Freitag, 30. September 2022

از ۲۰۰۲ تا به امروز 20 سال گذشت، ما هرچی گفتیم جنگ مسلحانه، کوسکش بیشعور تازه به این نتیجه رسیده بیل بگیریم دستمون، از اسلحه بهتره! چوس حرومزاده های کونی با حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت، مادر قحبه ها همه از یک آخور میخورند

برای کلاب هاوز

ایران شلوغ شده باز مادر جنده ها و کوسکش ها با بیل پریدن وسط، میخوان بگن ما باشرفیم، یعنی که یعنی، به کوس ننه جندتون خندیدید کوسکش های خارج از کشوری 

first world UNO and international authorities: I give you 50,000 euros and close the door, we are justice against old race

all human rights organizations are staffed with animals, rana wants to set up a company, she has built it up for 6 months and the pice wants to work and plunder with judges, after 15 million euros the stasi black money to family amiri, jew and aryan case in vienna

Aristotle said: Man has the right feeling, what is right and what is wrong. According to Immanuel Kant's ethical formalism, the sense of justice could be nothing other than a reason-guided and generalizable judgment of conscience. see what's going on in vienna: first world capital, kingdom of animals without empathy

Germans and Austrians say more than others: "I", based on race: where is the root race? where is the origin? 20 years of Stasi action against which race is your elementary right?

problem with my "I" the myrrh and smoke spice mixture is worth nothing? no "i"

shamanism even left something in gabon saying "i" 2 billion years ago

left hand lure and elami Left handers also said "I" in Bosnian pyramids 38,000 years ago. with a holy water hole

america europe israel know "I" meaning from lefthand elam: "I"

i am austrian citizen with 16 professions, plus antique textile and world art dealer, i am not allowed to say international at any international authority "I", after nazi looting. as an iranian and race ethnicity and vmat2 in europe i am not allowed to say "i". only the perpetrators are allowed to say "I".

nazi animals vienna and fascism: when i say "i" it means aryan law: your "i" is not a right, illegal, and forbidden and must be destroyed

saying i has meaning, pages of explanation and philosophy. as far as civil servants are concerned, it means: 8 hours of work, austrian constitution and salary, a judge is not more than that. a judge is nothing more than salary, police, politicians, secret services as well, salary and law and nothing else. bastard monkey

i have a phone without gps, i am being stalked, spied on and followed non-stop by the viennese judge ayatullah's hezbollah iranian secret service and police, non-stop state cameras because of the second ark of the covenant in austria

پلیس اتریش و کاشی آخوند خارکوسده

آقا این وایرلس خوار مغز مارو گاییده، حالا میگن شیزوفزنیا داره، ما میگیم مغز وصله به وایرلس، امروز درخیابان ماریاهیلف بازار عتیقه بود، رفتیم بالا اومدیم پائین و چپ راست، یک دفعه چشمم خورد به یک پارچ آهنی قدیمی، پرسیدم چند؟، گفت 5 یورو، گفتم خدا بده برکت، یک دفعه اره گوز تو سرم شروع شد! گفتم کیه این خارکوسده، یکم گوش کردم دیدم یه کون گنده آخوند نشسته پشت دوربین مخفی پلیس اتریش هی داد میزنه' اگر اون پارچی باشه که به کوسوم( کاسه ام) بخوره خوارت رو میگام مادر جنده این اگر قرن سوم باشه، این اگر قرن سوم باشه، جاکش،مادرت رو میگام کونی. اومدم داد بزنم طرف دوربین: کوسکش ننه جنده عمامه دار کیری، کوسکش ننه، خایه داری بیا بگیر پارچ رو بذار رو کوست. دیدم زشته مردم میگن دیوونست. اینجا میگم خوب: شاشخالی گدازاده ننه جنده بیا بگیر کاشی دهاتی مادر قحبه بزار رو کوست پارچ رو، کاشی چوپون

we have history, we have knowledge, we are great, we are master race. and these nazi dogs wanted to abolish everything with corona vaccination. what is an austria after 1946? nazi academic with nazi doctor heinrich gross: how do we kill shamanism and vmat2 even more, or manipulate genes and dna. bastard country and people

i have taught rana many secrets but she has not been active until now, she is stronger than me with stronger connection, and she can work in larger dimensions. taboo until now

neda agha soltan was found via GPS, as were dozens of hundreds others, glorification : iran protests. What the viennese police do with secret services and SPÖ is worse: long-term torture for psychosis and suicide with anti-Semitic network society

SPÖ and its secret service are shamanism and racial extermination facility, proven at least since 2017, hostility to race and shamanism. genetically researched with BSA, a BSA rebuilt from 1946 with nazi academics

as far as documented and proven shamanism is concerned: spö members are more animals than in 1944. international anti vmat2, mafia with leftists and green party

I have 45,000 photos on 6 memory cards. 45,000 documented tablet photos. up to 6000 were on gallery published

Eight: The joint findings of the researchers of the World Center for Population Genetic Studies show that the genetic structure of the Kurds can be proven from more than 11,000 years ago in the north of the Fertile Crescent and several thousand years before the existence of Indo-Europeans in this region.Also,

i am a son of cyrus the great and witness zarathustra, who is a jew? which jew can do that? magic and mysticism has its roots in iran

as far as documented and proven shamanism is concerned: spö members are more animals than in 1944. international anti vmat2, mafia with leftists and green party

as far as documented and proven shamanism is concerned: spö members are more animals than in 1944. international anti vmat2, mafia with leftists and green party

as far as documented and proven shamanism is concerned: spö members are more animals than in 1944. international anti vmat2 mafia with leftists and green party. water, grail, silberball, crystal

viennese say to my sister iranian jew, with lab report and want to plunder and kill her worse than mahsa with more psychosis. iranian confirm and want more money for stasi nazi torture, murder and looting

اپوزیسیون ایران پول خوره، پول خور، سر مرگ ما بیشتر، اپوزیسیون ایران لاشخوره

اپوزیسیون ایران یعنی کثیف، یعنی نامرد، یعنی مادر جنده، یعنی از رژیم کیری تر، مادر جنده های سیاسی نمای کوسکش، پول پرست های مادر قحبه

i'll write it again: this is jews boycott and murder, and everyone gets a lot of money for being silent, iranians, iranian opposition, even more if we die

the lie: we iranians are higher beings, spirituality and mysticism special, no jew can do that, no israeli, only iranian genes. we were first and we were no monkeys. Jew is a lie