Mittwoch, 28. September 2022

wiener hurenkinder wieder judenmorde, wiener bastardkinder und tiere, abschaum rasse drecksau arische rasse wieder judenmorde? mit hizbullah und ayatullahs du bastard österreicher

i just called aryan azadeh amiri, i found her location. Either she will be arrested and fined for 15 million euros in black capital or I will kill her. my sister is international vmat2 target

ich bin 970 euro pension ohne wertsachen, wie 2012 bis 2017 und 2017 bis 2022 verpisst euch scheißdreck psychpathen österreicher, verpisst euch

An proisrael simone dinah hartmann, bastard wehmacht israelis, faschisten schweine

Israel lässt Geschäfte mit dem Iran zu

Posted by Redaktion on 26. Mai 2011
Die israelische Regierung warnt endlos vor der iranischen Gefahr und verlangt schärfere Strafmassnahmen. Im eigenen Land rührt sie zur Durchsetzung der Sanktionen aber offenbar keinen Finger.Am Dienstag hat die US-Regierung Sanktionen gegen die israelische Reederei «Ofer Brothers» verhängt. Diese soll im September 2010 über mehrere Ecken einen Tanker an die staatliche iranische Reederei «Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines» (IRISL) verkauft und damit gegen amerikanische Gesetze verstossen haben. «Ofer Brothers» bestreitet die Vorwürfe.Laut Recherchen der Tageszeitung «Haaretz» unterhalten mindestens 200 internationale Unternehmen in Israel weitreichende Handelsbeziehungen mit Iran. Ein 2008 verabschiedetes Gesetz verbietet israelischen Firmen, in solche Unternehmen zu investieren. Doch offenbar unternimmt die Regierung in Jerusalem nichts, um das Gesetz auch durchzusetzen. Entsprechende Anfragen von «Haaretz» haben ergeben, dass sich weder der Auslandgeheimdienst Mossad, der nationale Sicherheitsrat noch das Finanzministerium für die Angelegenheit verantwortlich fühlt

releases the evidence from the nazi regime iran and austria, bastard international authorities

ich habe schulden wegen das was in dein handy ist, seit 20 jahren, du tier du scheißdreck österreicher

this legal action is illegal in stasi murder and persecution system wolfgang du nazi, this is illegal..... the laws have not been observed for 20 years because of the sale of races until today, with 3 citizens, nobody works for jews only against jews

komm zu mir wolfgang du hurenkind österreich, du hurenkind österreicher ich habe schulden wegen das was in dein handy ist, seit 20 jahren, du tier du scheißdreck österreicher

پلیس اتریش شرمش هم نمیشه زری و رعنا رو بکشه، چون ایرانی کوسکش آریایی مادر جندست، کوسکش ژن کیری آریایی،مادر جنده ایرانی آریایی

ich hole die beweise und töten nazi tiere, wiener nazi tiere wegen mordversuch und schwere nötigung

this legal action is illegal in stasi murder and persecution system wolfgang du nazi, this is illegal..... the laws have not been observed for 20 years because of the sale of races until today, with 3 citizens, nobody works for jews only against jews

scheiß österreicher ich bin 20 jahre stasi system opfer und du wolfi hast die beweise in deinem handy, hama geld verdient mit rana farahani und zari khonjmanesh?

I called the bailiff today, I have a 970 euro pension, you are not allowed to come to my sister's apartment , I come to your office and sign that my minimum salary is only 970 euros. does he want to come?

آریایی ایرانی فاشیست مادر جندست که این فاشیست اروپا و اسرائیل خارکوسدست، کوس ننه مادرهای ژن کیری کوسکش

nazi israelis and europe say to elam and ethiopia vmat2: black dirt

Rana is guilty here and has been declared to be executed by the Austrian state because of genes, vmat2 and ethnic origin., like ethiopian: armenic/jews, fucking dirty asshole bastard israeli, fucking wehrmachtjude wien, bastard black magic mafia jude

my sister is vmat2 victim, vmat2 victim stasi victim international vmat2 gps victim, because of my activism and her genes

judges from vienna: after 20 years the iranian dna jude has been destroyed, there are no possibilities and no evidence against the ayatullahs and us

murders in iran happen 80% on all levels because of race, gypsy aryan race vs native race. it is based on gene dna and VMAT2, terror murders abroad too, why freydoon farkhozad and not mina ahadi!? fereydoon was educated elam, mina ahadi uneducated roma. see my mother sister and three shops in vienna, gypsy aryan race against native race


I've been 970 pension for 2 years and before 870 euros unemployment benefit, because of Stasi cameras Islamic Republic of Iran and Nazi state of Austria, no capital investment is possible or was possible. there was no nazi looting in azadeh amiri's apartment because of the valuables, despite 35,000 euros, between 2012 and 2017. rana's looting will cost thousands of lives

15 millionen von azadeh amiri asse

this legal action is illegal in stasi murder and persecution system wolfgang du nazi, this is illegal..... the laws have not been observed for 20 years because of the sale of races until today, with 3 citizens, nobody works for jews only against jews

wolfgang mein gelsld ist bei diese juden, 35.000 euro schulden liegt bei wiener juden, komm zu mir baby plündern. 250 millionen euro stasi kamera fake aktion

all fake materials, fake documents in picture and voice are secured in this stasi system, insofar as the relatives and family are bought as fake witnesses for confirmation. fuck israel, fuck dirty wehrmacht israeli

5 million euros so that you are higher, can do everything, have everything and kill your own children, fuck Israel, fuck Wehrmacht Israel

judas was the father, hang yourself Nasser farahani: i am the father, why can't i do what he can, why am i not he, you judas, nasser farahani

fake material and lies is secured by father family and relatives, by stasi money, that's why jesus never had a father

almost all israeli jews are suspected of murder because of worldwide fake material distribution, nasser farahani and his relatives got more than 5 million euros to confirm all fake material for murder

I am a victim of terror, a Stasi victim,At risk of murder, because of fake material Stasi camera action, I have debts because of this country and judges send Wolfgang to me, you bastard race, you shitty Aryan monkey race

azadeh amiri and her family earned 15 million euros illegally through stasi cameras so i can't pay back 35,000 euros, come exploit and plunder.

hurenkind österreicher azadeh hat 15 millionen euro, ali gharib hat 3 millionen euro du scheiß österreicher