Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022

for a million euros from ayatollah regime israel america austria he has confirmed all fake material as original. with a nazi whore. I have had no contact since 2002 and have blocked all telephones and emails

1968 to 1980, there were 2 million dirty creatures out of evolution hole cunt and out of 36 million. who collected more than 60,000. these animal scum tribes live in 3rd generation in vienna, from evolution animal hole

my tablet photo clicks are automatically saved to google gallery, all photos are original and raw

میگه:، ای تو که چاه جلوی پای من کندی، برو بخور چهار پرس چهار پرس در خیمه و نزد مرندی، به خیال این که مرد رندی

the stone is the gate to the spirit, ya ahura mazda iran

UNO and America are the killers until today, since the 80s until today: race killers, vmat2 killers

آقا مجتبی، نکنه تو هم!؟ جون من، تو هم!؟

آقا این دستگاه آتیش پاره ما جن داره، میگه یاقوت زرده. والا دنیا مارو دست گرفته اینم روش، میگه بگو گوهر عشق، همه ز یک گوهریم. من کچل بودم کلاه داشتم، والا، گوهر عشق، تو هم

Why have we been secretly filmed since 1998, you asshole origin

someone should teach this austrian and european: secret service, police, politicians, judges, european neanderthals: mass murder is monkey business, you evolution, you are apes origin and sick, with brain anomaly, invalid brain.

you are not fascism, antisemitism, racism and national socialists, only ape origin that gives itself political names and identity. We were always like that, anti-Semites and National Socialists, racism, fascism. xenophobia was not biological in us, it was understandable, it was historical, poetic, philosophical

these stones are in every forest and on every street corner in vienna, 80% of austrians have known about prehistory for ten centuries

wo war ein mädchen mit 13 politisch du scheiß kurt waldheim ÖVP, UNO TIER scheißdreck BASTARD ABSCHAUM, und heinrich gross SPÖ evolution bastard affe du huankind michi franz gusi werner und andere, fischer, SPÖ ABSCHAUM TIERE

someone should answer: why does an austrian come to iran as a UN employee in 1979 because of the "pahlavi crimes", but not between 1982 and 1988, because of 38,000 activists sentenced to death, but after the death of khomeini he travels to iran and lays flowers at the grave of khomeini:

the answer is: animal mafia, UNO, vienna, berlin, washington, Tel Aviv, cia/mossad, viennese secret services, collected the data between 1968 and 1980. genetic not political. 13 year old girls and boys.

i have genes and dna from prehistory time and say mass murder in iran, poverty and hunger, food gene manipulation is therefore, we are 20 million

prehistory and databases, stones and minerals

taboo topic prehistory in austria is ahrimanic fear, in vienna there existed a million society in prehistory, golden age, only ahrimanic forces have destroyed everything with gene manipulation of the monkeys, evidence lies in forests. World War I and World War II and today's behavior is the result of monkey gene manipulation

since 2002 i had 300 users and listeners every day, thousands a month. today I have millions

for a million euros from ayatollah regime israel america austria he has confirmed all fake material as original. with a nazi whore. I have had no contact since 2002 and have blocked all telephones and emails

the statement we like ahrimanic capital and we want to maintain this system, is not supported by a single law internationally and regionally, the only thing is: satanism says: we shit on seculraism and democracy and the rule of law.

karbala and secret life principles and rituals old race against shaytan/ahriman

ein gedicht: tablet camera, مرغ بهشتی and emam and ahriman

that was emam ali, hazrat abbas, emam hussein and the emam tribes, and aryan bastards have been putting a turban on their heads for 1000 years and saying: in karballa the women had eaten kebab kubideh and mahitche and abgusht, it stuck in their throats and the women needed gargle water, abbas wanted water bring from the well, and his hands were cut off


قوم و قبیله این حیوانات پرورش داده شده اند، بچه های این قوم و قبیله از بچگی یونیفورم کوسکشی و جاکشی و جندگی تنشان کرده اند، از جمله قبیله حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت. ایرانی نه جاکش بوده، نه جنده، نه کوسکش، اجنبی مادر قحبه، نظام جاکش، پفیوز.

1932 the demand for ahrimanic capital affected 80% of austrian society, 20% just looked on

This action proves Austria is a genetic garbage can, including the doctors, nurses, social workers and human rights activists, environmental activists, Christians. isolation torture and attempted murder of a family for money and ahrimanic capital

iran has aryan gypsy being history. jews and other ancient tribes were never gypsies as adolf claimed, aryan race was this: charlatans, plunderers, murderers and mass murderers torturers, genetic psychopathy, aryan race is genetic defect, invalid, with brain anomaly. because of monkey brain and evolution origin body., you can glean everything from persian poetry

در اصل به ضم اول و فتح لام لفظ عربی است . جمع زلفة بالضم که بمعنی پاره ٔ شب است و فارسیان عربی دان به تصرفات خود به سکون لام خوانند و مجازاً بمناسبت سیاهی اطلاق مشبه به مشبه به کرده موی مخصوص قریب گوش را زلف گفتند و صاحب کشف نیز نوشته که زلف جمع زلفة است و زلف پاره ٔ شب را گویند و بهمین مناسبت در فارسی موی مخصوص قریب گوش را زلف گویند، چرا که هر دو سیاه می باشند... و در سراج نوشته که ظاهراً لفظ زلف مخفف زلفین باشد که به ضم اول و کسر فا، بمعنی زنجیر است ، پس بجهت تشبیه بر موی صدغ اطلاق کنند... (غیاث ). گیسو، بسوته و آنچه از موی سر که بر

Montag, 18. Juli 2022

the 12 hours with pia, I mean "BIA" nobody has it, right!? the 7th hour is worth a million LOL, MI6 you!?

3 austrian secret services, iranian secret service, cia/nsa are in vmat2 stasi financial economy, what everyone besides mossad claim is: open the packet like matryoshka dolls, all empty, like in kgb times

felt hats, "kolah namadi" collected today in the 14th district, both lay next to each other in the river

آقا الان اومدم یه تیکه بندازم به سازمان اطلاعات امنیت ایران، بعد دیدم یکی الان رفت دستشویی کونش رو با آفتابه شست، گفتم آبکی نامردی نیست توش گذاشتن، ولی بیخیال، یاد پالتالک بخیر. آقا این چشم سوم هم کار دست آدم میده، کونه آبکی و آب در کون به ما چه آخه

ما که سوادی نداریم، ولی فرض میکنیم دشمن داریم


چون چرخ همیشه رسم تو طنازیست

کار تو همه فریب و صنعت بازیست

بس عهد ، که همچو زلف خود بشکستی

در مذهب تو عهد شکستن بازیست



در محنت ای زمانهٔ بی فریاد

دور از تو چنانم که بداندیش تو باد

در نسخه اصلی این بیت نوشته نشده


mirza taghi khan, farahani tribe can be proven with gene archeology in vienna, with purity 85% one is killed with exile politics, isolation and lynching calls from mosques