Sonntag, 14. August 2022

ambition is second world war ideology: vmat2 jew must not have any property and capital, it should suffer. a shared idology and religion with charlatan israelis

see today: i build for my sister and buy for rana, the police have been planning theft and looting with the judge and viennese ayatullahs for 4 months, 2001 they would have killed me immediately if i had bought several properties, even in iran. (viennese secret services)

طرف میگه: کوسکش، بی همه چیز، نامرد، خارکوسده، بی پدر پول 5 تا خونه رو چند بار باختی کونکش مادرقحبه؟.. ببین لاش کون ننه سگ 18 بار خوار مادر جنده کوسکش دهاتی، لول. خونه خریده بودیم مارو میکشتن آریایی ها، اصلا کیر من تو کوس کی میره برات چرا جالبه؟ حالا خونه کون لقش حسود مادرقحبه، بیشرف، تو از کونت دربیار بذار دهنت جنده خونه نرو، کوسکش به من چیکار داری قحبه، عن خور، شاشخالی

80.000 and my testicles mother fucker cheap iranian and austrian. photo 2001, casino 2001

give some construction workers a million euros suddenly, he goes crazy, that's also the case with iranian opposition activists, village politicians and village politics in parties and organizations, from the villages and provinces, with 500 thousand euros they become psychopaths because they never even had a stack of 500 euro bills on the table in front of them. I 80,000 euros in one night 2001 at the casino, I left with 0. I've always been optimistic about the next 80,000

جنده حجاب اجباری زر مفت زن، کیرم از پهنا تو دهن تو با اون سازمان سیا که تو جندشی

this strand of black hair is persian poetry, in this skull it means programming. for six weeks it cost 25 euros at the flea market, yesterday 15 and i bought it for 10. with many thanks for the donation

حاجی سینما رکس آبادان یعنی همون سینمای ایلام رو این جهود اتریشی ها با کسخل اتریشی ها سمبلیک آتیش نزدن؟ خیلی هوات رو دارند

scheiß österreicher, satanist nazi cyber terrorist halt die schnauze du scheißdreck du, abschaum drecksau du, du huansau huankind affenherkunft drecksau, schnautze drecksau schwein

I wanted to buy the holy grail one too, but it was a bit overpriced

عنصری، پیکان

شاشیدم به کوس زن جنده فاشیست ناصر بی ناموس

minderwertige evolution drecksau schweine, killerrasse huansau, scheißdreck herkunft, drecksau kiwara, richter, staatsanwalt, geheimdienstler und politiker. abschaum österreicher

who can do more than us? don't burn the children, buried them alive

a psychopathy of the blond blue-eyed monkey, this arrogance, shame, ignorance, feeling of inferiority kills millions. This animal behavior went so far that from the 1.5 million murdered children until 1945, hundreds of thousands were experimented with drugs and crystal meth, who can do more than us? don't burn the children, buried them alive

80% of persian and middle east artifacts point to danger: vmat type human, evolution, ahrimanic powers and aliens. a genetic argument, of course

my 15 years of discussion, 25,000 hours were a danger for the ayatullahs, europe, turkey and america, deeply penetrating into geopolitics, economics and genes politics. I loathed reformists, center leftists and monarchists in that they are all CIA future plans. i had an international name on paltalk, all contacts were threatened and bought with the help of cia

Samstag, 13. August 2022

Viennese animals: without corpses and injured there is no evidence

these are cheap israeli and iranian whores who want to get rich without work, without potential, without ideas, without invention, without viennese animals leftists and greens impossible

اونجایی که علامت آب رو نشون میدیم یک نفرهم نمیاد آب بخوره، تا اینکه ما بمیریم و بعدش به سمت و سوش بروند، اونجائی که پسر حاجی میشینه حرف میزنه 600.000 هزار نفر میروند، بعلاوه رضا پهلوی و مریم رجوی، شرف انسانی همه خریداری شده، که جریان پول چی میشه و کی چقدر پول درآورده و چجوری میشه ناخنک زد به سرمایه سیاه. جریان مسیح هم همین بود، شرف دیگه کسی نداشت خوب خوبش هم بیشرف شده بود، تا اسلام آمد....

Sometime in a country where children have been given crystal meth, I will stand at a mineral water fountain with 5 grams of crystal meth, only for sheep and goats, bucks, cows, camels, deer and horses, and will say drink, drink. I will shoot erdogan esheks, if it comes close LOL

unfortunately no clear photo possible

every time i go to the toilet and imagine the labyrinth path to the canal i think of ahrimanic brain tissue: how can more money be earned through vmat2 torture, in broad daylight?

خلاصه خرید امروز

the psychopathy is: when austrians travel they are a nobody, because of face, behavior and gait, that's what ötzi says: why should it be different with you, you don't need to find the grave of chinzig, just like other things, nice sun in the morning

sha lalai la shalala bamba shalala bamba, bamshalalala haia sara bamba huu karamba, shara shara bamba haaaaa,y, ne heas du kiwara...

heas, in spanien findan di lait a almeria und sog'n dazu: a regenbogen hot der moan des ist a glüack, des moch ma glei zu national stoilz zeiche'n, wir sand des. in wien schaut des gonze onders aus: so wos hama net, wos wir net ho'bn brauchen die ondern a net, und wans ana deppert her kummt mit a grins'n den schick ma wieder hoam, des brauch ma net do her, woann er bleibt ist er sölber schuild, wos i net fühl brauch'n die ondern a net hob'n

this city will not be destroyed, because we live here or a handful, it's time to leave vienna, vienna should go down in fire, animals should disappear into garbage cans

Viennese judges sit illegally on judges' chairs, personal opinion in the workplace is fascism, only the Austrian constitution is the law and order, everyone with hide evidence is illegal in the workplace because of genocide

2002 was the divorce because of violence to my mother and sister, the animals in Austria offered a psychopath and asshole: with state power you can torture your vmat2 ex-wife and the vmat2 children more and use violence. watching live is not advisable you get a million euros

scheißdreck geheimdienst und polizei österreich scheißdreck richter, diebe und scharlatane