Samstag, 20. August 2022

atheism is not IQ but rubbish, it doesn't feel anything, it just destroys because it can't have it

Society and the masses are rubbish, crazy about compensation, we should suffer forever in the Stasi torture system

Persian song: roe deer hunting. persian artefact, and, silver brooch early 20th century, luristan and elam genetic hybrid


torture and murder in vienna's prison cell brings 500 viennese judges another 60 million euros, for state politicians and other officials: 700 million, in a democracy and constitutional state

آقا به مادر ستار بهشتی بگید: با کشتن ستار جلوی نابودی اسرائیل رو گرفتن، والا بخدا، سلاح اتمی ما و پروژه هسته ای ما بچه های ما هستن.... وگرنه پالایشگاهای هسته ای رژیم کوس شعر است..

آزاده این دیگه وطواط نیست، بخون

the only thing i like about this thing is: the anti christ hates leftists and green testicles delicious, criminal testicles delicious. it will kill them all first because of genes and tribe

antichrist spirit, a child was born as a host last year

I can't take sharp photos in the dark with a tablet, for this position I would need a 70,000 euro lens camera with expensive studio equipment. 15 million euros stasi money to a family, 15 properties, because of Aryan blood. fuck you

I hadn't done anything until 2019, how did you find out? if you play a harmonica with a penis, you can play endless melody but not find any potential and uniqueness.,...? Now she's playing the accordion with my ass all over the world. I just don't believe it

crime in vienna is more serious than it is believed, that's why the evolution satanist nazi says: no criminal charges can be filed against vienna.

من بچه باقر و نصرتم، وطن برای ما معنای گلستان و بوستان داره، نکنه دبی شد ایران؟ شاشخالی ها، اومدی ایران چکار؟ برو بیرون مادر جنده تا زلزله و آتش سوزی پیش نیومده، گمشو بیرون مادر قحبه. ژن برای ما اوردی؟ هدیه اوردی؟ همه میمون بودیم؟ کوس ننت خندیدی

I watch moles and rats in these bushes, every now and then they come out of the deep and take stones with them, from this dynasty. a little further to the right lives a family of moles, i found a piece of stone, well, the baba is looking at it as well as me, i think they are still laughing at me, including the children

we haven't had a single police file or court file since 1986 to 2021, in the hate campaign behind us was producted only fake material in writing, voices, images and paper for torture of minorities and race. UNO city and blue helmets were the dirtiest in this action. the police want to kill me, without a police file, criminal record. just because of races and vmat2 trade

I'm about to lose all my teethbecause viennese dentists whose heads are not worth their bodies.they will kill me for viennese secret services, for their illegal business with iran and ali khamenei

with the symbolic sign, austria says: we only accept europeans, romanian and balkan gypsies iran as trading partners, that's why we also give away native iranians as a financial project, we make them a financial project, our citizens, for european friends in iran

no matter what i write or say, austro fascism, EU nazi satanism, american fanatical ahrimanism says: with zargaris, other balkan gypsies and georgians and other tribes: we are europe. we are europe in iran with ali gharib and rahim amiri, you jews or native iranian

آقا تا ساعت 12 ظهر کسی شنبه بازار نرفته بود!؟ کون گشاد و آب هندوانه، ما هم خریدیم 10 یورو، نقره اش خوشگله.

Freitag, 19. August 2022

حاجی خاک تو سر من کنن که ادبیات فارسی جنابعالی از من بهتره، والا، تو شدی رهبر و من خیار چنبر....

my business was born from 35 years of work by my mother, 18 years in the iranian ministry of culture, 15 years in vienna. austrians and nazi satanist iranians, incompetent invalid brains say: we do these actions with inferior beings, mauthausen state secret cameras are still running to this day

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

the new nazi satanist target is iran because of ethnic origin, all international authorities deny the service including journalism europe america because of vmat2 stasi persecution and murder

genetic psychopathy even today the 4th generation in vienna. vmat2 and racial madness. evolutionary inferiority, killer race and inferior existence. nazi satanist women are worse creatures than men. inferior material, incapable, worth nothing. Mass murderer. children murderers are unnecessary in this world

genetic psychopathy even today the 4th generation in vienna. vmat2 and racial madness. evolutionary inferiority, killer race and inferior existence. nazi satanist women are worse creatures than men. inferior material, incapable, worth nothing. Mass murderer. children murderers are unnecessary in this world

this country had killed 1.5 million children out of 6 million people, not because of religion or jew name nonsense, but because of old genes and dna and the fear for 4 generations afterwards, with or without religion., it was always about vmat2, nazi satanism, it was only nazi satanism and not the other masquerade: master race and jew. Goodnight

many "women" only have one order to fulfill, only one order from the other side, it doesn't matter whether they die or not, it doesn't matter, honor or pride doesn't matter: we only have to feel one order!many poets from iran speak of this: dertarget is not allowed to have children by chance and by merhaphysics

مهین و مینا و شهین

یکی از اینها میدونی کیه؟ مهین کابلی، رفیق مینا احدی، ببرنش زندان از خجالت آب میشه، کلافه میشه، میشینه میزنه به سرش:، من چرا این کار رو کردم، آخه مگه میشه، آخه من چقدر بیشرفم که باید بشینم زندان، ها؟
ولی من رو ببرن زندان با آخوند های وین، میشینه میخنده، چرا بردنش زندان؟ نزنن بکشنش خیال ما راحت بشه که من بیشرف نیستم، بعد هی میخنده، هی میخنده، سر قبرما هم میخنده: من مگه بیشرف  بودم بدبخت بیچاره؟  چرا رفتی زندان خره


طرف نشسته ایران اینطوری میکنه: خوب خدارو شکر قبل از اینکه بمیری چندین جریان به ما اشاره ای نشان دادی، که ما بفهمیم چکار میشود کرد! 
 این عقده هم نیست، نه عقده نیست، سر شکایت و یا خسارت، یا اینکه بگه: چیه مگه، مگه ارزش زندگی داری برای شکایت یا خسارت. هااا؟ اینم نیست
میگه ببین این سیاهی قدیمی نیست، جدید هم نیست، این سیاهی یعنی موجودیت، یعنی وجود من اینه: سیاهی، ربطی به کهنگی و نو بودن نداره، من بدون سیاهی نمیتونم بمانم، زنده نمیمانم، موجودیت من اینه: سیاهی.، حالا هی بگو کهنه یا جدید، هستی و نیستی من با سیاهی میگذره، حالیته؟ 

tablet photo raw, Freemasonry will never know what this tunnel is or is meant to be, the window into a ruin, "Kharabat"