Freitag, 29. Juli 2022

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black stone, the third eye elam, cheshmeh ali and jesus, future visions, prophesy

christianity is based on the blood of jesus, it is science. plasma in old civilization body and blood means: continuous processing with electromagnetism and physics, metaphysics. jesus blood healed the blind and the sick

the hatred of israeli kos: jesus was science, mathematics, physics and medicine, jesus was god's child, a miracle and scientist., also his tribe and other tribes

Do you understand? anti-hiv medication can be made from my blood plasma, healing forever, because my blood and flesh is the salvation of mankind. i am old civilization race

It's as simple as the news and happened: woman infected 2500 people with hiv in luristan with a syringe needle, all villagers were treated with a single syringe, lack of syringes or lack of empathy!? if these people manage 2500 people in one day, then we can manage 2 million in two years, without an injection

i have been living away from all relatives and iran for 36 years, i wanted to go back with 100 armed men, assholes. it would be the end of the regime, 100 man army

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2022

in any case, the genetic race mixture in vienna was to blame for the fact that there are also colubian mafia cartels in iran

and in fact djinn and paris, ahriman and anunnakis spirits got a human face through evolution, bad tablet camera raw

خلاصه ذات ملکوتی حاجی. د بده

دل تا بخانه ای است که هر ساعتی در او
شمع خزانه ٔملکوت افکند ضیا

میگه علی و آزاده از آقا پذیرش گرفتند


heas ötzi, michi und franz, ghafie und radif ist das: kemoal der türk mochte des a amoal, aber für eam woar's ka moal, seit der 70er san ma a opfer, also kamoal wie kemoal, des ane g'schicht hait san ma zoam und also ka moal

i found the set of 8 magnetic stones today, i just have to find the right light and stone position, nice wave and energy

خلاصه رفتم امروز منطقه 14،بینم قافیه و ردیف بندی رو پیدا میکنیم یا نه، دیدم خودشه، میگه گوسفند در خواب بیند پنبه دانه، شتر هم از راه میرسد و میزند در کان ما دانه به دانه، ولی تا آن زمان ما نشستیم روی دم خود در این میخانه، خوابش رو ببینی زندگی لطیف را. کدوم دوربین، نور افکن، کدوم فناوری؟ کدوم شانس

azadeh amiri is romanian gypsy race, ali gharib is balkan zargari gypsy race and european and american fascism says: through illegality and murder we have to place the aryan romano race in a higher position as a native race, in iran and in vienna and europe

ناصر کیرم تو کوس فاشیست جندت، کونی، جاکش کونده رژیمی خارکوسده با محمود و عباس

the ideology of america/israel and europe is this: whoever (VMAT2) is against the regime and whoever (VMAT2) wants to fight, their life and existence belongs to the state, we decide for life or death like in the 80s until today

our life and existence was already ruined in 2002, with iranians that came to vienna after mass murder in the 80s, mostly tawabs, traitors, that helped with the murder of 38,000 political prisoners, how else can the regime kill 38,000 in a few weeks, except with rahim and his friends. and today for money with austrian state

our national pride says we are human, we are native iranian. we will kill you in the most horrible way, you are animals and we are not state property

european old fascism and the hatred is that: you are old race and human and we fascists are of ape origin bastard origin, scum origin, shity blood and meat

diese hure, diese hure, diese hure, veronika nazi weiss: ich blase beidl für judenmorde, ich lass mich sogar anal befriedigen für judenkinder morde

one becomes the target through dirty old fascism, a topical issue in europe. vienna police collected 150 million euros from international fascism because of our "jewish" bloodline

one becomes the target through dirty old fascism, a topical issue in europe. vienna police collected 150 million euros from international fascism because of our "jewish" bloodline

NASSER FARAHANI should be arrested in this stasi system for attempting to murder rana farahani, the goal he is aiming for is: to kill VMAT2 rana with hide evidence, because of the government's hundred million euro stasi pot

you will find iranian jewish businessmen, shops and jews iranian in various branches of the economy in all european cities, only not in vienna, i was found with secret blood tests and dna test

there is no telepathy what uneducated monkeys claim: he can read us is: he reads prophecies

اینم خلاصه روش،

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2022

کلیم 101

کمی مشتری جنس سخن خوار نیست

تحفه گرانقیمت است جوش خریدار نیست

دست قضا همچو شمع در چمن خوشدلی

گل بسری می زند کش غم دستار نیست

گاهی خاشاک سیل، گاه خس شعله باش

ساکن یک مرحله، سالک اطوار نیست

خاطر روشندلان، زخم جفا می خورد

صیقل آئینه جز مرهم زنگار نیست

چشم پریشان نظر، عاشق هر جائیست

دیده اگر بسته نیست، لایق دیدار نیست

پست و بلند سخن تابع احوال ماست

ناله کنج قفس نغمه گلزار نیست

غمزه او مست ناز، نرگس او ناتوان

غیر پرستار مست بر سر بیمار نیست

عاشق دلباخته باک ندارد، کلیم

سنگ ستم گو ببار شیشه چو دربار نیست

shapour bakhtiar was therefore killed by cia: 1980-1988 mass murder, a personality with testicles like fereydoon farokhzad. there's only one in a million

die österreicher sind huankinder aber die amerikaner etwas was wir sagen: waladezena madarghahbe