Freitag, 2. September 2022

many iranian perpetrators are HIV positive police and the networks have portrayed me as HIV positive all over the world and so to make me inferior. after 36 negative tests

حاجی خروس لاری زیاد داری، اونی هم که نیست دارد آدامس خروس نشان قدیمی میجود

i have been living in vienna since 1986 without a police file and without a criminal offence, when the lucifer state and the ahrimanic police kill me for human stasi stalking money then first the church, the mosques and synagogues drink my blood. all functions are occupied by bad genes, even international authorities and human rights organizations. bad genes without empathy

the feat is decorated with fossils, a mockery. elamit artifact: 6&7

بخت ما

حاجی پول نداریم بریم پوکر، هی داریم تاس میریزیم، ولی میبینیم شش و بش هم مارو فیلم کرده، جون تو، نمیاد که بیاد ، همش میاد شش و هفت، شش و هفت فیلم نیست!؟ رو هر مهره بخت ما یک قرمساق نشسته فیلم بازی میکنه، جدول بخت ما شده سیاه بازی شش و حفت، بد نیست ها، ولی هرجا شانس ما ملکوتی قرار بوده باشه یه کون گنده نشسته، ما هم میگیم باشه، زنجیره شش و هفت مارو از بنیاد سیاه کردید و ریدی بهش رفته. امروز یک دختر سیاهپوست از کنارم رد شد، یک لبخند زد و بعد اخم کرد. گفتم قربون اون پشم های زمختت، اون تیغ ساقه گلت، تقصیر من نیست تقصیر حاجی جونه، به من اخم نکن، والا بخدا، بخت ما این بود بچه های ما کاکو سیاه بشن. نشد، امروز هم نشد

the reptile is cold, in the near future the government will kill us, or let's say: "gas us" in hospitals, in gas chambers, and say: we don't know anything, we don't know any two siblings or elami vmat2 family

austrian kurt waldheim nurses and doctors were never employed at war fronts or hospitals but in evin and other prisons in 80s, who can find evidence except my person?

since early 80's hizbullah and ayatullahs puted their cock in mouth and ass and vagina of minors, in evin, kahrizak, and ghasr and other prisons, afterwards they sent marriage certificates to their families, marriage for one night, after execution, there was only applause from Austria and UNO

کیرم تو دهن هرچی آخوند، مادر قحبه های غربتی


فلک از سردمهری سوخت ما را

چو آن نخلی که از سرما بسوزد

کجا دارد کلیم آن پیش بینی

که امروز از غم فردا بسوزد

the reptile is cold, in the near future the government will kill us, or let's say: "gas us" in hospitals, in gas chambers, and say: we don't know anything, we don't know any two siblings or elami vmat2 family


فلک از سردمهری سوخت ما را

چو آن نخلی که از سرما بسوزد

کجا دارد کلیم آن پیش بینی

که امروز از غم فردا بسوزد

والا، میان جلو چشم فلسطین محروم با اسرائیلی ها رپتایل ریتوال بازی در میارن، ما هم میگیم: خوب پس محروم شدیم کوسکش، ولی به کوس جنده اول تا آخرتون، مادر کونده خوارهای لاشی، مادر قحبه ها

alfred kubin: veronika weiss, nasser farahani and reptile spirit ritual

Nasser farahani Was taken over by reptilian spirit in a ritual of satanism, a host. before that he was made into a man without empathy by the secret society and secret services: your jewish daughter is worth millions. he actually sold his daughters as a human trafficker and bought real estate for veronika weiss's children, children of a woman with a capital of 12 million euros

du verstehen oder nix? ich depperter ausländer mit prehistory, ich nix jude, wählen falscher mann für estasi mausi espiele

I calculated it, there are 500 units for a full HD movie wall. someone just has to reinvent the light and effects. this wall was for mitraistic visual language

heas richter laufan's mit burschis und huris zu U4 station pilgramgasse, dort liega'ns die steine, 500 no, laufans mit kiwarai

heas, oberabbiner oida, heas oida, ist des mit isaac den ziegen und abraham net do in wien am kahlenberg gewesen? tabu thema geschichte koan net des sain: abraham tötete isaac und der zieg'n blieb am leben?

i've been living in vienna since 1986 without criminal records, criminal records and convictions, i only owe 35,000 euros because of constant state terror, several thefts in vienna with gypsy iranians like in 2008, and non-stop stasi camera show for international nazi satanism with the viennese upper class. theft and fraud was for the ultimate show

the viennese police exploited and robbed my business with secret cameras and with gipsy iranians. and on top of that I was robbed 5 times so that I can't prove it, the key to our apartment was always in the hands of the Viennese secret service and police for ayatullahs

according to austrian laws and legal i worked for rana gratis to secure her savings for her company. injustice and illegality with ayatullahs will be executed as fascists and terrorists, it will be beheaded

no iranian is able to take the child away from the mother, or the mother from the daughter, we have 10 million, and these 10 million have nothing to do culturally, ritually and religiously with european sinti and roma, all dozen tribes are "muslim", almost all of them would serve for cia, nsa, mossad and europe, america. i am a radical regime opponent, but i would kill every american soldier on iranian soil

Donnerstag, 1. September 2022

When incompetent, uneducated garbage comes to power, the scum and garbage starts ritual murders, and the European beast starts mass murders with the help of garbage. with rahim tribes, ali tribes and shams tribes.

the debts have been torture since 2005, because the state even takes good furniture and luxury from the apartment, what was filmed? poverty! because the state caused my mother 180,000 euros dept and I owe 35,000 euros

we have debts and have been living with rana for 10 years with 900 euros, no capital investment is possible with these economic conditions, i have been buying for rana and from her savings since november, she has been working since 2004 and pays taxes. everything in the apartment is an investment from your savings, in the bank account or in your apartment. who wants to die? we can't repay any debts because vienna made us a financial project through secret cameras until today

i walk in the direction of carla, walking for 5 hours lowers my sugar level. i have the wrong insulin in austria, it kills me

see vienna: after 24 years of prosperity and extras, fake high standard has this result: police and state torture innocent people in vienna and want to kill all three, we don't care, we are iranian

mother son and daughter, vmat2 lotus and the purchased scum relatives without vmat2. darios the great grief. the battle with alexander was prepared in iran for 32 years, with these three, or hundreds of these three

When incompetent, uneducated garbage comes to power, the scum and garbage starts ritual murders, and the European beast starts mass murders with the help of garbage. with rahim tribes, ali tribes and shams tribes. the first rock painting art shows how the educated luri expels nazi satanism/ahrimanism because of capricorn

i am currently in stasi torture, street theater and psychological manipulation. with mental, physical and sexual punishment, prevention of starting a family. stasi torture and terrorism never expires