Freitag, 16. September 2022

Vienna's Israeli community is a disgrace and a charlatan in that they knew about my anti-regime activities and philosophy of armed defense and revolution from 2002 to 2009. in iran there is only genocide and persecution of ethnic groups and murder through laboratory tests, such as the case in vienna with my sister, mother and my person

my experience today in club house: a girl was murdered in iran, just like 40 years ago to this day, fake politicians, activists, reformers and all political colors and ambitions gather: we have to act sensibly and talk, dialogue is the best way towards peace and freedom. I wrote: my cock in the mouth of you and regime, you took away my kalashnikov with cyberterror

this alpha stone is the science god among the stones, energy management and chain reaction is not possible without alpha. usually a small piece of carbonado

I am often copied by many, but never reached, photo just 3 minutes ago.

only one specific person has this milky boobs, she is currently a victim of the stasi romeo, the actor and he has a bunch of fake material of me.

the absurd more than anything else are ahrimanic jokes, that's why i derived the stone and crystal energy in the direction of chinese meditation balls: you will never touch tits with your left hand, which tits? There are tits everywhere, well he means "the tits" the special tits

when i say demons and spirits i refer to the history and testimonies as evidence. the people themselves are spirits today: Magoi, my schizophrenia friend, he sometimes brings the whole senate with him. tablet photo raw

nobody becomes celebrity in this world without potential, this system is supposed to help the underdeveloped rich children to become celebrity.

the Viennese collective judges have been ordered by the ayatullahs from iran to execute me, from america and israel to lynch me. the contracts and millions of euros are blackmail tools

eylam spirit in vienna, ancient civilization spirit

1920: we know you

now come to rana and plunder rana's savings and investments then i'll show you what it means to be a mass murderer

when the business is ruined, man tries to work as a salesman and decorator, my job from 1996 to 2006, i never got a job even as a salesman in this shitty vienna, with several projects and inventions only gas station jobs were possible

why is the aryan race interested in 3 shops and condemns standard because of ethnic origin

مادر کوسده جنده های هندو آریایی، سمبولیک هست یا نیست، خوار مادر جنده میمون زاده ها، میمون زاده های خارکوسده، "در خارکوسده بازی تکامل یافته"

مادر جنده فرقه کوس مادر هندو ایرانی، کوس جنده خواهر مادر جنده آریایی، این چیه جریان وین با 3 مغازه، جریان چیه هندو آشغال زاده آریایی؟ ایرانی کیری وین، کوس ننه هندی جنده

ناصر کیرم تو کونت با این مادر جنده های تخم حروم

killing mahsa is symbolism: we agree with european/american/israeli networks and nazi satanism

if the girl had become a financial stasi project,nobody would report anything just because of money. shut your dirty mouths

دانشگاه تکزاس در پژوهش های خود نشان می دهد کردها نه ایرانی هستند نه آریایی. این انستیتو با بررسی کدهای ژنتیک گروه های اتنیکی خاورمیانه، بیشترین تشابه کردها را با یهودی ها و ارمنی ها می داند

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

ناصر کیرم تو کونت با این مادر جنده های تخم حروم

پروژه آدم سوزی، تخم حروم، پروژه آدم سوزی

این سنگی است به نام: برخورد چالش با افکار منفی، و چگونه فاجعه سازی کنیم: کوسکش بابت کی بود؟ ننت کی بود اومدی ایران هی زر میزنی

I have been photographing all elements with a tablet camera since 2019 and edit everything with a tablet, including paintings. all because the austrian government described me as a person with 16 jobs and 38 projects as paranoid, depressive, schizophrenic and crazy and sent me into pension with 970 euros, after almost 500 million euros stasi nazi satanism business with vmat2

خلاصه، اینم 4 تا سنگ و کریستال و آینه، رفتیم اینتراستلار، با زبان ترکی

دود ما جنبه سیاسی داره و داشته، این کوسکش با آخوند مادر جندست اتریش

I have been photographing all elements with a tablet camera since 2019 and edit everything with a tablet, including paintings. all because the austrian government described me as a person with 16 jobs and 38 projects as paranoid, depressive, schizophrenic and crazy and sent me into pension with 970 euros, after almost 500 million euros stasi nazi satanism business with vmat2

ببین من این سنگ رو هم میذارم روش، کوس ننه اونی که گفت این فیلم بد بید

فحش که میدیم سر اینه، در اون مملکت که زمامی تعلق به ما داشت، این زن عنه که داره سلطه میکنه، نه حاجی، زن عن با شبکه بندی های ضد نژادی فرازمینی "تیرانوسوروس"، پروژ های چند صد میلیون دلاری با جنده بازی، کوسکش بازی و خنده و دوربین مخفی، یعنی همون فاضلاب رفسنجانی و جرثومه فساد معصومه علینژاد

ببین کیری، مدرنیسم رو هم روش میذاریم، به کوس ننه اونی گفت اسکوتی بیم می های، مسخره کردن مارو

thumb pressure point for spiritual jump, find your stones with marking, almost all have its slot, and thumb pressure point