Montag, 22. August 2022

because of money even iranian kurds call ghassemloo murderer and fascist MR. AUSTRIAN. does iran still have kurds? or is it....


آقا جریان مصطفی هجری میدونید چیه؟
این یارو رفت چند بار با زن عرب و ترک و اروپایی خوابید، چیزی نفهمید، گفت: خوب حالا که چی آقا؟ سوراخ سوراخه دیگه کاک، اینهمه شلوغش میکنن، عجیبه ها کاک. خلاصه، 
آخوند بیناموس هم هر کسی بوسه به دامنش بزنه بدبخت میشه، یعنی خوار مادر دست بوس رو آخوند میگاد. 1357 که یادتونه!؟ خلاصه،سر یک جریانانی دوتا زن واسش فرستادن آخوند ها به این منظور که چی دیدی تا حالا، نمیدونی چی از دست دادی.
آقا فردا صبحش بلند شد یهویی گفت: کیرم تو کوس ننت کاک قاسملو، 40 سال پیش ما باید از تو جدا میشدیم تا معنی زندگی بفهمیم، کاک خارکوسده، خارکوسده این یچه کون بربد هم مثل تو، شوما کاک نیستید، شوما شوما، شوما خارکوسده ها کوس ندید و مردید، کوس، نکردید من کردم، من،...... آی خدا آی خدا، هدی جون کجایی بیا نازیلا جونم

austrians want to kill me it has nothing to do with ayatollahs anymore, because of stasi pot, in a prison or rehabilitation center with poison, no more concentration camp gas, synthetic poison

with 30 years of war with first and second world war, vienna crapped into the world 3 times, look at this country and city today, with its politicians and elite: vmat2 is money and luxury life, even more when they die

Elias Moses and Khidr had hundreds of orders to kill, including children

children that were born in 2002 are 20 today, these children give their parents full justice for race torture, humiliation, murder and also criticize their parents: why didn't you earn more money, are you incapable of killing. this race and children are worse than the parents and harmful to this world, unnecessarily useless, worthless, material, and killers

it was always gabriel and the prophet: do something LOL

Vere Gordon Childe was a marxist archaeologist, therefore he never saw and talked about revolution of city life. LOL stones from the 14th district

with 500 million stasi pot austria, and 350 million ayatullah regimem stasi pot, my monthly pension is 2 million euros. that's 24 million a year, the investment of this money in the world economy brings austria and iran three times as much every year

in 2008 i took 20,000 euro loan and bought these antiques from an estate, and 8,000 euro another estate, to pay the 35,000 euro debt and start a company, i was robbed by rahim azadeh amiri and irannan with help judge police and ayatullahs

we have an upper class of baboons, monkeys and gorilla tribes in austria that have been living with fake standards for 80 years, 4 generations. the money from plundering and theft from 1932 to 1945. israel has been helping these families with plundering and theft from my person and family for 20 years now, an israel that calls itself jewish, these israeli alexander tribes are the close relatives

In 2010, I wanted to take the opportunity to pay back 35,000 euros in debt and start a company with 100,000 euros, Sotheby's and Christi's took nothing, reason unknown. the stasi system damaged me by 500,000 euros in 2010. i still have debts

alfred kubin was metaphysical master hand, the byzantine painting god's hand, louvre museum wants it as a stasi murder system trophy for free

this is concentration camp doctors formation relationship because of me my sister and mother when we get sick

iran must mobilize against austrian race murderers and gypsy mafia iranians in austria. history shows: we are apparently jews and the regime with viennese master race

islamic government is guilty of terrorism and attempted murder, viennese doctors say there is no regime in vienna and there was no action. these are the actual murderers of ali khamenei, viennese doctors and hospitals

This insulin was prescribed by the doctor who already in 2002 observed my business contents for sabotage with secret cameras. if you get sick, the medication and even the insulin are sabotage, the side effects are enormous, the eyes become weaker, veins, arteries and arteries calcify, and fatty liver increases rapidly, i have not injected insulin for 16 months as a diabetic, vienna is a murder attempt because of race

9/11 and other attacks in europe can be justified with this: rich family sects kill innocent mother and daughters because of vmat2 and old genes and dna, with global judges networks as checkmate actors , international, and with amnesty international and UNO these people present themselves as heroes, we should all have been monkeys. this is fair

I haven't found anyone in the UN and Amnesty International and Zara for 5 years, all of them are with hide evidence attempted murder for Austro fascism and nazi satanism ayatullah regime

that was my business after Nasser asshole robbed us, in 2002 the leftists with the police and secret services started plundering my existence with secret cameras and international action, is anyone offended by the garbage can?

all despised lumpenproletariat, marx engels feuerbach, lenin, stalin, because the truth with simple words and scolding is just like exocism. really: your mother's cunt was a rubbish bin is exocism tactics

I haven't found anyone in the UN and Amnesty International and Zara for 5 years, all of them are with hide evidence attempted murder for Austro fascism and nazi satanism ayatullah regime

For 18 years there were dozens of people from both parties everyday in my political rooms, only then I was morally and politically different, I said my cock in the ass your fathers, today I've become different: I've become a bohemian, a lumpen proletariat and say my cock between the tits of your mothers wives and daughters

19th century Abdol-Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma was an austrian officer in iran, the founding father of the toudeh party and aksariat organization, both are today in vienna members of social democracy and support racial oppression and vmat2 marketing in world economy, the iranian native race

the iranian society, actually extreme gene fanatics and tribal insane are set up and prepared for race wars, and austria and vienna with himmler's army as helpers. like in the 19th century the k.u.k in iran, austrian/hungarian army. the preparation for 10 million deaths in 1918

do you understand what's going on in europe and america? they search and hunt for envy genes dna and race so that evolution satisfies his inferior feelings, you are victims we are victors

in vienna these stones lie down to a depth of 30 meters, which means shamanism is millions of years old, or let's say genes and dna

ich bin das nicht, die arische superrasse ist es, ihr seid es, wir sind es nicht. killerrasse

This country has laws, more than a minute of secret cameras is terrorism. all sex scenes and fake material is state terror and nazi satanism, worse: against innocent mother and daughter because of genes race dna and ethnic origin

CIA AND ALI KHAMENEI TERRORIST One step in my direction for terrorism murder and I draw a sword