Donnerstag, 8. September 2022

She had 35 years until 2002, from 2002 to 2006 she was in my business as a helper

my business was born from 35 years of work by my mother, 18 years in the iranian ministry of culture, 15 years in vienna. austrians and nazi satanist iranians, incompetent invalid brains say: we do these actions with inferior beings, mauthausen state secret cameras are still running to this day

من کیرم تو دهن رژیم و این ملی‌گرایی 40 ساله، مگه این دو نفر فعال سیاسی یودند

این ملی گرایی 40 ساله شما میدونی به چه مناسبتی بوده؟ کولی، کولی، علی قربتی و حسین قربتی، رحیم قربتی، دقیق مانند زمان شاه عباس و رفیقش هابسبورگ

many UN employees who have already bought expensive villas are killers, the only empathy: we don't want to kill in a prison cell with the police and judge animals, but in the hospital where they die in peace and should understand why they should die: we want to live in peace andlive in luxury

everyone is in the deep state under state contract, mafia contract, stasi mafia contract against vmat2, only because of money, because of money, everyone who shows it will be arrested for 20 years

du hurenkind österreich 120.000 sind für euch nicht genug, ich und rana sind noch am leben, 120.000 sind für euch nazi tiere nicht genug, nazi tiere, dreckige abschaum österreicher

everyone is in the deep state under state contract, mafia contract, stasi mafia contract against vmat2, only because of money, because of money, everyone who shows it will be arrested for 20 years

ask me why do deer and goats wear in persian art clothes and have and human bodies: the sign of vmat1 vmat2 and other models. emam zaman soldiers

today the show is also a work of art: i have 5 houses my family has 15 million euros and he should die so we can live in peace, today's work of art, everyone is silent internationally is also a work of art

then ask iran archeology what is this? they say: "hunting observation". you ask again why does this art exist in elam? then they laugh and say: art is a timeless craft, today there is also this art opinion.

بیا حالا از میراث فرهنگی سوال کن این جریان چیه، میگه ولمون کن آقا مگه ما دامداری خوندیم، یه یوز پلنگه اومده ببینه اون دوتا گوز اون بالا پدر مادر دارند یا نه. جون تو تیکه پرونن چنتا شون

An example is Ms. Magister Amiri with 5 family clans: she turned Vienna and Tehran into psychopaths, with the state of Austria, the same in politics: position opposition and the regime, hundreds of thousands of manipulative spirits

Iranian nationalism but also separatism is gypsy, , federalism discussions are gypsy, neoliberalism is gypsy, lefitsts are gypsies, everyone in whatever branch that is brought up is gypsy

این ملی گرایی 40 ساله شما میدونی به چه مناسبتی بوده؟ کولی، کولی، علی قربتی و حسین قربتی، رحیم قربتی، دقیق مانند زمان شاه عباس و رفیقش هابسبورگ


من کیرم تو دهن رژیم و این ملی‌گرایی 40 ساله، مگه این دو نفر فعال سیاسی یودند

i had a loss of about 134,000 euros in my life, no chance without testicles, that's textiles and world art business, until I was mature. what did you do with me in vienna and what are you still doing? were the secret cameras from 1998 to blame

in vienna only 1% can identify kk and that is years of study and work, shopping is science and years of loss business, and gaining experience. so you can buy the paintings at the flea market for 100 euros

heas kiwarai, volks zeitung 1925 ist gut

hey police tell the judge i bought a painting for my sister today, signed "Kk" because of the costume i tended to ukraine and KYRiak KOStandi, do you want to come loot? it's not kir and kos, it can also be someone else from the 33 artist

For 5 years I have been under sexual physical torture without money because the state helps the pensioner, stomach and asshole, restaurants and expensive food, without cock and vagina

we and rana have been destroyed worldwide in the last 5 years and 60 to 80 year old useless pensioners and officials make decisions about young people, 60 to 80 year old dirt. stomach, only asshole and stomach

the man is 73 he is just a stomach, intestinal tract and an asshole, and it says: i need 4 million euros for "my life" the children and ex-wife should die, i need money for my "life". without cock and balls, just an animal, eat and shit machine, useless like rahim

This Nazi capitalist and whore vronika, weiss farahani is 8 million euros rich. Through me and Rana, she earned another 4 million euros within 10 years and bought real estate for her 5 children

Nasser farahani was bought the fascist whore fulfilled her dreams, he got millions of euros for this statement, like ahmadinejad: he had no business it was no existence, she had no business it was no existence, only me Nasser Farahani 10 years unemployed 1996 to 2002 was existence and human

the austrian constitution is untouchable, there were no victims named barbad, rana farahani and zari khonjmanesh

In the post-war period, the psychopaths tried to jerk off with victim statistics, saying that there were no 6 million, only 800,000 or more. the reason is that: 5.2 million never existed, they didn't exist, they didn't exist like today, the whores say: the austrian constitution is untouchable, there were no victims named barbad, rana farahani and zari khonjmanesh

this woman with a black soul, (extravagance next to anunaki spirit) sits in chat rooms as masters of ceremonies and talks about murder, in front of the police and judges and prosecutors: if we kill rana first, we will be freed!do you know what exemption? and what is this woman talking about? from chains, austrian constitution! for new beginning vmat2 mass murder

libertad, pompeii

the sign libertad is old, prehistory old anunnaki old, the freedom of women in vienna

1500 euro gehalt akademiker kann nazi verbrecher zusammen schreiben, das einzige worauf sie stolz sein können