Sonntag, 7. August 2022

there are 20 sided dice from egypt and greece and elsewhere with the theory: the dice were thrown to consult the oracle and to help god, i think this one is number one of 20 with these 3 letters: F. E. and I. plus vmat2 sign

these assholes and animals don't stop if they kill us all, all old races, Armageddon over you, the end over you, underground cities won't help you either, white matter is more poisonous more corrosive than black matter

جوووووون دلم، ابی، عطر تو

I found a set today, probably sapphires, yellow sapphires, the whole thing is probably an old Japanese legend, story and operetta. I have to change the light and camera settings

خلاصه رفتم امروز با گنج یاب سراغ سنگ، یکم دورتر از همیشه، دیدم باغ اقاقیا اینجا بوده، بدجور چوبش سنگ شده

fascism in iran, like the jews, has a community pot, 5 prisons feel it annually by international spectators, torture and murder of race and god genes

میگم حاجی این پوت و صندوق عقیدتی فرعونی نیست، با ما وروجک ها و جک و جونورها؟

هر چقدر ما از سال 2002 زر زدیم تو پالتاک مستقیم در کمپ اشرف پخش شد، گفتیم آقا وایسادی 20 کیلومتری سپاه چیکار؟ دسر فالوده و یخدر بهشت رو آدم جور دیگه میفرسته، دکه چرا اونجا باز کردی؟ رمضون یخی، مگه کوسخلی؟ دیدیم نه نمیگیره، رمضون هم مرد

مادرت رو گائیدم زنیکه جنده خارکوسده، شاشخالی لجن

آنقدر گفت پیروزی از آن ماست، به این معنا که پیری زودرس از آن ماست، صد نفر نیرو لازم داشتیم ها صد نفر. 30 نفر ایران، 30 نفر اروپا و 40 نفر در آمریکا به معنا و انگیزه 9/11. زور گفتن جواب داره. حالا شده: منبع درآمد باید از زندگی ژن و مرگ ژن باشد

every 9/11 action is justified insofar as america/europe/ayatullahs want to destroy masses in the dirtiest form of terrorism, all vmat models and races. there will be hundreds of 9/11 waves.

since the greece massacre, germany, america, austria and the EU has suppressed the truth: it's about old race dna and vmat2

in this city the ahrimanic lucifer state has been holding my mother and sister as stasis hostages for a long time because of the ahrimanic financial plan private life, and the assholes stand on the street and advertise for christ and church, supported by the state

100 times the vmat2 child said: Mom, look in the mirror, look in the mirror, this is not a master race, just an animal, mom, these are animals, animals, animals, these are alien animals. at some point mum believed, and pompeji was puhhhhfff

i was lucky to find my old tool in carla, it was a magical purchase. the mirror for daily news, looking in the mirror is an old tradition for retired political activists

آنقدر گفت پیروزی از آن ماست، به این معنا که پیری زودرس از آن ماست، صد نفر نیرو لازم داشتیم ها صد نفر. 30 نفر ایران، 30 نفر اروپا و 40 نفر در آمریکا به معنا و انگیزه 9/11. زور گفتن جواب داره. حالا شده: منبع درآمد باید از زندگی ژن و مرگ ژن باشد....

animals make our life hell here and prevent the transition to paradise with vaccinations, it is only possible with vmat2 and years of mental spiritual training

1200 euro salary soroor and 1800 euro salary rahim have around 3 million euros in iran, real estate and further in austria europe and america canada. the result in iran: we have to buy real estate through vmat2 family murder

neoliberalism is god gene hunters society, middle east iran north africa needs money, gaddafi had a money currency solution and recovery policy. no: you have god genes

these dirty animals austrians should get a radical answer in 2002, all international authorities including russia and america blocked it with zionism

With the help of America and the CIA, the ayatullah regime and austria have educated and concentrated the networks and society on the most primitive needs and demands: consumption.neoliberalism concerns are exaggerated consumption, where is the money supposed to come from!? the solution was ausschwitz secret camera action

خلاصه کدوم شعر از امیر حاجی؟

Samstag, 6. August 2022

خلاصه حاجی،این هم یک قرارداد با گاو و گاوچرون داره

we are not human because we had three shops in vienna and all three were ruined by the ausshwitz live channel camera and the claim for damages is over 300 million euros. because of NS repetition and the contracts 1946 to 1954. fucking evolution society

sadegh is vmat1 or VMAT2: andera sadegh austria

here my beloved son, Sadegh Dara Rubens, whose adult teeth were taken out completely not even 9 years old; this after his reproductive organs got destroyed, aged 2years old[9]/[10]),

we are not human because we had three shops in vienna and all three were ruined by the ausshwitz live channel camera and the claim for damages is over 300 million euros. because of NS repetition and the contracts 1946 to 1954

in this city the ahrimanic lucifer state has been holding my mother and sister as stasis hostages for a long time because of the ahrimanic financial plan private life, and the assholes stand on the street and advertise for christ and church, supported by the state

in vienna there are often jesus campaign actions, like today on mariahilferstraße, i walked by and saw a white woman singing and an african handing out flyers, then i started to sing the blues:

das wasse voim aug düdüdüdum
hot a schwarze punkt, düdüdü dum
a vodka a ruuuum sogt zu mi saug mi mit a wurm: dum dum dum: wegen des aug
dadada bum,

die schaun mi oaaan als wer i nur dumm dadada
a vodka und a rum dazu tequila mit wurm rübi rababa, dabibübibu
jesus woar a clan, des woars sich du hoummm hahahah
shubidabibü rababa daba
scheinheillige arschlöcher

this scum city and animal society has my mother and sister in stasi ausschwitz kidnapping, in mental torture and physical torture and drives both women to depression and psychosis

this bastard nationalism was also the concubine of dareios the great, scum alexander, filthy being kidnapped his family so that he becomes weak in the fight, fuck you herodot, another drunken nationalist. the story is different, vmat2 family father different

azadeh amiri:, weil kein anfangsverdacht. arschloch österreich ist dreckiger als die ayatullahs

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...