Sonntag, 14. August 2022

in iran they have been killing for 40 years because of money, oil fields are ruined, now iranian vmat2 humans are the new oil fields in iran america, israel turkey and europe. torture apps, agents, stasi agents and community psycho games is the new trend with iranian vmat

wherever you see this family spending money, hotels, restaurants, holidays, shopping for clothes and shoes and bags, cars, these two only have 800 euros pension, the money is due to an attempted stasim murder, ruining three shops, and a music career. the whole thing is supported by the vmat2 torture program iran austria

ein wenig bearbeiten,

I lack studio light equipment, in other stones there is something different inside, the root calculation. sharp tongue

this europe knows us from the old days, if they can't put our heads down they kill us out of envy and misery and feeling of inferiority because of generic origin, what do you want to do now? blonde monkey origin?

black jew this letter is very long, the scroll is infinite


خلاف یافت زمین و زمان ز دست فتن

بپادشاه زمین و بشهریار زمن

علاء دولت خوارزمشاه فتنه نشان

که شد نهفته در ایام او نشان فتن

ابوالمظفر ، اتسز که همت عالیش

بر آسمان کشد از روی مفخرت دامن

شده حمایت او فرق شرع را مغفر

شده سیاست او شخص ملک را جوشن

ز بهر مدحش و امرش چو خامه و چو دوات

سپهر بسته میان و جهان گشاده دهن

there is an EU COURT of Justice quite heavy: they are not waiting for me to die, but for humanity to die, and that there is no one left with evidence of vmat2 torture and attempted murder of race

huankind du bist mit schwarze juden wieder 1932, huankind huankind es reicht nach 5 jahren du huankind

can you find mathematics and physics here? who was it made for? LOL

Holy water fountain also has water movement but the stones in the fountain are different, very rare sapphire diamonds and other valuable stones

If you have this structure, turning water with stones can do something, it affects the closed door and opens it. that what jews hate: there is no god and metaphysics only tanakh and torah

jude zeig mich an, zeig mich an schwarzjude, tanakh sagte hide evidence und tötet iranische ziegen, simone und azadeh sind heillige wie maria magdalena und evolution geschöpfe, huren sollen reich leben. israelische scharlatan, killerrasse

ötzi the money that ali earned with rana with the goal of psychosis and suicide is your death, not ours

this is a casket from ranas property, nikolai gribov. stalin had an idea, he collected more than 800 artists and made millions of euros in business with this lacquer art every year. Stone is no different, in that Iranians can work instinctively/intuitively with stones and measure energy in water, open gates generate energy.

حاجی رضا شاه رو عشق، والا، چهارتا چک میزد یه خارکوسده و سه تا ولذزنا هم به مردم میگفت ولی راه حل اقتصادی داشت

آقا ما دوتا دختر عمه داریم، ولی ناگفته نماند پسر خاله های ما جنده ترن. والا این دخترک آزاده هم انگار دنیارو بهش دادن: من حق داشتم فامیل هایش با منن! هی زنگ میزنن اینجا با صفاست، اونجا با صفاست ما الان رفتیم آلمان، اگر بیایی همه چی ردیفه، (حالا ردیف یعنی کیر 26 سانت آلمانی) اگر نیومدی بیا دانمارک هفته دیگه، صفاست. ((اونم حالا به پول زندگی ما))

asian shaman, photo without equipment, tablet photo raw

Also known as cleromancy, the practice of contacting divine truth via random castings of dice or bones stretches back before recorded history.

when foreign stones harmonize with each other, create a body and image, and adapt to each other, then the energy chain fits the space/time and room

i bin a indianisch und schamane, i seh a daif'l, hinter mir, i schau immer hinter mi, der haut sich aooaa heas hinter mi, du scheiß SPÖ daif'l

jude zeig mich an, zeig mich an schwarzjude, tanakh sagte hide evidence und tötet iranische ziegen, simone und azadeh sind heillige wie maria magdalena und evolution geschöpfe, huren sollen reich leben. israelische scharlatan, killerrasse

jesús healed with veins and venous occlusion cleansing, 6 weeks ginger garlic and lemon juice.5 kilos of all three in a blender, with a porcelain blade, juice and drink for 6 weeks on an empty stomach. vinegar and verjuce 3 times a day in small glasses

Viennese black jew does not kill me in prison because of the ayatullahs, but: when we killed jesus, the whole state and city was on our side, nobody wanted to lose money, even the blind people who were healed. this is god's work

this is this black jew, also in the second world war: kill talented children and keep new jews alive for ahrimanic economic system, for slaves and human trade: vmat2 goat

what is written fake in tanakh? god said kill vmat2 goat and keep isaac and simone alive for ahrimanic capital intrigue

tablet kamera raw. stones bought yesterday

It calls itself a Jew but isn't a Jew and killed 1.5 million children alongside the Nazis yesterday and is now looking on DNA and genes for black deals with Azadeh. tablet camera raw

I've been under isolation and sex torture for 5 years, physical and mental torture, also because of street theater. simone and azadeh amiri: that's our money, we deserved it.

ambition is second world war ideology: vmat2 jew must not have any property and capital, it should suffer. a shared idology and religion with charlatan israelis

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

azadeh amiri has bought real estate for 15 million euros with third-party rental contracts, in other people's names. CIA Aryan Whore Support

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