Donnerstag, 29. September 2022

wolfgang du huankind wo sind die beweise, wo ist das?, azadeh amiri 15 millionen euro ali gharib 3 millionen euro. SCHWARZGELD willst sterben mit andere? die beweise vorher heraus geben wenn du zu mir kommst, die beweise vorher, bevor du zu mir kommst

wolfgang hagen is a corrupt nazi and fascist official with evidence of fascism and terrorism in his pocket, 300 million in damages, wolfgang ist ein tier und faschist ein abschaum österreicher

these debts were caused by terrorism, fascism and antisemitism, by the state of austria and ayatullahs, what do you want?

20 years of our lives have been destroyed by the nazi animals, now they want to exploit and loit Rana? 9/11 was just a small action

we have been stasi camera action victims, stasi system victims for 20 years with hundreds of millions of euros in revenue, the debts were caused by the animals, i will burn everything in the apartment with rana's permission

Inability to pay has a new meaning since 2021, 970 euros cannot be executed because it is automatically insolvent. without exception i am not able to pay, and the apartment is owned by my sister

Inability to pay has a new meaning since 2021, 970 euros cannot be executed because it is automatically insolvent.

juden verfolgung und vmat2 verfolgung ist NS wiederholung

arrest the main perpetrators with police elite and judges, no one will continue to film and sell my sister as a jew with impunity. as, IRANIAN VMAT2 GPS JEWS

Viennese call us Jews pigs, based on genetic research and secret laboratory tests by Nazi doctors, Armenian Jewish lineage and other stuff

this dragonfly is from carla carli mazzucato, i can't burn it, i'll break it with a hammer blow, do you know why? because a little 1400 euro policewoman looks through cameras and claims it's mine, not rana, jew pigs don't need anything

since 1998 it has been pointing its finger at our stuff, i won't let it anymore i burn everything. photo 1998, sixty paintings at home, ranas home

there is no finger pointing, robbing exploits and bunkers, it will be symbolically burned. you animal austrian, judge police politician and nazi pigs

they establish, DNA jews espionage with secret micro-cameras and set up mauthausen isolation. with 21st century technology

This Byzantine painting from the 13th or 14th centuries is symbolically in Rana's hands and her property, these Viennese animals should show themselves in the 21st century: Aryan genes DNA origin and race are unnecessary for this world, this race is the most filthy society among 8 billion people, next to "other". This is an incorrigible breed and is becoming more animal and mass murderer century by century as technology advances

fascism, antisemitism, mass murder and racial hatred, racial madness must be eliminated, and NAZI UNO says: we are standing with vienna on the threshold of a new beginning

faschisten rassenhandel stasi geld heraus, scheiß drecksau huansau österreicher

eigentümerin rana farahani, ich bin 970 euro pension und zahlungsunfähig,

i have 1 liter of petrol at home you shitty aryan animal, robbery and theft and bunker you can forget, you 1932 animal bastard scum race

everything that rana has for her company was and is filmed, photographed and the police are looking for customers, that's what the viennese police do, who wants what and for how much? we are the owners

these animals in vienna especially the women animals are sick in vienna: we will only reward azadeh amiri and the main offenders and never punish them, because we want to torture miracles forever with secret cameras: vmat2

I look good today at 47 but i will fuck you austria

I am currently 189 tall and 67 kilos, you are confusing me with jews in 1940

I'm not solvent with a salary of 970 euros, try to steal from rana for Viennese nazi judges and ayatullahs and politicians. remember this name when you see dead bodies. my debts were caused by illegal state cameras and lawlessness

vmat2 9/11 case is incomprehensible logic from old times, also against UNO

even in a 9/11 case, vienna police and security forces do not release evidence of hundreds of millions of euros from jewish boycott policies, iranian mass murders and vmat2 persecution. because Vienna will always earn money with Iranian race VMAT2 torture

this is the indo aryan race in vienna, lower 4th class, 1200 to 1800 euros salary. today owner of a total of 23 properties worldwide through our ruin

no european state or citizen has sued vienna for ruining 3 shops, but all together raised the indo aryan race through crimes against humanity. with black capital, murder attempt torture stasi finanz. 40 years of iranian politics, interference in domestic politics

between rana and mahsa there is no difference, same race, same origin, rana is still alive mahsa is dead, and viennese animals are nazis and killer monkeys., iranian are the new jews in europe and amerika

this jew and kurd was killed by the sick gypsy aryan race, rana was made a target, financial project and murder plan by the same shitty race on other soil, same aryan dirt psychoath and animal