Sonntag, 17. Juli 2022

vmat2 massacre: who wanted to liberate iran? iranian leftists? MEK? reza pahlavi? hekmatists? MONARCHISTS? liberating iran works only if you walk over the corpses of europe, vienna and america/israel. that's the truth. vmat2 massacre with bastard european aryan race, it's all about gene and race

Austrian state had been monitoring my political activism and my business and private life since 2001. It spied and threatened all social contacts and bought them, answer or no answer!?

i love yellow and red, that always generates antipathy, do you see the zionist simone dinah hartmann on the corner below? My 2002-2010 activism was a thorn in the Israeli eye, after which I wrote in 2006: Why is Israel selling chemical weapons to Ayatullah's? Venue Vienna

vienna security police were like in 1932 in my shop and business not only in my apartment

ich bin in lebensgefahr wegen diese familie und wegen 15 illegale immobilien häuser, das geld verdient durch internationale hass kampagne, einstweilige verfügung gegen meine person!?

emam ali came to iran and put his two bladed sword in cunt of rahim's and soroor's mother, since safaviden dynasty he and she are back with the tribes, heyvanat without empathy and with ahrimanic finance plan pyramid system. vmat2 trade

this color was left in the 14th district, future vision of god genes. this ya ali is a million years old, remember that

چوب بستنی عنی آمریکایی لیس بزن خارکوسده

I have no 38 projects and no 24 inventions, 2200 euros salary Himmler child superhuman secret service agent is right. arische bastard drecksau österreicher, himmler huankind bastardrasse

the viennese secretly and illegally look for genes in the bodies of citizens, and then they compare what they themselves don't have in their bodies, and then they start war with the target.

national socialism was 80% austria, the action against my family too, just complex, feeling of inferiority and subhuman evolution: why you genes and creation, and i'm empty and a bastard


دل در غم آن سرکش جاهل چه کند

بیحوصله با عقده مشکل چه کند

خواهد که ززلف نشنود ناله دل

آواز بشب دور رود دل چه کند

ali gharib tribes, rahim amiri and shams tribes, dozens of other tribes specialize in robbery looting and murder. Aryan relatives in Iran. this anomaly in the brain of azadeh and rahim is from this monkey, until today an animal. murderer and looter

75% österreichieche huren sind futlappen tiere, evolution, millionen menschen sterben dafür, wegen futlappe, ein tier und evolution. millionen menschen starben wegen futlappe, evolution futlappe

this here became human in vienna, hans, franz, michaela, veronika, and kills masses in iran with its fellows, also in vienna with my family it is a monkey ritual. these brains have had anomalies since primeval times, murder, chain murder and human torture

wiener töchter und mütter haben tatsächlich ein problem, besonders die oberschicht, futlappen tiere evolution, wiener frauen und töchter sind futlappen tiere, evolution. unbedeutend neumensch, scheißdreck, unbedeutend, affenherkunft

kiwara ich fick eure familien neben wega und cobra familien, vorher hole ich die beweise, dreckige affen nazis mit iranische faschismus

we have current fascism in iran in accordance with dirty meat and blood aryan viennese judges, politicians, police, secret services and networks, dirty meat and aryan blood against god genes., dirty animal, meat and blood............. drecksau arisch huansau arisch bastard arisch tiere, hurenkind österreicher, scheiß blut und fleisch

Vienna has to pull out all the evidence with the police, judges, public prosecutor and secret services in order to end this stasi system. without violence, escalation and murder. Viennese women only want to kill god genes families and block all offices

my mother has been divorced since 2002, she has company debts of 180,000 euros,What Viennese women have done with Nasser Farahani is not normal to this day

I took pictures with a tablet, but the landscape is Grimming Gate, we keep closing it repeatedly, the whore and fucking bastards keep opening it, apparently 500,000 anunnaki spirit whores isn't enough

one stone is from burgenland the other from second district augarten, adolf hitler and the nazi furies god gene genocide intrigue. 500,000 alien spirits

the national honor of austria is: we destroy god genes without punishment, since 1955 israel has been helping us

we ruin 3 shops of native iranians and raise the gypsy race in vienna cost you judges the lives and also of my relatives. underground organizations will hang you

kiwara ich fick eure familien neben wega und cobra familien, vorher hole ich die beweise, dreckige affen nazis mit iranische faschismus

this is a fake statistic, iran is not just tehran, iran is almost ethiopia. the aryan race, gypsies and foreigners were raised by corruption and crime like in vienna and native iranians live like in ethiopia

opportunity for 1918 genocide repeat with gypsies and indo-germanic race gives america, america. asghar licks shit on a stick, oskar from ass of americans and hollywood anti god gene whores

i got up 30 minutes ago and took pictures of myself, our national pride is genes, dna, light and water ritual, prehistory and evidence of it, and no club that america pulls out of its ass and says: you are strange, you are unique. asghar was born in 1972, i was born in 1975, but i will probably be nineteen in 2025. with old persian way of life

vienna is with the current fascist movement iran attempted murder, and prominent american assholes keep coming to vienna and saying: this is a god gene family from iran, who cares