Donnerstag, 18. August 2022



عالم روشن ز شمع اقبالت باد

جمع آمده اجزای مه و سالت باد

هر جا شب وصل و روز عیدی باشد

عیش دو جهان قرین احوالت باد

that is sociobiology, everyday chemistry, xenophobia and collective behavior "xenophobia". The Sociobiology of Ethnocentrism: Evolutionary Dimensions of Xenophobia, Discrimination, Racism, and Nationalism - or my website?

financial business, god genes torture, psychosis, depression death

ali gharib IQ 75 and sophia gharib iq 65, the father a kebab seller in vienna, and the career: american hamburgers, the daughter waiter for 15 years, the career!? international judges: 1.6 million stasi murder euros is a right, ruining vmat2 siblings too

not bad. good night

خلاصه حاجی کلیم داشت میگفت: تو اگر یا من اگر یا فلان و... بحمان و نمیدونم فیسار و چی چی، شیشه و آینه هم که دیگه هیچی

viennese secret services are preparing, society is alarmed, and like in 1945, rat line is set up with the help of the vatican: jew gold will be buried, the victims will be killed. there is no judengold, we are prepared, barbad dies judengold remains buried

ali gharib IQ 75 and sophia gharib iq 65, the father a kebab seller in vienna, and the career: american hamburgers, the daughter waiter for 15 years, the career!? international judges: 1.6 million stasi murder euros is a right, ruining vmat2 siblings too

I was just thinking of biology and meat and threw 6 stones with a crystal in the cup, unfortunately a tablet photo and not clearer and sharper

sectarianism, collective behavior, and anti vmat2 movement can be found in socio and micro biology. 3rd and 4th generarion are mutants, worse than generation 1932. anti vmat2 judges movement is sectarian behavior, internarional, it's a disease since before cambysess until today

not a single human right law, civil rights and elementary right, right to exist, living space and freedom law is taken seriously by international judges and regional judges because of us, because of that: because of that: because of that: vmat2 race

especially in the 9th district 8th district, 7th district and 6th district

you evolution monkeys: i've been buying for rana's future since october with verifiable money as capital, that wasn't possible from 2017 to 2021, with minimum security, a wrong move and i'll become an (...) like you in 1938, in your kindergartens, (ES WAREN 1.5 MILLIONEN KINDER, ERMORDET DURCH EURE FRAUEN) especially in the 9th district 8th district, 7th district and 6th district

Vienna has turned my property and business into a debt business, I still owe 35,000 euros, I tried to rebuild for several 6 months, in 2008 Vienna robbed from me 280,000 euros, antiques and rugs, storage room in the 8th district. with rahim and iranian gangs. I tried to build up again to pay debts, international was no longer an option, from 2007 onwards the police with Hizbullah international ruined me with doubles and fake material

fascism that showed from 2004 my sister's sex life next to my property and business will not survive, then catch me if you can, fascism will not survive

اینم خلاصه، میگه: بگو هلو.. بپر تو گلو


هم زلف پریشان تو بر گشته ز ما

هم عشوه پنهان تو برگشته ز ما

می داد گهی داد اسیران نگهت

او نیز چو مژگان تو برگشته زما

this fanaticism, extremism, radicalism is: darwinism, nazi satanism is looking for genes and dna like wild wolves in packs worldwide with one goal: no matter in which branch and profession only evolution is allowed to rise, like balloons

that's the whole story at the same time. viennese stone prehistory, had i said from 1998 to 2019 you are under my pubic hair of my testicles? or did you always have that feeling after gene and dna tests?

fascism that showed from 2004 my sister's sex life next to my property and business will not survive, then catch me if you can, fascism will not survive

آب را در هاون کوبیدن کار هر کسی نیست ها

stranger, this evolution monkey says: plural is the sign of intellect and intelligence. one that is nothing but an illusion and delusion: master race. without potential inventive spirit, own ideas and career opportunities. inferior scum: we buy houses by vmat2 torture because we know plural

Mittwoch, 17. August 2022

Ich kaufe für rana ein seit oktober

I studied C.G. Jung when I was 17 and Freud when I was 18 and Wilhelm Reich in between. without teachers, teachers only confuse students, or the idiotic professors misrepresent everything and ruin the student's brain. That's why every step I take in church institutes and organizations is considered, what's happening to the left and what's happening to the right and what's behind me..

the smelting of the metal in two buildings was ghoghnoos, awakened from the fire, as in pompeii, nazi satanist state

Viennese energy supplier is SPÖ, I had an 80 m2 apartment from 2005 to 2013, the bill in a stasi system until I couldn’t afford the apartment. rent 600 euros

do you want tax from me and rana?

This is fascism, the EU accepted it because of old race paranoia, racial fanaticism and hate to prehistory.

nasser farahani (my farher) was convicted as a thief, 2 months before i opened the shop, he stole 90% of the family assets with viennese judges and police, he still works with viennese judges, ayatullahs, hezbollah and secret services

In 2003, with my know-how and potential, this business was worth one million property was monitored in constance with the viennese police secret service judge and half the city and turned into a stasi business. from 2007 our entire private space became a nazi satanism business

60,000 officials with their families 180,000 people in Vienna ration and socialize the Stasi murder business financial economy, for consent VMAT man mass murder. realized in 1932 in europe and from 1980 in iran and today again in austria for 20 years

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

I'm going to sleep, 10 years of shopping vouchers politics was also 10 years of stasi murder in prisons, with social distribution, with the mass murder of 38,000 people, the distribution of vouchers also stopped

many iranians are enthusiastic about the easily earned stasi money, like in the 80s with shopping vouchers. therefore vienna hosts a 1980s show with revolutionary masonic judges and courts including international judges. with hide evidence and conviction of the victims