Dienstag, 13. September 2022

آقا رفتم الان کلاب هاوز، دیدم چنتا صدا میشناسم از پالتالک 2002 تا 2015، فقط خندم گرفت، شی شیییی شیییی میکنن پیر های خرفت کودن، پیر های کفتار 57تی با دندون مصنوعی. شی شی شیکار باید کرد با رژیم شی شی شیکار کردیم شی شی شیکار کنیم

62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

i can prove this rationality with 500,000 euros of equipment, my goal in 2002 was the capital for my work. my work, as high born, as worthy, with gods gift, vmat type

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

rescuing some patriarchs from hell hades is fun, as a servant and soldier of jesus christ

خانه ای ما


از راز دو کون گر کس آگاه افتد

چون جاده سر براه هر راه افتد

بیچاره به تنگنای دولت چه کند

مانند شناوری که در چاه افتد



با هر که بد شوی فکنی از نظر مرا

منظور بودنی است بس است اینقدر مرا

بوی گلست موی دماغ ضعیف من

ناصح مده ز صندل خود دردسر مرا

اشکی ز دیده ای نچکاند حدیث من

شمعم که هست دود و دمی بی اثر مرا

هر وقت هست قیمت من نقد می شود

گر می توان بهیچ ز دوران بخر مرا

چون داغ گر بقدرشناسی شوم دچار

مشکل زدست اگر بگذارد دگر مرا

طالع نگر که سبز شود هم زاشک من

خاری که دهر می شکند در جگر مرا

چون شیشه شکسته بمیخانه وجود

لب از شراب کام نگردیدتر مرا

سرمایه ای جز آبله و خار پای نیست

قسمت کنند راهزن و راهبر مرا

تنها نیم کلیم چو پروانه تیره روز

چون شمع بهره نیست ز شام و سحر مرا

850 million euros was given to ayatollahs and hezbollah after 120,000 political activist mass murders, and the viennese animal, viennese woman gives me 50 euros of insulin

کلیم؟کدوم کریم؟


خاک غربت در مذاقم آب حیوان می‌شود

صبح روشن خاطر از شام غریبان می‌شود

گرچه ننگ از نام ما داری چه شد، گاهی بپرس

لایق یاد ار نباشد خرج نسیان می‌شود

دیده ام تا سرکشی‌هایی خطت، در حیرتم

مور هم بر همرهی ملک سلیمان می‌شود

می‌جهد ابروی موج و می‌پرد چشم حباب

نیست خیر ای دل دگر در دیده طوفان می‌شود

پشت طاقت خم گرفت از منت پیراهنم

از تن‌آسایی‌ست گر دیوانه عریان می‌شود

باغ دنیا از کجا و میوه راحت کجا

گر نهالش خشک گردد چوب دربان می‌شود

بخت وارون هر چه آسانست مشکل می‌کند

توبه را باید شکست این شیشه سندان می‌شود

کاروان خط نمی‌دانم چه بار آورده است

این قدر دانم که نرخ بوسه ارزان می‌شود

پای در دامن چو قفل بی‌کلید آورده‌ام

برنخیزم گر به فرقم خانه ویران می‌شود

غیرت همت به شرکت سر نمی‌آرد فرود

ما همان خاریم اگر عالم گلستان می‌شود

دست بر سر، سنگ بر دل، خار در پایی کلیم

می‌توان دانست کار ما به سامان می‌شود

i live here and others eat the fruit without work, effort, potential, intellect, idea, invention. my basket is empty because of useless animals

850 million euros was given to ayatollahs and hezbollah after 120,000 political activist mass murders, and the viennese animal, viennese woman gives me 50 euros of insulin

look at the 4th generation after the second world war, genetically diseased animals, genetically diseased animals with a lust for torture, with a sympathy for torture, a passion for torture other races

affenherkunft österreicher, du arisch du, du herrenrasse du, du scheißdreck du, bastard tier herkunft, massenmörder, kindermörder, kinderficker, du sadist du krankes dreck, du scheißdreck huansau drecksau du huankind affenherkunft, kannst du das? kannst du sowas

this insulin is terrorism, after hundreds of millions of euros in income, 50 euros insulin is murder and terrorism

sick austrian sadism and fascism: i've been under torture for 5 years, physically, sexually and mentally, i'm filmed nonstop and the state says to the perpetrators: spend as much money as you can. live happily, have fun until he dies or has the evidence

international judges and vienna: no aryan race or romano aryan race will sit in prison because of this story until the "jew" kills, only then, without the jew nobody will go behind bars

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

I am here first terror victims and then anti-Semitic victims, fascism and nazi satanism financial project victims, hide evidence is murder, torture, physical and mental suffering. hide evidence is murder

while the aryan race monkeys origin and we pure original beings,

international judges and vienna: no aryan race or romano aryan race will sit in prison because of this story until the "jew" kills, only then, without the jew nobody will go behind bars

because of my mother and sister, someone should have talked to us in 2007, no later than 2007, nobody was there. only azadeh amir had the order to stand next to me so that i wouldn't notice anything. the whore and her pimps. photo 2007

we have adam's apple, the truth, but these women have a metaphysical mouth. Combined with manipulated chemicals in their lacrimal sacs it's mind control program

these actions have been going on in vienna since 1982, if you still find honest upright whistleblowers today, then i will change my name, the race is extinct, falco was the last one: wiener blut

From 2002, WUK earned 90 million euros from my family with nasser ALIZADEH and the Viennese secret services, only autonomous WUK, with nasser alizadeh, ali gharib, azim amiri, rahim amiri, atefeh amiri, azadeh amiri

In 1988 I drank a lot of wine, I was 13, suddenly I saw lightning in the room and saw Count Drakula's servant, he spoke Persian. nasser alizadeh with ali gharib and nayereh gharib, vmat2 finance deal

wir haben in wien tatsächlich millitante vmat2 gegner, millitante multikulti vmat2 gegner mit iraner. 1988 nasser alizadeh

From 2002, WUK earned 90 million euros from my family with nasser ALIZADEH and the Viennese secret services, only autonomous WUK, with nasser alizadeh

I am here first terror victims and then anti-Semitic victims, fascism and nazi satanism financial project victims, hide evidence is murder, torture, physical and mental suffering. hide evidence is murder

i have to patent some projects then i can show zarathustras and science

Many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]

The word magusmagicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.

that it was a "special kind" of blood – and my grandfather bagher. we are left hand elamis, related to ari tribe ethiopia. ari culture not aryan culture, ari culture

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, has criticised the refusal of the country's emergency medical services to accept a blood donation from an Ethiopian-born member of parliament on the grounds that it was a "special kind" of blood – a move that has prompted charges of racism.

has an israeli been killed by the regime in the last 40 years? or just us with the help of jews and israel? vmat2 was always a mass murder project

زری آدم فروشه؟ ناصر مادر کونی شاف کون خارکوسده، رعنا آدم فروشه؟ من آدم فروشم؟ مادر جنده های سگ ایرانی وین با ناصر مادر کوسده؟ ایرانی سگ لجن، هیچکاره های عن، بیخاصیت های شاشخالی هیچکاره عن، ناصر ولد زنا قاتل عن با ایرانی های وین، قاتل زن جنده کوس مادر با محمود و عباس و قاسم، مادر کونی های عن