Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2022

if this country will not be punished because of fascism and terror then hundreds of terror attacks will become a right. you will only see animal bodies and animal corpses, rubbish that are not human

70 percent of viennese feminists have monkey brain mass, they can't stand five minute discussion with me for 20 years, only secret cameras and oppression make this monkey brain mass feel better. 30 percent discuss but show outrageous fascism with Aryan right arguments

i know 38 places where old bones are buried with dna, dig it all out and i will show you creation and monkey. stop killing masses, bastard evolution

das sind NS rechte du scheiß israeli: wir ruinieren und kaufen häuser, du scheiß evolution israeli du scheiß affenherkunft, du scheiß killeraffe aggression

i live in a society with a high proportion of feminism that says: our garbage can and two hanging garbage bags are the only most important thing, the satisfaction and ecstasy is the main topic.... that has to be addressed internationally. we need consumers

wiener huankinder, bastard arschlöcher: immobilien besitzen ohne arbeit

there are dozens of laws in vienna because of secret recordings of pornography and nude scenes, what vienna wants to say is that my family is worthless? I say Vienna and 65% israelis. evolution origin

this cock brought austrians houses and wealth. not 38 projects, 24 inventions and 16 jobs

in any case, I wasn't alone, there were 347 children besides meLOL

there are 147 iranian poems describing this event, also before suhrawardi

اینم از حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت مینالید

محتسب بر حذر از مستی سرشار منست

سنگ بگریزد از آن شیشه که دربار منست

آسمان مشتری جنس هنرها گردید

که دکان سوختنم گرمی بازار منست

از دهن غنچه صفت دست اگر بردارم

قفل دیگر ز حیا بر لب اظهار منست

گره گریه بتیغ از گلویم وا نشود

نخل ناکامیم و عقده غم بار منست

نزنم یکنفس خوش که تلافی نکند

بخت بد گرچه بخوابست خبردار منست

گرد از چهره من پاک بسیلی سازد

آنکه در بیکسی عشق تو غمخوار منست

از دل روشنم اسرار دو عالم پیداست

حیف ازین آینه کارایش دیوار منست

دخل بیجا همه جا در سخنم می آید

این مگس لازم شیرینی گفتار منست

شکوه از اختر طالع نتوان کرد کلیم

زینت بخت و گل تارک ادبار منست

adolf and his race in austria are under our cock and testicles, the world has this problem, adolf race is monkey origin race, we were always human

Do you understand.... the austrians try to put the children in an intellectual and political uniform from the age of 7, with their sick racial delusions. they try to stick on the master race brand with books, literature and school and university. the result is: evolution donkey with 20 cartoon books on his shoulders, but they can only buy houses with my cock

hate is because of monkey origin and human origin, then as now, monkey revolution with adolf. viennese stone, elam and others

a passport and a citizen from bangladesh means after one minute of police secret camera action 100,000 euros in damages, a passport from bangladesh, and vienna has been doing it since 1998, and nobody protests because of god genes and vmat2 in vienna, because these actions are supported by the CIA and america

there are foreign academics who have paid up to 500 euros for master's and doctoral theses, for text correction and grammar. was intellect bought? or just a parrot?

I was 25 and you were under my testicles with a salary of 1200-2400 euros

glaubst bist a mensch oder was!? a scheißdreck bist da her, a scheißdreck

there hasn't been a chakeram with me since 1986, just one thing: you're genetically below my testicles, that's why i'm alive to this day

the persian statement as in iranian literature and poetry: CHAERKAM, GHOLAMETAM, NOKARAM, means death in vienna, berlin and europe, this politeness is human, the animal understands it as a motive for murder: you are inferior according to your own statement. these are animals

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

the secret service agents 3 organizations press on the car pedals and drive to state office to state office, organization by organization and want to clear the way to end the action. a monkey collective salary from 1200 to 2400 euros. they don't lower their heads because of the NS repetition, they want to end it with gas chamber murder, mysterious murder! and CIA deletes social media traces of ali gharib amiris and thousands iranian.

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2022

ya dressed in green Mola has history in iran, independent of the 3 world religions. fuck off

عکس امروز بعد از خوردن خربزه و هندوانه، جون تو خیلی باارزشیم

iran is genetic wonder and value, israel and europe want to take this treasure chest away from us, we are the holy grail and the ark of the covenant

Even if I'm lonely at home as activist : why doesn't Austria send our artifacts from our ancestors to Iran? you are valuable leftovers from prehistory! ? pfui du huankind

when several iranian opposition parties received around 80 million dollars from the american senate in 2007, individual activists became non-human. This also applies to smaller parties with 4 people, if you get money someone like me will not be worth anything, not a valuable link in the fight against the regime.

my political actions in front of the embassy islamic government, some came but then everyone got paid for treason and i became koskesh. Kurdish Vienna

the old birth certificate means i never voted for the iranian government, i came to austria as a refugee child, and the austrian government sold my rights as a citizen to a government that i never voted for. i am still under the geneva refugee convention as a former refugee

آقا شناسنامه عوض نشده باشه، آخه مگه شرکت رنگرزی باز کنی واسه ما کارت میگیره؟ دیوونه، با اون انگشت های قلمی. عجب شرکتی، عجب شرکت هایی

Do you understand, azadeh has been screaming with aryan viennese whores for 5 years: "we have done nothing",so that i end up in jail, with arian viennese and iranian aryan whores. is it different in iran for 40 years!?

I had these toes in front of my face for 28 years, I'm glad that I've never traveled to Tehran since 1986 to find out who the others are and what intrigue they are, apparently the end of the line EVIN prison intrigue. I suppose enough in networks and chat rooms

austrians (especially nazi whores and the daughters, evolution animals) are the best friends of ayatullahs because they officially see 20 million iranians like the jews in 1932, for austria it didn't matter which religion and ambition. old race is jew


monkey, animal origin, you can't legally buy a house. because you lack intellect and intelligence, have you sold citizens for lack of intellect and intelligence!?