Samstag, 23. Juli 2022

I was 19 and falco asked me: have you already done coke? I said no, neither hashish. well, 4 years later: i'm leaving austria happy Birthday. My birthday is on February 18th, he's on the 19th. The funeral on the 14th was a bit too early

it was only about race and vmat2 never about jewish identity, vienna is inferior monkey blood, we creation, the artifacts in vienna prove that. fuck israel, fuck mossad

Am 1. Juli wurden alle Juden im Deutschen Reich unter Polizeirecht gestellt, so polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert und völlig entrechtet, ebenso wie ihre Helfer.[7] Am 24. August wurde Himmler zum Reichsinnenminister ernannt, so dass ihm alle Polizeikräfte im Reich und in den eroberten Gebieten unterstanden. Bis zum 19. Oktober sollte die „Aktion Reinhardt“ beendet und sollten drei der dazu eingerichteten Vernichtungslager aufgelöst werden.

Writing invoices, evaluating art, buying and selling in a free market economy is a science and a profession. austria is just dirty inferior monkeys fascism

the value of man is not taxes, work, housing, cleanliness, or fucking. the value of man is written in 500 books and hung on the bell in the international court of justice and UNO/amnesty international, the only thing is: only bad genes, fascism are selected as employees in all authorities.... مادر جنده های دزد اجنبی

the empire behind the eye

Manuscript number 9: why did america ban the rain dance!? everyone insults putin, and nobody asks why america forbids native american rain dancing. Bad tablet camera. shaman

Freitag, 22. Juli 2022

سرنخ طناب دار

چند هفته پیش دیدم یه دختره آلمانی داره به ما سرنخ میده، یک لحظه نگاه کردم، در آن یک  ثانیه هزار کلام گفتم، یک ثانیه هزار تصویر: زنیکه سرش عقیدتی میخواد بره لاپای بنده، بعدش هیچی دیگه، بعدش نه میشه کار کرد نه زندگی کرد نه از زندگی چیزی فهمید، خانوم سرش مدام لا پای بنده است همه چی هم معمول، چرا که مردم شهر رل عقیدتی بازی میکنند. میگه سرم رو لاپات میکنم مثل آزاده ولی نمیگذارم رل عقیدتی رو از مردم بگیری، نمیذارم، نمیذارم مردم رو از من بگیری! باید خودکشی کنی بعد از من. بعد از من بفهمی چرا و خودکشی کنی. مادرجنده سیاره این فرازمینی ها رو کی ما با بمب اتم منفجر کنیم خدا میدونه، والا در دروازه عنش یکسره به زمین گل و گشاد بازه، کوسکش جنده های روانی

Austrian becomes a socialist? Communist? social democrat? green environmentalist?, liberal? neoliberal? conservative? This blood and flesh is a fascist with a mass murder program mode, no matter what political color, this flesh and blood is sadistic fascism and human killer, the red ones are worse than others

Marx said: all proletariat should become one, there should be no talk of creation and evolution. few years later you saw in socialist romantic architecture, secret socialist satanic romanticism

that's why Marx said: boheme bourgeoisie is kharkosdeh, we say ice-cold capitalism, and these people say: we are warm pragmatists, instinctive and... mm LOL

for the position where i set up the stones i need a special camera, i have no money. i just wanted to show who i communicate with as a schizophrenic in magic magistrad. I live upstairs, there is a tree of life inside me and those below must come to me soon

the statement from austria is: we will not let ourselves be reduced, not because of prehistory and not because of 130 human rights violations. I've been living with these idiots since 1986

at the danube island festival, billions of such works of art are smashed every year, i have stopped collecting, i donate a few euros in aquarium shop for rescue. We were here

the fact that iranian gypsies enjoy impunity and are exempt from working hours and are supported in all actions with high technology is the result of a deep hatred behavior since and before herodot.. bought in an aquarium shop in vienna

آقا یک روز مست بودیم از این ساسان سوال کردیم: میرفطروس میگه شعوبیه گفته بودند هرودوتس کافر ولدزنایی بوده، مرتیکه قرمساق، یک دفعه غرش کرد: شعوبیه مگه آدم بودند!؟ بعد دیدم علی به اصغر چشمک میزنه اونم به ساسان: اینجوریاست، کی شما آدم بودید

the stories and statements of herodot, a drunk alcoholic, were like this austria, insofar as he knew the prehistory, since 3000 years the traces have been blurred, especially with 500 years of rome

the mother fucker not only knows poetry, but also rock art from elam before alexander's time, 7000 B.C. can also be found in vienna

شاخه و پیوند

شاخه درخت

شاعر ارژنگ زرگوش

من همان شاخه درختم

که با شاخه دیگر

پیوند خوردم

به امید یک محصول

خوب وشیرین


که میوهایمان


و کرم حاصل از آن

میخورد برگهای سبز

وتنه ام را

مشکل از آب و هوا


سهل انگاری از،

باغبان است ...

islam is old insofar as i have thesis that the prophet muhammed has become older than noah, like some in luristan and elam.

islam is old in vienna

وَ جَعَلْنا مِنْ بَینِ أَیدیهِمْ سَدًّا وَ مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَأَغْشَیناهُمْ فَهُمْ لا یبْصِرُون


إِلاَّ تَنْصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللَّهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذینَ کفَرُوا ثانِی اثْنَینِ إِذْ هُما فِی الْغارِ إِذْ یقُولُ لِصاحِبِهِ لا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنا فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ سَکینَتَهُ عَلَیهِ وَ أَیدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَمْ تَرَوْها وَ جَعَلَ کلِمَةَ الَّذینَ کفَرُوا السُّفْلی وَ کلِمَةُ اللَّهِ هِی الْعُلْیا وَ اللَّهُ عَزیزٌ حَکیمٌ

this is a screenplay from prehistory in vienna, islam is old

وَ إِذْ یمْکرُ بِک الَّذینَ کفَرُوا لِیثْبِتُوک أَوْ یقْتُلُوک أَوْ یخْرِجُوک وَ یمْکرُونَ وَ یمْکرُ اللَّهُ وَ اللَّهُ خَیرُ الْماکرین

iranian cinema is my cock because i can write 3 screenplays a month, each worth 4 oscars. I a vmat2 god child, job number 7

iranian art, cinema and music society has owing to success become anti vmat2 movement, alongside ali khamenei and his followers like iranian celebrities ali dai and asghar farhadi. international networks with celebrities help for the reputation of this movement, like angelina julie and half hollywood


آقا جریان امام نقی میدونید چی بود!؟

torture and terror antisemitism, fascism, minority persecution, war, psychological war is not because of religious identity, but gene dna, left hand and metaphysics. i am under stasi terror, poverty, torture, corporal punishment, sex deprivation, and permanent street theater, in a 1.5 million city

international hate campaign was:, police ruined my business with politicians and officials who earned millions for vmat torture and NS repeat with ahmadninejad, mojtaba khamenei 2003-2006. apparently with terrorist mansour farahani since that time, my oncle and stasi agent