Donnerstag, 22. September 2022

the real problem in this fucking monkey matrix is this: why aren't we barbad farahani

i write: current iranian fascism, austrian says we are rahim amiri, i say vmat2 and bloodline: austrian says we are rahim amiri, i say plunder, theft, attempted murder, torture: the austrian says we are rahim amiri. rahim amiri says: in iran only rubbish people demonstrate against mojtaba khamenei on the streets: austrian says we are rahim amiri. the nazi bastard dog has been in mass murder for 40 years: austrians with ayatullahs

there are iranians and viennese that bought cars from these stasi pot for 300,000 euros, viennese judges and police know nothing

بچه کونی خارکوسده رفته با پول سیاه ماشین خریده 300.000 تا، بعد جا سویچش دست منه، گمشو، کوسکش بیکلاس لجن بی خاصیت

at some point my sister went to a flea market and suddenly saw this piece, i asked how much does it cost? he said 10 euros. i said rana buy it, our basement key needs a keychain. she gave me a stupid look and bought it, at home i showed her why: 2 grams of gold and 15 grams of silver. I said never trust other eyes, only yours

hallelujah my lord it's raining money today, according to the poverty law i get 300 euros extra, oh my lord it's raining money, oh my lord i love the river

oh my lord facebook is unlocked today

4 hour break, jojo yeah

you are sick, fucking european children, you are sick bastard children

cell phones are full of fake material produced by austrian and iranian secret services, these sick children are sending it around internationally because of murder

you are sick, fucking european children, you are sick bastard children

fuck you, 900.000 B.B.C, you fucking bbc

it is thanks to these son of the bitches in europe that 1200 euros salary to 2400 euros salary monkey figures police officers and secret services stand in front of me and say: we are the master race. underdeveloped bastard bimbos, underdeveloped bastard bimbos

these pictures and paintings are from an italian cruiser, djinn carrier regazzos LOL., mother fucker european politicians

mr sarkozy isn't that sometimes in your vest pocket? ghadafi, what do you want? your 35 million election campaign support? lol Barbads is asking for 480 million euros

europe has been sick since 1449: we take all trade routes and shipping away from the chinese, no one suspects that we are looking for race, that's how it started, up until today with my family

atefeh amiri has been working as an interpreter for viennese judges for 35 years, rosa kim amiri for UNO city for 40 years, all connected to international courts and authorities since 1998. should i go to hague or strasbourg? all corrupt and in hundreds of millions of stasi business, because of my origin

robert came later and said: we make you with ali gharib and rahim amiri the master race, iran was the master race aryan

Mittwoch, 21. September 2022

primate origin tells us subhuman since 1449, started with a whore queen in spain, primate origin and alien spirit hosts. safavid friend bastard, bastard safavids

Isabella I. von Kastilien

my genes and dna are millions of years old, which vienna doesn't tell you, just like prehistory in vienna. Bones are dug up from a depth of 30 meters, for brown chambers, only for one goal: for dna comparison and secret mass murder and torture

this is not a gemstone but a flint stone that's why i don't have money for a camera, and i take photos with a tablet, but you can see the hint: lower your head criminal aryan alien whore

österreichische staat ist hurenkind, israelis bastardkind ayatullahs ashghalkind

subhuman was said to vmat2 only from ahrimanism until today. that's how it was, also from 1920 to 1946. today to grandfather bagher ghassab and his children and grandchildren. elam artifact, 5000 B. C.? holy water formula "tir doghloo"


Most Aari follow either Protestant Christianity or traditional beliefs. A few practice Orthodox Christianity.[8]

After conquest by the Ethiopian Empire in the late 1800s, many Aari were forced to convert to Orthodox Christianity,[3] although this religion became heavily stigmatized due to its association with the invading forces and perceived economic exploitation by Orthodox priests.[9] In the 1950s, large numbers became Protestants as a result of Western missionary work (especially by SIM). Today, the vast majority of Aari Christians are Protestants.[9]

moses, elijah, khidr were the holy three kings, should i bring proof from vienna?

شاشیدم به کوس ننه عن فاشیست خارکوسده، ایران آریایی بوده آریایی. به کوس ننت.

elijah was black khidr was white both in shush, ahvaz، abadan, bandar abbas


آب الیاس و خضر روشن ازوست

نار نمرود نیز گلشن ازوست

subhuman was said to vmat2 only from ahrimanism until today. that's how it was, also from 1920 to 1946. today to grandfather bagher ghassab and his grandchildren. elam artifact, 5000 B. C.? holy water formula "tir doghloo"

they ruined 20 years of our lives, 20 years, 3 shops, music careers and they destroyed everything in the last 20 years: with the reasoning that we are aryan race and these 3 people are lower race. you shit veins you shit monkey blood you shit monkey meat, you subhuman evolution bastard

‌‌ aryan race is animal race. aryan race is evolution race primates race, we were and are human, aryan race is dirty fucking race, animal bastard race