Dienstag, 27. September 2022

I've been a political activist since 2002 and UNO says to me alongside amnesty international garbage

i say bloodline, i say jewish/armenian bloodline and vmat2, 3 shops and music carrier and UNO city says next to amnesty international still in international chatrooms garbage to us because of race

vienna establishes in iran europe and america with the help of international networks, hospitals and doctors, GPS VMAT2 target mass murders and chain murders, with millions of euros in rewards for terrorists. as in iran: "killed because of hijab" because of hijab, dirty animals

i have a statistic and i write that austria wants to kill us, with reward of terrorism, millions of euros for iranian and european nazis, including my relatives

everyone who takes the money confirms: vmat2 murders are none of our business, we don't care about torture, the stasi money is an essential thing, we can't do without money. this is fascism, old fascism

my sister was turned into gps vmat2 target by two states and austrian government pays millions for the silence, isn't that a NS repetition and racial genocide intention?

without the whore azadeh amiri it would be impossible for him to earn 5 million euros from me, after the theft from my mother in 2002 i blocked all contacts, by phone and in person, then i started our business... rana zari and me

if it goes on like this with this class of society: why do many complain with this conspiracy theory: they want to destroy 8 billion so that only one billion remains? why don't you leave other genes and race alone, i'm also talking about a state official, a vegetable, an interchangeable judge, do you think you're human? important? should i show 12 other projects, i just wanted to be an art expert and world art dealer

Forced sterilization because of: the child becomes a nuisance for our children, it can do a thousand things, that is not equal rights and justice

6 million people and ten million africans because it's our fault? including my mother and sister and my person? our existence is to blame for the fact that you were pets? our ruin and death is the satisfaction that there is no more old race? where you can calmly say: there were all only monkeys?

NS arbeitslager waren minderwertigkeitsgefühl, wir waren haustiere? jetzt seid ihr, juden armenier afrikaner, zu iraner und asiaten kommen wir später. wir waren haustiere? seid ihr überhaupt mensch? du scheißdreck psychopath du scheißdreck herkunft du scheißdreck österreicher

austrians, killing doesn't help, you were a pet, michael häupl, hc strache, faymann, franz franitzky even all austrian presidents were pets of us with the viennese judges. 6 million people died because you can't handle it, pets

i will kill every whore who says: we don't work for rana farahani and zahra khojmanesh, be it international judges. GPS VMAT2 VICTIMS

teymour lang wrote his memoirs for posterity, look who these people are, they are different. you sarhang amir ahmadi

dirty anti persian and luri elami nazis, next to ayatullah regime. bastard israeli, bastard european and bastard american, bastard blue eye aryan race, bastard wehrmachtjews

Rana is an international VMAT2 GPS target with no income, everything in her life has been ruined and is being ruined, a job means bullying and psychological torture, whoever follows me or spies on me, stalks what I buy for Rana's company or whoever follows me via illegal state cameras will be killed

taxes will only be paid when the authorities work for the viennese artist rana farahani, because of crimes against humanity,

taxes will only be paid when the authorities work for the viennese artist rana farahani, because of crimes against humanity,

illegal state violence because of race gene vmat, storming apartment for looting theft, robbery will be answered with violence, as in ghassemloo case, the "kurdish jew"

this is the third eye elam and luristan ethnic origin vienna 500.000 B.C, viennese police work together with thieves, just like 20 years with ali gharib, family amiri and other iranian thieves and gypsies. They are supposed to attack and the police want to present themselves after 20 minutes, as in the Ghassemloo case

genetic research of fascism is also based on wars, stories and narratives, in this case: translate the website, teymoor lang reports, he was confronted with jews armenians?


There are men in Lorestan whose height is more than two meters, and when they shout on the mountain, big stones fall from the mountain. They live up to one hundred and fifty years, and the women of Lorestan give birth to children up to the age of eighty. People say to me: They took the names of the past world leaders and said that Alexander could not enter Lorestan, and how are you going to fight with Atabak

ما جهود ارمنی هستیم فاشیست کوسکش، مادر جنده

تیمور جهانگشا : در نسک خودش (منم تیمور جهانگشا) در مورد لرهی جنوبی (لرهای ممسنی فارس و لرهای کوهگیلویه و بویر احمد، لیراوی، کوهمره و...)  چنین نوشته است:

زمانی که من شیراز را گرفتم و پوست حاکم شهر را زنده به زنده کندم و هنگام بازگشت به سمرقند پایتخت خود خبری بگوشم رسید که پسر دوم را در شیراز به کشته و شیراز را غارت کردند در حالی که نیم روز تا سمرقند نمانده بود تیمور سواران و لشکر (صد و بیست هزار نفر و دویست و چهل هزار اسب) خود را به راه شیراز برگرداند (تند روترین لشکر پیاده جهان از آن تیمور بود) هنگامی که به شیراز رسید شهر را غارت کرده دید و سر پسر خود را به دار آویز کرده بودند از مردم شیراز پرسید آنها چه کسانی بودند گفتند: آنها مردم لر هستند از کوه های ممسنی و کوهگیلویه و بویراحمد میباشند

ما اینیم، ارمنی جهود، چوس مخ آریایی


gps vmat2 target also means forced sterilization techniques of a nazi regime: preventive strike against hostile race, it should remain childless


آقا ما سر دود و آب و خاک و هوا و آتش شکاری کار میکنیم، قرار بود سر زن هم جریان این بشه که نگذاشتن بشه، جون تو دسته دسته دختر ها با دسته چک هم بیان باز هم نمیشه، یه جایی یه چیزی بود نشد، اینها فکر کردن شاید هندوراس باشه یا سیبیری یا کیرقیزستان به قول آلمانی ها، اونجا هم ریدن به ما رفت مادر جنده ها، کوس بی کوس

صد رحمت به مهدی بازرگان، این اپوزیسون هنوز سر کار نیومده شده بازرگان ژن

Rana is an international VMAT2 GPS target with no income, everything in her life has been ruined and is being ruined, a job means bullying and psychological torture, whoever follows me or spies on me, stalks what I buy for Rana's company or whoever follows me via illegal state cameras will be killed

it is a mobile photo with google gallery fake is impossible

against fascism i called doctors from other dimension, i drank the water and he went towards my liver and freed it from fat. and then he repaired my gut and stomach for faster fat digestion and elimination. the kidneys and urinary bladder had also been repaired like russianso that i can piss sugar out

بخدا عکس امروزه، علی دایی هم به گاه رفت، حق تصویرچیه جریانش