Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022

inherited vmat2 instinct deer and mother of god mary race

wer klopft an die tür herr richter!? bei ihnen auch?

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists

yeah bob marley, it was never possible to buy a harley, because i'm genetically very rarely

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air
If you listen carefully now you will hear
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last
Many more will have to suffer
Many more will have to die
Don't ask me why
Things are not the way they used to be
I won't tell no lie
One and all have to face reality now
'Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask
Yet we know it's impossible to go livin' through the past
Don't tell no lie


believe him, it's not a lie... There's a natural mystic blowing through the air

yeah baby

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air
If you listen carefully now you will hear
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last
Many more will have to suffer
Many more will have to die
Don't ask me why
Things are not the way they used to be
I won't tell no lie
One and all have to face reality now
'Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask
Yet we know it's impossible to go livin' through the past
Don't tell no lie
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air
I can't tell no lie
If you listen carefully now you will hear
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air
Such a natural mystic
Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask
Yet we know it's impossible to go living through the past
Don't tell no lie
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air
I can't keep them down
If you listen carefully now you will hear
Cause there's a natural mystic blowing through the air

sunshine sunshine reggae, good morning baby, photo today,

as an old gene and race i am not only confronted with austrofascism, but also with financial projects MOSSAD CIA, NSA, MI6, turkish and iranian secret services, with connection to amnesty international, UNO and international court of justice. vmat2 billion business

Actually, the lower stone should be photographed with these light positions, I lack a studio and equipment., ahura mazdan ethnic origin austria, the time before ice age

kebab ali accountant rahim, fake titles azadeh are nothing, zero, not 5 minutes of dialogue and discussion, but the instinct needs bit-part actor. with simple propaganda logic: work, taxes, house, cleanliness

thinking and acting instinctively is different with evolution: these are good and quiet peaceful people, we can kill. so k.u.k vienna gave verbal orders to hang 48,000 families in the first 3 months of the first world war, instinct: we are at war and can act freely.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2022

ethnology is a science to suppress science dictatorship, instead of sending the message to iran: you are indigenous people from vienna, you send a family with naked clips and pornography to iran with the statement: you are inferior and we are only aryan law and justice. with the support of european balkans and romanians iranians

شنبه شبه، رفتیم تو ماتریکس ابی. یک سنگ هم گذاشتیم رو پیشونی، قبله ما گمشدنی نیست حاجی

the american police know: if the ayatullahs kill me here, nobody will bend down to pick up my dead body. this is because the austrian government: our people are not worth less than hezbollah and ayatollahs, if we allow ayatollahs to earn millions through terror why not our people. fuck you with CIA BASTARDS

or chakra opening?

tablet photo today, is that testicle massage, spiritual sex, or sperm amplification through oversized energy?

the photo cannot be stolen because it is a part of the whole photo

what rome did to him, europe and vienna have been doing to his tribe for centuries, today in iran for example. one only has to be worthy of an eagle, falcon, buzzard, to go up, to soar

jesus my lord and king, emam ali will come later

area 51 do you know your way around? one movement, one millisecond, one photo, and you can find a photo with 370 editing potential, eh? this is crazy, where is the millisecond there are hundreds of thousands of positions

photo with silver mirror, i took the photo just now with tablet, secondary millimeter calculation work, this pose is divine greek, death or life called the assembly? life is zeus and turns hera into a crooked fury

the most inferior europeans are these viennese, i was the youngest dealer at 24, at 26 i open my own shop with knowledge of world art, i was ruined with secret cameras from 2002 and this inferior bastard says we evaluate people according to their performance

the value of man is not taxes, work, housing, cleanliness, or fucking. the value of man is written in 500 books and hung on the bell in the international court of justice and UNO/amnesty international, the only thing is: only bad genes, fascism are selected as employees in all authorities

i put 85 bricks together and build a spaceship plan that the drive is still unknown, hollywood needs 150 years to reach these thoughts. can you do that you ape? pull secretly everything out, but it takes area 51 one hundred and fifty years to understand this propulsion system

creation is the mechanism of culture, music, architecture and everything else, the time before the ice age can be proven in vienna. these stones can be found at a depth of 40 meters. this shit was developed alongside humans, my bones dna and blood prove it. and today she says i am the master race, i have to live in abundance and prosperity through your ruin, with her american blonde monkey mother without empathy.

this american terrorism with israel and austria is a hundred times worse than 9/11 it includes the death of millions of vmat2/god genes and forced sterilization.... in the two buildings there were only animals. azadeh and arabella animals genetic

persian artifact and 40 years genocide with america, israel, europe, turkey

the problem of international satanism america ayatollah regime europe turkey is: my children 2nd generation the grandchildren will become jesus christ/emam ali/ prophet muhammed tribe if the right genetic partner is selected. hence this international action with sex scenes

Am 1. Juli wurden alle Juden im Deutschen Reich unter Polizeirecht gestellt, so polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert und völlig entrechtet, ebenso wie ihre Helfer.[7] Am 24. August wurde Himmler zum Reichsinnenminister ernannt, so dass ihm alle Polizeikräfte im Reich und in den eroberten Gebieten unterstanden

Wendy Fenyves and her daughter Arabella are American, CIA agent and the mother-in-law and wife of Arash Amiri

The third world is starving and UNO city protects financial projects, Stasi financial projects from the established middle class and upper class in Europe and America, with vmat2 from third countries. in vienna there are americans with a pension of 6,000 to 12,000 euros with a capital of up to 3 million euros, UNO enables business with my families for more real estate for these families

shit protestant american church vienna is satanism and ahrimanism church. these animals are stationed in churches in vienna. american monkey animals