Dienstag, 23. August 2022

از سال 2002 ما هی داد میزنیم بدون اسلحه نرید به خیابون، مسلح بشوید. میبینیم علی قریب و رحیم امیری و آزاده و قبیله های اجنبی عقیدتی با حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت بچه هارو با فراخوانهای از غرب طراحی شده، آمارهای از قبل تعین شده به خیابانها میکشند. سیاست گوشت جلوی توپ برای سازمان سیا، آمریکا و اروپا و اسرائیل. به این معنا: انشالله ایران پاکسازی و آریایی میشود و ما سوار شده در قطار گلوبالیزاسیون ایران را آباد میکنیم



it's over, my mother has damages and debts of 180,000 euros because of the stasi system with international dimensions, and i have been in debts and damages of 35,000 euros since 2006, neither of us have filed for bankruptcy because of reconstruction, potential, know-how and knowledge. I was repeatedly robbed, cheated and all professional opportunities were taken away from me, internallynational, because of second national socialism with iran, current nazi satanism with worldwide network

austrian constitution describes: all real estate financed by vmat and the private life trade of a family is second national socialism. money and finance business with import personal right 1932 is second national socialism

Montag, 22. August 2022

this "phenomenon" did not arise with smoke but in a grail. only it is like this today: nobody uses it only we bring joy and faith with ahrimanic black capital, deep faith: excessive consumption and luxury. ayatullah regime and austrian rogue state

the fact is: the austrian constitution is not a bible or kuran, it cannot be criticized or demonized, which mass crimes in vienna shows: evolution never becomes human and empathy, it remains an animal, despite the austrian constitution

my sister has been suffering from panic attacks since 2002 and had medication therapy for 5 years, austrian state and society, including leftists and green party and amnesty international say what? Azadeh is Aryan and the law against the secret Jewess?

these stones are shamanism history in vienna, a race that lived in vienna at that time (time is as old as the stones are) and this society observed evolutionary tribes. the fact is: the austrian constitution is not a bible or kuran, it cannot be criticized or demonized, which mass crimes in vienna shows: evolution never becomes human and empathy, it remains an animal, despite the austrian constitution

i don't have any equipment but i can photograph the smallest particles or examine them microscopically in my grail

UNO, Europe, Vienna says to Iranian: Hidden Jews, the bloodline of all non-Aryan Iranians and non-gypsies are hunted in hospitals/laboratories and examined. the fact is: the bloodline with vmat2 will soon be able to prove metaphysics, the afterlife and god with today's technology

UNO, Europe, Vienna says to Iranian: Hidden Jews, the bloodline of all non-Aryan Iranians and non-gypsies are hunted in hospitals/laboratories and examined. the fact is: the bloodline with vmat2 will soon be able to prove metaphysics, the afterlife and god with today's technology

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

austrians want to kill me it has nothing to do with ayatollahs anymore, because of stasi pot, in a prison or rehabilitation center with poison, no more concentration camp gas, synthetic poison

hurenkind österreicher, bastard herkunft

austrians want to kill me it has nothing to do with ayatollahs anymore, because of stasi pot, in a prison or rehabilitation center with poison, no more concentration camp gas, synthetic poison

because of money even iranian kurds call ghassemloo murderer and fascist MR. AUSTRIAN. does iran still have kurds? or is it....


آقا جریان مصطفی هجری میدونید چیه؟
این یارو رفت چند بار با زن عرب و ترک و اروپایی خوابید، چیزی نفهمید، گفت: خوب حالا که چی آقا؟ سوراخ سوراخه دیگه کاک، اینهمه شلوغش میکنن، عجیبه ها کاک. خلاصه، 
آخوند بیناموس هم هر کسی بوسه به دامنش بزنه بدبخت میشه، یعنی خوار مادر دست بوس رو آخوند میگاد. 1357 که یادتونه!؟ خلاصه،سر یک جریانانی دوتا زن واسش فرستادن آخوند ها به این منظور که چی دیدی تا حالا، نمیدونی چی از دست دادی.
آقا فردا صبحش بلند شد یهویی گفت: کیرم تو کوس ننت کاک قاسملو، 40 سال پیش ما باید از تو جدا میشدیم تا معنی زندگی بفهمیم، کاک خارکوسده، خارکوسده این یچه کون بربد هم مثل تو، شوما کاک نیستید، شوما شوما، شوما خارکوسده ها کوس ندید و مردید، کوس، نکردید من کردم، من،...... آی خدا آی خدا، هدی جون کجایی بیا نازیلا جونم

austrians want to kill me it has nothing to do with ayatollahs anymore, because of stasi pot, in a prison or rehabilitation center with poison, no more concentration camp gas, synthetic poison

with 30 years of war with first and second world war, vienna crapped into the world 3 times, look at this country and city today, with its politicians and elite: vmat2 is money and luxury life, even more when they die

Elias Moses and Khidr had hundreds of orders to kill, including children

children that were born in 2002 are 20 today, these children give their parents full justice for race torture, humiliation, murder and also criticize their parents: why didn't you earn more money, are you incapable of killing. this race and children are worse than the parents and harmful to this world, unnecessarily useless, worthless, material, and killers

it was always gabriel and the prophet: do something LOL

Vere Gordon Childe was a marxist archaeologist, therefore he never saw and talked about revolution of city life. LOL stones from the 14th district

with 500 million stasi pot austria, and 350 million ayatullah regimem stasi pot, my monthly pension is 2 million euros. that's 24 million a year, the investment of this money in the world economy brings austria and iran three times as much every year

in 2008 i took 20,000 euro loan and bought these antiques from an estate, and 8,000 euro another estate, to pay the 35,000 euro debt and start a company, i was robbed by rahim azadeh amiri and irannan with help judge police and ayatullahs

we have an upper class of baboons, monkeys and gorilla tribes in austria that have been living with fake standards for 80 years, 4 generations. the money from plundering and theft from 1932 to 1945. israel has been helping these families with plundering and theft from my person and family for 20 years now, an israel that calls itself jewish, these israeli alexander tribes are the close relatives

In 2010, I wanted to take the opportunity to pay back 35,000 euros in debt and start a company with 100,000 euros, Sotheby's and Christi's took nothing, reason unknown. the stasi system damaged me by 500,000 euros in 2010. i still have debts

alfred kubin was metaphysical master hand, the byzantine painting god's hand, louvre museum wants it as a stasi murder system trophy for free

this is concentration camp doctors formation relationship because of me my sister and mother when we get sick

iran must mobilize against austrian race murderers and gypsy mafia iranians in austria. history shows: we are apparently jews and the regime with viennese master race

islamic government is guilty of terrorism and attempted murder, viennese doctors say there is no regime in vienna and there was no action. these are the actual murderers of ali khamenei, viennese doctors and hospitals