Donnerstag, 8. September 2022

libertad, pompeii

the sign libertad is old, prehistory old anunnaki old, the freedom of women in vienna

1500 euro gehalt akademiker kann nazi verbrecher zusammen schreiben, das einzige worauf sie stolz sein können

scheißdreck 1200- 2400 gehalt bleib unten, bleib unten du verbrecher du drecksau huankind, bleib unten du nichts du null wert. du nazi verbrecher du affenherkunft, nazi verbrecher

if civil servants cannot afford houses and real estate, then they should change their job and show potential, or the state should lower real estate prices, or the state should give cheap credit, human trafficking for zero potential is fascism and real estate buying is not a compulsion, only an opportunity if someone is worth something. 1800 salary rahim and 800 pension rahim should stay where he belongs: below

Mittwoch, 7. September 2022

this is in america europe and iran turkey and other countries the monkey way out for economic fiasco: where do we find old cock and uterus

when ayatollah khomeini returned to iran in 1979, he famously said: economy is for donkeys. a truly great statement: they kill us, tens of thousands, and leave the economy to the donkeys

yesterday i was in clubhouse, i just installed it 3 days ago, i chose a room in business theme and listened for 30 minutes. the discussions were 3rd world relations and discussions like 1979-1981. almost all doctors and academics, eshak society despite academy: who was in the 18th century mother and father of the economy what happened 200 years later. LOL monkey despite academy remains eshak. it only took me 5 minutes to get everyone fleeing with a economy formula

subhuman do i still have good sperm? do you want to kill every woman and child by stasi camera action in private area?

the reason why i tie the stones together as posted below is this:1920 to 1932 vienna was able to convince few because of mass murder, today vienna convinces almost all networks worldwide with high technology and secret archeology: in the near future creation will describe us as subhuman and ape origin, vmat2 will oppress us through high spirituality and hidden and forgotten forces . we have to eliminate everyone beforehand, society should despise everyone

برو گمشو کون گنده حرام خوار، دزد مادر سگ، "مسجد امام علی" و سفارت، زرگری اجنبی کافر، اجنبی تازی کون گنده شاشخالی

since 1998 the viennese police have been saying: we are refused service because of jews from iran! But there are million euro contracts and vmat2 breed trade the main reason

در داستانهای کهن ایرانی اژدها موجودی است که باعث بدبختی مردم می‌شود. مثلاً آب را از سرچشمه می‌بندد و نمی‌گذارد که به شهر برسد، و یا اژدها موجودی تعبیر شده است که هر روز به روستا آمده و تعدادی از جوانان روستا را بلعیده و می‌رفته است. هیچ‌کس هم قادر نبوده وی را از بین ببرد و…

خلاصه، عربستان بود

بنا بر عقیدة یونانیان، سیمرغ در سرزمین عربستان نزدیک چشمه‌یی خنک زندگی می‌کرد. هر سپیده‌دمان، خدایان خورشید ارابة خود را متوقف می‌کرد تا به آواز زیبای این پرنده که در چشمه‌یی مشغول شناکردن بود گوش سپارد. در آن زمان فقط یک سیمرغ بود که زندگی می‌کرد. سیمرغ وقتی احساس کرد که مرگش نزدیک شده است آشیانه‌یی از چوب معطر فراهم کرد، آن را به آتش کشید و سپس خود در میان شعله‌های آتش فنا شد. سیمرغ جدیدی از میان هیمه‌های آتش ظاهر شد. خاکستر سیمرغ فناشده را مومیایی کرده و در داخل تخمی قرار داد و با صمغی آن را اندود و خود به‌سمت شهر خورشید پرکشید و تخم را در محراب خدایان خورشید به ودیعه گذاشت

😂 found 2 years ago at subway station 5th district. probably another chamber 20 meters away

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

the ditches are 3 to 7 meters deep at the subway station, i asked permission to look for these two when they wanted to transport it as rubbish

prehistory concept, two stones collected in 5th district

if you see these two as eddie murphy and the princess then i am michael jackson: do you remember How did it all began? It just seemed like heaven, so why did it end?

Alien spirits, black matter: nazi satanism: we have to build houses, for free, with slaves, we have to build pyramids

how many of you weren't in the world trade center, how many? why? why weren't many of you in these buildings?

in vienna thousands of people with iranian produced fake material with doppelganger, for stasi economy, all viennese judges organized 5 million euros for Nasser farahani his brothers and relatives: confirm the fake material as real so we can kill this vmat2 family

how many of you weren't in the world trade center, how many? why? why weren't many of you in these buildings?

she is a dangerous terrorist who will do anything for money, she has to be arrested, she motivates iranians to murder and works with hezbullahs and ayatullahs

there are stones with which you can cut the sea in two, for passage, i have to get it and the jews won't leave me alone with fascists. minority persecution with state cameras, it belongs to me and my tribe. you have your atomic bombs in israel.

found guilty on all counts, vienna proves 80 years after national socialism, the 3rd and the 4th generation are the same animals as in 1932

austrians are so cheap that with 2 cent politics they want to keep the jew boycott money, actually also brecht boycott system, and stasi nazi action money. through escalating conflict, illegality and reaching the psychosis: he should kill at least 4 people so that we should keep the money as a war loss: we lost hansi heidi franzi and helga, valuable citizens

two shaman stones, construction site pilgramgasse, was prepared for transport to the garbage dump. 48 combinations

energy point, ancient breed persian falcon

i think if the state pays a bonus of 500 euros twice a year i can afford botox, i've never had botox injections, but i think if i can afford it every 6 months i'll stay like this until 70. photo 2 minutes ago

our standard was and is brought to zero with ruining 3 shops, and the standard of amiris shams naderis to 15 million euros, by vmat2 trade crime and attempted murder. crimes against humanity and with jew and aryan politics in vienna

we are not jews we are cyrus the great children and i raise the power old world for animals, atheists and other monkey origins. the power should finally teach you: evolution is subhuman, if not and you don't accept that, then die. you only destroy lives, you are animals