Montag, 22. August 2022

For 18 years there were dozens of people from both parties everyday in my political rooms, only then I was morally and politically different, I said my cock in the ass your fathers, today I've become different: I've become a bohemian, a lumpen proletariat and say my cock between the tits of your mothers wives and daughters

19th century Abdol-Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma was an austrian officer in iran, the founding father of the toudeh party and aksariat organization, both are today in vienna members of social democracy and support racial oppression and vmat2 marketing in world economy, the iranian native race

the iranian society, actually extreme gene fanatics and tribal insane are set up and prepared for race wars, and austria and vienna with himmler's army as helpers. like in the 19th century the k.u.k in iran, austrian/hungarian army. the preparation for 10 million deaths in 1918

do you understand what's going on in europe and america? they search and hunt for envy genes dna and race so that evolution satisfies his inferior feelings, you are victims we are victors

in vienna these stones lie down to a depth of 30 meters, which means shamanism is millions of years old, or let's say genes and dna

ich bin das nicht, die arische superrasse ist es, ihr seid es, wir sind es nicht. killerrasse

This country has laws, more than a minute of secret cameras is terrorism. all sex scenes and fake material is state terror and nazi satanism, worse: against innocent mother and daughter because of genes race dna and ethnic origin

CIA AND ALI KHAMENEI TERRORIST One step in my direction for terrorism murder and I draw a sword

For 25 years we have been tortured, made into a target, into a financial economy, into a national socialist source of money, because of this genetic code. shaman race gene and dna. all governments networks and secret services military control the societies because of silence and to muzzle

2 carpet shops and an antique shop were ruined for nazi satanism financial economy and i have to live with 35,000 euros in debt caused by the state, my mother with 180,000. and my sister without work because of permanent psychological torture. vienna has become a pornography hunter for illegal websites, it was set up by viennese judges, police, politicians and ayatullahs. no money for teeth, i have to rehabilitate 8 teeth

Sonntag, 21. August 2022

These stones are an unprecedented cheek because it explains the 1.5 children murdered during World War II and the founding of the State of Israel with militant Jews from the Wehrmacht.for even more massacres in the middle east until today: more than 15 million muslims

this stone is a genetic code, there is no bad jew case, only old race and new race.

80 years after national socialism, the government offers the people: we are afraid to find secret jews, it's amusing to say dirty jews again, isn't it? and to torture, we do everything for you with ayatullahs. this is vienna in the 21st century with mobile phones, chatrooms and "DATA PROTECTION"

85 euros is a lot for Nasser binamus tehrani farahani and ali gharib

i get up at 6am to buy a metaphor, is it sold. or is it sarcasm too?

all governments are race focused until the final solution: mass murder and racial hygiene

houuuuuu fucking nazis, oriental smoke and falcon, oriental old race and creation

this stone is still up to date, on etsy auction, nobody buys it because nobody reads my page and facebook

does anyone see austrian homeless people on the streets? I mean those that were taken care of by the church. did they all get an apartment? i don't see anyone anymore. a person with 16 jobs and 38 projects does not become homeless, he makes a way for 100 kilos of pure cocaine with a wonderful and magical idea, buys coke as excessive consumption and no shit in supermarkets

In Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn and all the churches are even worse than Ali Khamenei with billions of capital: we have to respect the law with Viennese judges, there was no action what he thinks, he should be arrested and kill himself in a cell

no one uses islam anymore, because today it is only led by satanism and verses of the koran are used for mass murder, i'm back to cross, love, islam is only used for hatred against race

Viennese atheism, nazi satanism planning with Viennese judges and ayatullah's murder, because of 500 million euros in total stasi pot vienna, and 360 million ayatullahs and hezbollah pot, the money of one hundred million consumers, secret secret camera viewers. 100 million is in the police safe, and 60 million in the hands of the judges in Vienna

old luri eylami artifact, wiring

I call the picture schizophrenia, someone always hears from the interstellar and reports live: Viennese nazi judges are planning murder in chat rooms with Viennese society and emam ali mosche ayatullah's vienna, a hate campaign with fake pictures and voice material

do you know what the philosopher says about this god gene sign on the marble stone (geometry of life)? vmat2 is illusioned poor sheep. they search for god's sign everywhere. vmat 2 children in heinrich gross children concentration camp suffered from delusions and illusions. that's what the nazi academics collective said too... The problem is: metaphysics, there is no explanation, or incompatible with today's science and technology. but to explain God's faith with genetic engineering is pathetic

photo a few months ago. greed never gets an answer, you have to wait for the sign when you are worthy again. depending on what steps you take, showing penis is 8 months penalty each time

who says the Viennese word "tschusch" internationally due to my ethnic origin genes and vmat2, except austrians? Actually a swear word for Balkan citizens

This stone has a depth and this depth, with the right equipment, can properly and correctly explain the metaphysics of thousands of years of speculation about shamanism, picture language does not lie

irani nazi satanism, irani nazi, akhund, hezbollah nazi satanism with fucking vienna, irani nazi satanism bastard

The cult of the deer was widespread in traditional societies of deer hunters. This cult was connected with the worship of the deer or man-deer, the ancestor of people and deer, and a cultural hero, the teacher of deer hunting. The most important evidence supporting a deer cult in traditional societies are the totemistic mysteries connected with the reproduction of the deer, and magic hunting rituals. The most important participant in these rituals is the shaman. We hold the opinion that a shaman is a religious specialist whose power centred on healing, sorcery and prophecy, and who has the ability to associate with spirits (or animals-helpers) (obsession). In our article we shall address only the category of shamans connected with deer hunting. We shall try to reconstruct the phenomena of primitive spiritual culture on the basis of an interdisciplinary synthesis of ethnographic and archaeological sources

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