40 years. also in vienna with indo-arian networks, rahim, azadeh, ali and toudeh and aksariat party. secret camera business

jo babe, nach 130 menschenrechtsverletzungen, auch in facebook

my life has a value with 38 projects, so i will live long, what about small minds michael häupl, politicians from vienna and others. they die soon without meaning. franz vranitzky, schüssel, faymann, gusi, kurz, and others, sorros. what did your lives mean!? Nothing, fascism and anti human politics.

it takes a person 350 years of practice to walk on water and 500 years to let black stones fly. in teymoor's time, lurs lived to be 200 or older, what came after was genetic manipulation, rapid aging

i can show you where the creation is buried for more than 500,000 years with high technology in vienna and what this aryan and indo aryan race was as an evolution: pets and workers for humans

this is the result of clandestine aryan archaeology, the reason for psychotic depression and criminal behavior of the aryan race: we were humane, you are not. what the Indo-Aryan race in Iran has been doing for 40 years. also in vienna with indo-arian networks, rahim, azadeh, ali and toudeh and aksariat party. secret camera business

i can show you where the creation is buried for more than 500,000 years with high technology in vienna and what this aryan and indo aryan race was as an evolution: pets and workers for humans

there has been a secret policy for 25 years, and the power of persuasion has been very successful. government secret services, 1% elite cause a deep crater between mankind with secret gene databases: you are genetically this here and the others are that. the consequences are psychopathy depression, and murderousness, genocide like in iran. criminals like farah diba, reza, pahlavi, iranian opposition, ali khamenei and millions of others

secret filming means psychological flogging, psychological flogging means depression, stress, panic, psychosis, weakening of the immune system and physical damage, illness, death. That's why there are laws for a minute, 2 years imprisonment and damages

what the second district has been doing to us for 20 years, the iranian regime has been doing to iran for 40 years. larijanis are with balkan gypsy family gharib, hussein gharib partners in SINA farm, trading company between vienna and tehran, hussein has contracts because of us, between 2nd district and larijanis and mojtaba khamanei

if the larijanis brothers registered their place of residence in vienna's 2nd district, they would get kosher meat with a 50% discount, do you know why!?

in iran millions are tortured, by jews and gypsy government mostly from the balkans and europe, for what they are not, in europe the blond evolution promotes murder and torture for what they are not. middle east is ruined for what america/israel is rare, or isn't at all

secret filming means psychological flogging, psychological flogging means depression, stress, panic, psychosis, weakening of the immune system and physical damage, illness, death. That's why there are laws for a minute, 2 years imprisonment and damages