Freitag, 26. August 2022

میگم چوسانه، بابای زری و طاهره باقر قصاب بود ها... حاجی هم داییشون

CIA killed my aunt in america, masoud her friend said it was an accident, apparently ali gharib, Azadeh amiri, khashayar mohseni, hussein gharib, family shams and amiri also speak for CIA, including viennese "iranians"

vmat2 stalking, espionage, cyber terror, stasi system and murder never ends. psychopathy israel/iran/europe/america the nazi satanism network society

area 51 does not understand elami and falcon language: shim shim sham sham shim bari sham shim, dada khim shalabim dimdalabim dim. stone crystal and silver mirror. tablet photo raw

For many Jewish scientists, to practice science publicly in a region ruled by Nazi ideology was a death sentence. No one was exempt from this persecution. These are just two stories of those lost.

For many Jewish scientists, to practice science publicly in a region ruled by Nazi ideology was a death sentence. No one was exempt from this persecution. These are just two stories of those lost.

the face of 20 years cocksucker family, stasi nazi satanism and spies for states

Do you understand, they experimented with meth, aryan behavior after meth use and jewish behavior, the result was: one fought and killed and the other worked and invented new things. creation and evolution matter

do you know the joke of the nazis from 1938 to 1945, who administered crystal meth to, jews children and jews adults and said: work frees you. on the topic of german industry and economy in the post-war period, and industry

work frees you, you have to raise your children with 10 hours of work, work frees you

جنده خارکوسده با روزی ده ساعت کار باید به بچت برسی، روزی 10 ساعت، بچت مرد جنده

get the money from these cia nsa and ayatulah regime agents, god only protect me if i become active myself and prove 20 years of stasi system, we were and are not slaves with 3 shops, like in 1932

Viennese judges know what 60 million are,but what is 2 million euros susan shams? this woman was unemployed for 10 years, and otherwise she had a salary of 1200 euros, the sister of soroor shams with 6 properties in iran

a taxi driver, austrian citizen, sits in front of national iranian television and says: i have 60 million euros to invest, where the money comes from is nobody's business. before the eyes of the Viennese tax office, judges and police, secret services

the problem is if mohammad naderi and azita pyran naderi would die, then khashayar mohseni would eat up all the money, a money laundering system of the regime and the austro stasi system

آقا این پسر حاجی رو کی میشناسه؟

پسر 19 سالمون بود  میرفتیم دیسکو و کلاب و دانسینگ، پدیده های ما این خشی اینها بودند، هی میرفتن میومدن و میگفتن از کتک کاری اومدیم،  دعوا داشتیم،  زدیم هاااا، زدیم. این خلاصه رواج شده بود در محفل عاشقان، که ما زدیم و نخوردیم.  یک روز دیدم خشی پشت تیفار قایم شده داره با سویچ ماشین رو دستش هی خط میندازه،  هی سویچ رو میکشه رو دستش. که یعنی که یعنی،  کتک کاری بودم،  ولی زدم،  زیاد زدم. گفتم ما دیگه دیسکو پیدامون نشه بهتره، والا، خطرناک هستن این ارازل اوباش حاجی،  یکی دوتا هم نبودن.  نرفتیم آقا از سال 1994 دیسکو نرفتیم

حاجی یه جوک بگم؟

the whole fear of governments and secret services was a romantic dinner with a woman, because the child would be an embarrassment for elite and world leaders, the children of these people are normal, my child a 100 billion dollar project

ya ahura mazda ya zarroscht ya isa, evolution zombie, mind control program hate campaign and stasi system is for evolution, only evolution can be influenced

in 2008 i was in istanbul for 10 days, those who didn't know me there were the newspaper sellers, there was nothing inside: elvis has arrived

Donnerstag, 25. August 2022

erdogan has been crying an hour before he sleeps for 40 years, not because of a million massacres of armenians, but: why am i not an armenian. Freemasonry does not raise armenians and jews, only Ataturk

there is no "jewish" or "armenian" bloodline, there was and is only one race, semites, and god genes tribes from ancient civilization

ya ahura mazda, we were first, master race, acient race, ya zartoscht

do you find syllables in the voynich manuscript? verbs?grammar? genitive dative plural? or spelling? science cannot read it

That's why only illiterate people can read and understand Elamite writing and technology language, without academic language building a UFO is our business


a million austrians refuse to learn grammar and spelling despite intellect and intelligence, the system says: intellect and intelligence always write correctly, intellect is dependent on literature. a million austrians still don't learn it. the whole thing has a biological and metaphysical reason.
I spell wrong too, but had full political chat rooms for 15 years

Sebastian Kurz lived with his parents in a 60 m2 apartment in the 12th district workers' quarter, at that time where Rana lived in a 160 m2 apartment with antiques and several paintings, the parents were teachers with salaries. nazi satanism is also demonic envy

my mother restored antique textiles 10 hours a day, how do you think you make money and buy paintings l? with hard work

my business was born from 35 years of work by my mother, 18 years in the iranian ministry of culture, 15 years in vienna. austrians and nazi satanist iranians, incompetent invalid brains say: we do these actions with inferior beings, mauthausen state secret cameras are still running to this day

my mother restored antique textiles 10 hours a day, how do you think you make money and buy paintings l? with hard work