Dienstag, 9. August 2022

اصلا سنگ چه ربطی به این غزل داره غزل چادری چت متی


عاقل سپر زخم زبان گوش گران یافت

گر عقل بود این سپر از پنبه توان یافت

شیطان چه تمتع برد از اهل تجرد

رهزن چه درین بادیه از ریگ روان یافت

دنیاطلب، از موی میانان نشد آگاه

بس دیده که او حسن کمر در همیان یافت

ما را هدف ناوک بیداد نوشتند

آنروز که ابروی بتان شکل کمان یافت

نازم بخرابات که از هر در خانه

آبی که سیاهی برد از بخت توان یافت

از فقر و فنا می برد آلوده دنیا

فیضی که شکم بنده ز ماه رمضان یافت

سرگشته کلیم از پی آنم که درین راه

هر کس بطریق دگر از دوست نشان یافت

standard needs knowledge, movement and know-how

9/11 face 3 seconds before: do you need to destroy god genes? we are all together in the plane, one unit. all passengers

there is a sect of rich families and their children that are currently planning murder on the street, with police, judge, prosecutor and government support, with the reasoning: nobody will take care of their corpse in this city, everyone will pass by, nobody wants to give money back , especially the leftists and green party. i will keep this text up on my facebook forever

I keep writing: leave my mother and me alone you bastard with your children, even underage children, I get no answer no answer. 3 crystals and a very old cup

i also had this eye in my business, and to this day in my living room. the photo is raw, with development negatives. paul hofer ÖVP/EVN

satanism punishes nobody, it's not securalism, but ahirmanic satanic sects dictatorship: we don't punish main offenders so we have the right to torture forever with secret cameras, sexually, physically with doctors and psychologically with isolation


standard needs knowledge, movement and know-how, 20 years, 3 shops and existences, careers were ruined, so that these scum: 1200 euros salary and 1800 euros salary with 15 properties and servants says: we are indo aryan aristocracy? they came here from iranian villages as rags and as hungry people, and in vienna romano aryan aristocracy!?

rana's private property, bought today, "chinese print" nice one, i believe that my ring was on right finger today next to rana

حاجی این انگشتر واسه کیر کردنه میمونه، به دل نگیر قابل داره



بدستم آمده انگشتری که گردیده

ز درد رشکش عیش دهان خوبان تنگ

ز بس که انگشت از ذوق آن به خود بالید

برون نیاید از دست من به صد نیرنگ

به دست کار حنا می‌کند ز رنگ نگین

ببین ز پرتو یاقوت پنجه گلرنگ

به دست هرکه چراغی ازین نگین دادند

دگر به راه طلب پا نمی‌زند بر سنگ

برین خجسته نگین اسم خویش نقش کنم

چو نام خود را خواهم برآورم از ننگ

چو مادری که جگرگوشه کرده باشد گم

همیشه کان به فراقش به سینه کوبد سنگ

همیشه بینی از آن آب و رنگ یاقوتش

روان ز جدول انگشت آب آتش رنگ

Montag, 8. August 2022

2500 years since this scum race came to iran means there is no freedom of speech, only a few understand iranian poetry, the aryan race nothing at all

in 2009 i chanted: don't go out into the streets unarmed, armed defense against animals is civil law. the reformists went into black propaganda mode on the internet, in paltalk and other portals. death statistics 2009 to date: over 10,000


political activism

when in austria and germany police, judges, military and public prosecutors, the authorities say: we don't work, as in ghassemloo's case, then it means: racial madness, anti-semitism, racism, and attempted murder and murder of race. race 1932-1945

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors


this is viennese satanism, with monkey show master race and fascism. 500 judges in the inner circle and 5000 in the outer circle with a murder plan, sacrifice for lucifer, ahriman and ahrimanic capital, blood money, the highest ecstasy: the city belongs to us along with society

carrying a cross in this town means fuck me, so a cross between emam ali and jesus christ gene is the optimum, sword and cross. emam ali clan were crusader race, and holy grail guardians

This place where I was yesterday is a few kilometers away from our apartment, but there is the same topic: I only photographed this stone and didn't take it with me, with the hint: we tied the devil up with a magnetic field and device, and sent the devil back underground through the pyramid gate. good piece

آقا رفتیم استامبول دیدیم یکی از بغل هی میگه مراد مراد مراد توزول آبی توزول، گل گل گل، گفتم نمنه؟ منه یا او نه، دیدیم اه، یارو رم کرد میخواد دعوا شروع کنه، گفتم گوتونو اشک سیکسین، بیا بزن بیا بزن مادر قحبه، خلاصه اونم چنتا فحش داد رفت، اینم جرم ما که مراد نیستیم، اینجا هم جرم داریم چون هستیم، همون مراد

خارکوسده مادر جنده میمون آریایی،کوسکش جاکش خانم بیار، رحیم کوسکش آریایی

antiques/carpet dealer in vienna with 16 other professions, called jew. paranoid because of attempted murder and stasi system, also no money for 8 teeth, because aryan animals in UNO and vienna want to have a luxury life. Dentists and pharmacists are also murderous business networks

ahrimanic dark force and aliens have secretly manipulated nature in such a way that darwinism as a super force is right and has excuses: it is natural, also the nature of humans.

Animal instinct and human

there are ant colonies, and certain ant species that by anomaly and gene manipulation can not use his hands as a tool, unable to work, these colonies aggressively attack other colonies, small ant colonies to steal the eggs, in the war many also die, but the anmeisen eggs are a policy, conviction and ambition: they let the eggs hatch next to their queen, and already on the first day they were taught by the queen: you came into the world to take care of us, your master race. there are many who flee, who are pursued and then killed as revolutionaries

antiques/carpet dealer in vienna with 16 other professions, called jew. paranoid because of attempted murder and stasi system, also no money for 8 teeth, because aryan animals in UNO and vienna want to have a luxury life. Dentists and pharmacists are also murderous business networks

machen sie herr und frau richter machen sie, suchen sie in labors mit nazi ärzte vmat2 targets und machen sie vertrräge mit UNO und CIA wegen foltermord und "gaskammer". machen sie, tuen sie, nix verbrecherich, alles legal

i love this one, with sheep and vmat2 characters, and the mirror. the mirror is a poetry

capital fascism austria, NS beast upper class teach society: make money from iranian jews, torture business, i say the iranian jews left millions of gems everywhere, take it: green carbonados, black, sapphire diamonds and other precious stones

well, tablet photo raw

geh und hol dir etwas, ein stück 400 euro, es liegt herum, überall, warum findest du nichts!? ahuraaaaaa mazda, die affen hur verdient das geld onders für a mazda, heas du scheißdreck du, du hur du

a whore earns 300 euros a day in vienna, that's indo-arian romani race honesty, in iran only islam is to blame for the amiris shams and gharibs not being honest

for 2500 years it has meant: being aryan means being of animal origin, aryan animals

I'm not a Jew like in 1938, I was never a Jew, I'm of old race origin, I will show the perpetrator evidence if no one will be punished for repeating NS then I will cut off their heads, dirty animal Aryan race