Donnerstag, 25. August 2022

the connection israel to viennese leftists and iranian traditional leftists is a judas story that is not written in the bible: organized satanic working class. anti VMAT movement

kumm oida heas aAAeeeAaa, geh bitte so i bin, aaaaaaa, aaaaa, i woars und i bin, AaaaaaAAAaaaa

even 35 prophets before jesus christ were victims of nazi satanism. nazi satanism was always, nazi germany a show with lies, the goal was always bloodline combined with vmat

nazis justified 1932 to 1945 with economic crisis and hunger, vienna is worse today than 1932 to 1945. there is no hunger, only scum society

why did these people become famous through us and earned 15 million euros, proof of value, proof of productivity, proof, proof. i fuck 20.000 in 5 seconds

calculate what austria and austriansare worth for this world, in the last 80 years. in whichever branch: it says we are the master race we need jew sacrifices our salaries are too low, we are worth prosperity and luxury

danial hussein murder business case is rahim amiri: 15 years he was an accountant 1500 salary, 8 years 1800 salary, and at the end 2200 until his retirement. since 2012 he has been getting a pension of eight hundred euros. what Viennese judges in nazi satanism platforms made possible is: 25,000 euros a month and 15 million euros in real estate business.

Mittwoch, 24. August 2022

nazi satanism is a current issue and danger in the west, the torture and chain murders are statistically higher than in iran, because of financial projects

this is not islam but holocaust in iran with nazi satanism that abuses kuran verses. and in vienna nobody accepts the austrian constitution because of our race

iran experiences 40 years concentration camp with germany/austria and ayatullahs, luristan ahwaz abadan belutchistan dies in holocaust of three states, with the help of america and israel

i live in a town full of christians who want to kill us because of armenian/jewish bloodline and the stasi financial deal with it combined with vmat2. easter egg seeker, you christ in vienna

jesus wurde vom anunnak'n dämonen veroilgt und gestalkt, und da denkat sich der schmähtandlerplatz wien:, da hau ma uns a da Ane, und loch'n über die lait, suacht anunnak eier oidaaaa suacht des, des moacht spass

marble casket, ostara and prophet bloodline

the connection "goddess ostara" with jesus christ was also an intrigue, what is that supposed to be with 80% superstition? you europe

marking bloodline and semites with religion was future vision, jesus and all others were old civilization, vmat people, different models

that happened to this day with iranian nazi satanism, vienna says we are silent because of damages, that is a lie, vienna wants eternal persecution of jews and christians worldwide. Vienna has enough money

from 2004 my sister was tortured in stasi show in vienna and everything was secondary filmed for international cosmunets, even her panic attacks dozens of times

today in iran in a position of power, and in vienna in an official position: kidnapping, torture and murder

The psychopathy of this Indo-European race is how we will get rich without potential with diminished intellect and intelligence, without effort without risk

Islam was never brutal and murderous, but racist

Building an empire with vmat2 goat trade also existed at the time of mazdak, he attacked the houses and took back the money and capital, he killed the Indo-European race like emam ali, and founded socialism with his tribe, vmat socialism/nationalism against gypsies and black magicians jews

these nazi women in vienna and tehran are sick, nazi satanism, feminine satanism are sick. a paranormal hate against vmat2. they are not even afraid of feminicide and serial murder, especially the girls

what the police sect and mafia wants in vienna is: only when 500 austrians die do we allow ourselves to be arrested for 20 years, as long as the NS continues to repeat it, or let's say nazi satanism with "iranian". active to this day

many turkish arabs, afghans, africans and chinese have up to 5 children in vienna, only i have the rare old miracle genes, the master race genes. viennese and international sects are afraid, do you know what they are afraid of? eternal life

حاجی جمالت رو عشق، ما دیگه یا این دوربین مخفی ها جنده باز عبدی شدیم، والا هرکی بیاد جلو میگم برو یکجا دیگه بگو بله، رژیم و پلیس اتریش جندت میکنه

آقا ما هی داد میزدیم آزادی ایران از کردستان قطارش براه میفته بعد میدیدم این حزب دمکرات و کومله هی دارن ریل هارو کج و کوله میکنن، به این نتیجه رسیدیم:


دلا زارت برون نتوان نهادن

قدم در موج خون نتوان نهادن

بر اسب عمر هرای جوانی است

بر او زین سرنگون نتوان نهادن

تو را هر دم غم صد ساله روزی است

ذخیره زین فزون نتوان نهادن

به کتف عمر میکش بار محنت

که بر دهر حرون نتوان نهادن

به نامت چون توان کرد ابلقی را

که داغش بر سرون نتوان نهادن

در این منزل رصد جهان می‌ستاند

گنه بر رهنمون نتوان نهادن

خراب است آن جهان کاول تو دیدی

اساسی نو کنون نتوان نهادن

به صد غم ریسمان جان گسسته است

غمی را پنبه چون نتوان نهادن

دلی کز جنس برکندی نگهدار

که بر ناجنس و دون نتوان نهادن

سرت خاقانیا در بیم راهی است

کز آنجا پی برون نتوان نهادن

آقا یکروز رفتیم جلسه پژاک بینیم حزب توده از کون زاییدنش سر چی بوده. دیدم حاجی احمدی هی میگه: کاک جوون بعد از جلسه صبر کن کارت دارم، کاک، وایسا باید با شما حرف بزنم، منم گفتم چشم و نشستم جلسه رو به کردی گوش کردن، اومدم بگم نمیشد چهار روز قبل تر دعوت میکردین؟ کردی ما در دوروز تکمیل نشده، آقا بلند شدیم از دست این حاجی هم رفتیم. خارکوسده رژیم نتونست من رو بکشه تو میخواستی مارو بکشی؟ کونده خواهر های مادر جنده. جاش های اجنبی!

حاجی یه جوک بگم؟

in iran our girls are kidnapped by: aryan romano race, and in europe in vienna the women and girls are held hostage as stasi victims, with the help of all governments and CIA/NSA/MOSSAD. as a threat and intimidation

what germany/austria government is doing with its networks is: suck our middle fingers, we educate and assimilate iranians abroad for the final solution program: racial hygiene iran. elam luristan and other tribes were never human only evolution