Samstag, 17. September 2022

madar jendeh israel vmat2, madarjendeh europe vmat2 madarjende america vmat2, madarjende iranian regime vmat2, madarjendeh erdogan vmat2

an 18 year old is called: political ambitions, thousands of 12 to 14 year olds were murdered in chain murders, accused of political activism, after 8 years in prison. that wasn't a european son of the bitch, american whores and israeli bastard revolution?

what university of texas writes is: we the rich children and our families have the right like the ayatullahs, native iranians are jews, not a single aryan race will be arrested for jews, in all of europe and iran

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

austrian politicians government elite and international 1% society the ayatullahs and hezbollah were in stasi vmat2 torture because of our genes, dna, vmat2 and ethnic origin from 1998 until 2006, from 2006 it was handed over to civil servants and established middle class, and from 2012 to working class. trace eliminations are known,Traces between 1998 and 2006. These are international secret services with the help of CIA AND NSA

the viennese and gypsy iranian the romano iranian made my penis into stasi finanz: azadeh needs 20 he sometimes has 13, sometimes 14 and sometimes 16. we have to help

europe and european iranian, want to play harmonica with our penis and with our testicles and bells hate propaganda. i don't do anything differently than back then in cyrus' time: can you do that?, no? go away take the women lol who will go with you?

showing penises or boobs was a theme in vmat2 elam, insofar as talent was content with up to 16 centimetres, versus evolution 18-24. no woman wanted new human monkey children

حاجی کیر من رو بده دست مردم که زندگی لاکچری درست کنن

the whore of babylon was and is a vision of the future, with lack magic wehrmachtjude. black magic wehrmachtsjude. we have been experiencing it in iran for 40 years, poverty and embargo for gene cultivation over 3 generations. culture is genes and information. in europe it has been achieved, a society without empathy because of superfluous consumption and iran not yet, there are still 20 million people alive

حاجی بگو ایول، ها؟ بگو ایول، مرتیکه دشمن


ای معجزات موسی بنموده از گریبان

هم چشم تست فرعون ، هم زلف تست ثعبان

ای پیش روی خوبت حسن هزار یوسف

داری هزار یعقوب اندر هزار کنعان

ای خاسته بخوبی ، صد فتنه خاست از تو

ای خاسته بخوبی ، بنشین و فتنه بنشان

با چاه آن ز نخدان بر آن لبان زمزم

گویی که : عاشقان را با کعبه گشت یکسان

چون اصل زندگانی نوش لب تو دیدم

نام لبت نهادم سلطان آب حیوان

چون در عراق یک دل نگذاشتی مسلم

خورشید نیکوانی ، سر برزن از خراسان

ready to use, 67 editings, bought today, metal ball

آقا فوریه یه لیوان آب خوردیم شدیم 22 ساله، چند روز پیش به ابرام تلگرام زدم، گفتم ببین پیغمبر ابرام، خوار ما گائیده شد با این سم سینتیک که به بدن ما زدن، قندم دیروز رو 400 بود، امروز 700، تو رو به امام رضا پونصد به خدا بگو علامت بده یه لیوان آب بخوریم، میمیرم ها، میره رو800. گفت خفه شو بچه ملشور بیشعور لمپن، نمیمیری بیای اینور جاکش، بیایی من خوارت رو میگام

آقا دولت اتریش گفته باربد کوسخله، بفرستینش بازنشستگی کوسخل ها، ما هم بازنشسته کوسخل. تو هم به کوس ننت خندیدی بیای کوسخل مریض بکشی جاکش اطلاعاتی مادر جنده اجنبی

ریگ مرده در کفش من کیست؟ ریگ مرده کیست در وطن؟

we are still alive, we are still breathing, and ayatullah black jude says: died rig, rig. died rig, asshole i have 23 living metals full of god energy, the sword emam ali kaveh ahangar is made of this metal, living metal

ببین تو از کیر و خایه مارکس و لنین هم آویزان شوی، باز هم کیرمی

 دست کم این گونه به نظر می رسد، به ویژه که معارف و سنن اسلامی، پس از دوران عرب، جای وسیعی در دماغِ عامه باز کرده  و آن مُرده ریگِ پارینه را از عرصه رانده است

wehrmachtsjude blackmagic jude shahin war peyghember 26.000 generationen vor christus, lass uns in ruhe.. hea?

this point is on another niveau, abstract, a 70,000 euro camera proves it all. well freemasonry, the 4 pillars plus 8 were always in our asses, other asses are a copy

yes, this is an old cast non magnetic. I can't afford a camera, a 4000 euro camera is of no use to me either, otherwise I would have photographed shahin's garden cleanly and raw

do you know this gorge, the fire hall? between anunnaki rebel scientists and prophets? freemasonry only knows the other side: horus, khurus mother fucker

I found a flea market table today, the interesting thing: a shaman's apartment is offered, or the case, actually the dead man was a thief and had it stolen from a shaman. No Clue. This pendulum shows a bombastic energy point at this metal, spherical object. prophetically metallic. well, the old petrol lighter fascinates me even more, for a long time it was looking for energy in caves

1% society never accepts genetically humans as international officials, human means empathy, rational behavior, bound to principles, bound to values, bound to basic pillars of democracy, only nazi animals are accepted as international officials in international agencies, evolution animals and bad genes. , what is the meaning of ruining life existence and standard? to make capital out of it in europe? what is the matter of your vmat2 torture business, visions of the future?

Freitag, 16. September 2022

من شاشیدم به کوس ننه سیاسی نما های خارج از کشور

vienna is worse than tehran, the police and secret services are considering with hezbollah and ayatullahs: how can we arrest the family for three days with the consent of the viennese nazi networks and doctors so that we can clear and loot the apartment without evidence. several showcases for her company from her savings

arschloch richter mit politische aktivismus und händler sich anlegen? du schmarotzer beamter, du dieb du terrorist du abschaum faschist

vienna is worse than tehran, the police and secret services are considering with hezbollah and ayatullahs: how can we arrest the family for three days with the consent of the viennese nazi networks and doctors so that we can clear and loot the apartment without evidence. several showcases for her company from her savings

These stones can be found in Rana's apartment after 6 weeks, insofar as you have to put 5000 stones one by one into the water and then use your camera to find the angle

Between the 16th century and today, thousands of black jew families have converted to shitism, many of today's ayatullahs with black and white turbans are former black jews. like larijani brothers

1.5 million children were murdered between 1932 and 1945, the jew was there live as hitler's army. vmat human genocide

viennese stone, black magic israeli tribe, black magician. wehrmachtjude. wehrmachtjude vmat2 killer, jesus and moses killer