Mittwoch, 3. August 2022

Mengele anti god genes campaign is only possible if you genetically select officials and employees, bad genes, monkey genes. you dog you animal bastard, you dog

wiener huanweiber sind drecksau scharlatan tier herkunft, es gibt keine feminismus, nur scharlatane, drecksau huanweiber und tiere, in amnesty international und zara sitzen drecksau tiere, evolution herkunft

cyberterror website. DE is not my website but it describes an ancient animal ritual like the artefact below, aryan inferior evolution origin race, blond and black animals, torturing, nervering, ruining to the point of suicide and wrist cutting.

to make people into goods, to plunder the existence, to illegally plunder private lives is forbidden on all continents, only vienna says: it is allowed for inferior people. people outside the genetic circle of evolution. persian artefact, Nimrud

this pot can stand for 5 hours at the flea market for 200 euros, only one of the 2000 people knows it and he wants it for 120 euros, because his knowledge is not innate, but studied. days, weeks, months, years, dozens and hundreds of books

خلاصه حافظ و علی زرگری و لوطی لولی علی، مگه نه حاجی؟

Viennese don't have clean water and food, so this is required:Rana has been suffering from panic attacks since 2001 and had 5 years of therapy, with medication, but still an international target

UNO says: we have to provide for the third world: Austria, rich children and civil servants, a country with salaries of 970 to 50,000 euros. it says: it is naive to talk about fascism

Dienstag, 2. August 2022

luxury living on the shoulders of a race, also known as a Jew, comes to an end in Vienna and Austria when this race is burned en masse. 80 years after national socialism there is no honor and pride, only animals that plunder and rob and build up an animal luxury life

a hauf'n juden gene und dna mengele, a hauf'n. jesus warad a sho längst a waldviertler woans du des gene und dna a gehobt hädst. des woas ma, er woar a do

Mary conception

specific peculiarities is the genes and dna from the big bang, what the fuck are scientists talking about the peculiarities of the ape man!?

i knew a taxi driver, he had two crooked flat hands, at some point i saw his son without socks, and saw: the son has two crooked toes crooked outwards, that is also the genetic heritage of national socialism

josef mengele was someone who knew: at some point our origins will be revealed, but then with pride and honor

austrian secret service elite had a big action and plan for iran, today they want to show me extreme fascism psyhopathy himmler and mengele, get in your car and fuck off, fuck off monkey origin, scum meat

tens of thousands were made rich in vienna in order to become owners. an action and show for 5 million tuman salary in iran, to influence officials in iran. also: to simulate and wake up bad genes. lottery winners vmat2 stasi agents

if a family in iran decides to eat eggs every day, it costs 40,000 tumans a day, with a salary of 5 million tumans, the solution is: show us god genes crazy every day and we pay one euro a day from america and europe

بینم تخم مرغ فروش ها، آجیل فروش ها، از این قیافه ها هنوز ایران هست؟ بیاد از شما تخمه مرغ و آجیل بخره؟ یا از ما بهترون نایاب شدند

old workshop vienna. khaghani poems



عیسی لب و آفتاب روئی پسرا

زنار خط و صلیب موئی پسرا

لشکرکشی و اسیر جوئی پسرا

خاقانی اسیر شد چه گوئی پسرا

the iranian church across from us is annoying, a woman talks persian all the time about god and jesus.

there are 80,000 state-subsidized apartments in vienna, rents from 200 to 1000 euros, all of them are empty, the austrian established: we must become homeowners through murder and torture

That is officials fascism, salary people and anti VMAT2 fascism movement, civil servants, international authorities officials anti VMAT2 fascism, UNO, amnesty international, zara, journalists, 1200 to 7000 euros salary people

my mother worked for 18 years in the iranian ministry of culture and 15 years here, how is it that gypsy women have a higher position here without years of work

fascist race austria has with its police and secret services perpetrator protection program, the perpetrators are ayatullahs, hezbollah imam ali mosque, and iranian embassy with dual citizenship iranians. nazi shit blood and flesh wants to kill victims to protect the perpetrators and the illegal real estate financed by stasi torture and attempted murder

offender protection program is that: no hospital doctor will help in the greatest need, a beggar will be treated better than a vmat2 target victim

مادر جنده ها

تعریف «فعل»، «فاعل» و «مفعول» در زبان فارسی چیست

اساتید عزیز:

کیر را از پهنا در دهان بگذار که پرنده مردنی نیست، دروازه هم پدیده جدیدی نیست، در به آن سو همیشه باز است

in the 80s, ninety percent of the fati commandos in iran didn't know why they kill, in austria 90% of the adolfs furien commandos have known for 80 years why they have to kill: vmat2 is the master race and the austrians are subhuman

offender protection program is that: no hospital doctor will help in the greatest need, a beggar will be treated better than a vmat2 target victim

fascist race austria has with its police and secret services perpetrator protection program, the perpetrators are ayatullahs, hezbollah imam ali mosque, and iranian embassy with dual citizenship iranians. nazi shit blood and flesh wants to kill victims to protect the perpetrators and the illegal real estate financed by stasi torture and attempted murder
