Donnerstag, 11. August 2022

more than 300,000 jews, black jews from the wehrmacht were present at crystal meth experiments on vmat2, academics and doctors. elam rock art 2000 B.C.

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Please note: Do not use Vöslauer mildly but rather sparkling

zubala shumbala heyyyyyyy scheiß austro satanist nazi

heas, nazi satanist affe, nenaderthaler nazi kurz mit ali und azadeh: shambala rumbala sambala heeeeey, shimbala sambala zubala heyyyyyy jo hey jo hey jo hey shimbuba smlambuba rumshala heeeeeeeeyyyyy

the children became more superhuman and the aryan race more subhuman, that was the result

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only subhuman studies vmat2, like SPÖ/ÖVP for a hundred years, and for 40 years Austria has been experimenting in Iran, fucking SPÖ, nazi satanist HÄUPL, and nazi satanist Sebastian KURZ., 1,5 millions, 1,5 millions killed VMAT children, fucking subhuman austria

Do you understand?..they cleared the neurons and increased the spirituality in children, cleared their heads so that when they die they suffer more and see the demons in the monkey. mother fucker animals

Donnerstag, 11. August 2022

1940, nazis experimented, with crystal meth, jewish race and aryan race, jewish children became alien, (from monkey's point of view) and aryan race became more monkey. the order came: kill all children

vmat2 and son of the bitch studies iran

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after 5 years of silence, a criminal state, an EU country wants to kill me, a more serious crime than usual in all rogue states, Viennese animals want to kill me with hide evidence and glorification and criminal protection, because of Stasi capital and attempted murder of mother and daughter, more psychopathy than this story

حالا برو سیم اختراع کن، کشف کن، و بند نافت رو وصل کن به در کون کونده، همون آخوند، والا، گائیدن مارو

2002- 2022. austrian secret services have turned tehran into psychopaths with politicians, with the help of ayatullah and the iranian secret service: if he has evidence from 20 years and reports the terror and stasi system, racial fanaticism and fascism, he gets millions of euros in damages, plus the 400 million euros ayatullah stasi money . and the black money from the Iranian opposition

Message from sam, stones in a wooden bowl and crystal: secret cameras, stasi state cameras is murder, as Brecht says in mother courage: vultures of the war field, the woman

these stones lie around all over austria, mostly marked and worked on, under the ground or above the ground. the problem is: the imagination, the pure race had an oversized idea of how to deal with white and black energy and how to relate energy through the position and angle. also in china

آقا اسم اینرو من امروز گذاشتم تلمبه قلب، حاجی این جریان انرژی سیاه و سفید داره، فقط سیمش رو هنوز کسی اختراع نکرده، حال میداد ها. آقا ما بریم بخوابیم

سوزی قرتی

 آقا طرف رفت ایران زن بگیره، با پنج تا دختر هم آشنایی پیدا کرد، گفت خوب حالا کدوم رو بگیرم ببرم با خودم اتریش، چیزی که نمیدونست این بود: یکی دختره خارج بیا نیست، داره راحت زندگیشو میکنه، یکی هم این: تو ایران بمون نیستی، آخه ایران برگشتن و زندگی کردن سواد میخواد، والا، من برگردم کتاب زیر کیلویی 800 تومن نمیدم بیرون. حالا ویدیو بفرست باربد کوس مانولا رو کناره سوزی قرتی لیس زد، بعد گفت خوب به ناتاشاش هم بگید بیاد تو با هم حال کنیم. کوسکش های عقده ای

this monkey is amir sabet shirazi, ashkan keyhanrad, arman gharib, arasch and maziar amiri, mamad and shervin naderi: with my sister and mother. supported by the monkey austria

if we die then others will kill you, that is terrorism and illegality iran austria turkey EU America. 150 million police stasi account is illegal, as well as over 400 million euros ayatullahs and austrian government accounts

I've had 8 teeth too few for chewing for two years, as a person with 16 jobs, plus as antique dealer job and a carpet dealer job and mustafa wants to drive a porsche with franz and heidi with illegal money

there are men in this situation that suddenly kill a dozen people with themselves. they never understand what illegal 150 million euros and police and state suffering is, dozens of dead people are just eternal laughter and 150 million euros eternal joy and enjoyment, and of course further target search. 150 million is illegal. 9/11 mode is a different story when international authorities refuse to operate. a dozen or two won't help

Warum war Jesus ein Zimmermann oder tischler? oder brecht vmat2?

Brecht: translation persian poetry, for centuries and by dozens of poets

آقا شیطان پرست از بیشرمی و کثیفی خود شرمنده و بیزار شده، مسلمان و مسیحی و یهودی وین دارند عن مارو هنوز قرقره میکنن و میگویند که: به به، به به، عجب پول هایی، عجب جریانی، چه خدا به ما رسوند، برکت الله یعنی این


دشمن چو بدانست که : احوالم چیست

بر تلخی زندگانی من بگریست

بدحال تر از من اندرین عالم کیست ؟

در آرزوی مرگ همی باید زیست

your mother's cunt if you're a christian occident, your mother's cunt

how many old breeds and god genes are still on the list? asshole america and europe, fucking politicians, judges, police, secret services, military, UN staff, how many more on your black and red kite formation networks list?

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