Montag, 19. September 2022

because of mahsa, the iranian government should be fined 10 billion euros so that it doesn't happen again. CIA agents iranian opposition sits in club hous and other portals and says go to the streets to protest. presumably they mean: go and die like mahsa

international networks are ready to collect billions to bribe so that human rights violations will never be reported because of vmat2, that is monkey psychopathy like in the second world war

Austria distributes money worldwide for blocking human rights violations and still tortures us,vatican qum and jerusalm put their thumbs down and say the money is enough kills the vmat2 family

god's faith, existence of god, the white channel, and holy grail the gateway to another world is science, it's science and not a book with old paper pages, fuck yourselves

whoever wants to see episodes two and three of the golden compass should contact me. etch etch vatican

that's the metal object that i bought on saturday, a math genius in the arts of magic and physics, i need expensive projectors and a camera lens that can selectively photograph anything, even around 40 to 70,000 euros. this is a masterpiece from prehistory

you bastard asshole inferior aryan race europe how many human rights violations just because of rana?

the world would never believe who ice cube and his gang is on the internet

gays in the 5th and 6th districts pay 300 euros for one blowjob, only to men who are not homosexual, that's half the planned credit rate. yallah yallah yallah

in austria nobody publishes evidence of the murder attempt, stasi system hate campaign international, with the reasoning: if the prosperity of the citizens will be financed with cyberterror, with iranian vmat2 family sacrifice, then it is a right, our children need real estate financing, the monthly installment loan is to be financed by the cyberterror system

women in vienna are currently talking: fascism is a right, as is racial trafficking and the victims want to oppress us, vmat2 stasi torture is a right, barbad oppress us

as a child to this day it hasn't changed, i'm the elami mogli and he's still the bottle

these assholes have been complaining for 2000 years: why is there an eagle stuck to your ass, why do you see what we are doing and have done. evin prison is full

آقا شیطان پرستی حساب ریاضی است، حساب کتاب اقتصادي است، سنتی و عادت و رفتار و ریتوال است، حرکت موجی است، 40 سال کدوم انقلاب اسلامی خارکوسده ولد زنا؟، کوسکش توده ای و اکثریتی، جبهه ملی نجاست و رژیم، پان ایرانیسم خوارمادر کوسده های شارلاتان

iran has 7000 years of race and tribe history, iran in the hands of the iranians, away with european rule, everyone should have genes and dna passport, iran in the hands of empathy and mercy, in the hands of mohabat, away with you lower race and scum, fuck fascism anti-Semitism and genocide. fascism is subhuman and the lower race

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow these whores will kill my sister because of envy of the uterus and say: we didn't do anything, these scum psychopathy race, scum psychopathy race Austria with bastard animal children

blond neanderthal stands where primitive apes stand, not next to human

Where did Sebastian Kurz stand for 15 years? where did sebastian neanderthal stand for 15 years?, next to iranian gypsy tribes, next to gypsy tribes and european iranians from ghazvin and elsewhere

antifa, the leftists, the greens and all major parties are anti-race and anti-vmat on the rise, they have proven that with vaccinations and with lies about vaccination death statistics

a österreicher kennt die "österreicher" du huansau du drecksau die bringen aich a um, du arschloch du drecksau

In democracy and the rule of law, criminals must be arrested at the start of a crime, animals say no to democracy, the constitution and no to justice

hegel, marx engels feuerbach all studied islamic and pre-islamic history insofar as the showbie had many meanings. they got to know lumpenproletariat enmity through studying abadan and ahwaz, nationalism and religion anti-race anti ajnabi movement . that was us with salman farsi, anti animal movement:

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

that is above the earth, brought up by the mazdakist nazi moles, but it has to be found at a depth of 20 meters

hey viennese parmesano leftists, fucking red spaghetti tomatoes: the viennese are crazy in that they have seen for centuries: the history of creation is in vienna, but we were primates and apes evolution

in kefalonia there was a collection of italian vmat2 soldiers, all with german intrigue gathered in one division: can you do these things too? because you are the master race in rome, these jews can do a lot but they are inferior: all murdered

Fuck religion you bastard Israel and Austria, that was 1.5 million vmat human children, vmat type human children you bastard charlatan Israel

in austria millions protest against corona vaccination, in azerbaijan it was presented as a cure and humane treatment in embargo time by the austrians, with help of ayatullah regime.

Austria vienna you anti vmat2 son of the bitch and animal, animal, animal

wehrmacht edelweiss troop vienna comes with jews in my direction i am kefalonia resistance with 5200 italian soldiers. we are the master race you are subhuman, ape origin

what spö did with spö youth and green youth internationally: brings up chatrooms not the music statistics. opens up international chat rooms, talks about rana and earns money through advertising and statistics, vmat2 jews don't need a life, you are the master race