Samstag, 1. Oktober 2022

i will fine the jewish state of israel a billion euros for why our bloodline is called jewish. so we will be looted and killed in austria and iran? with police force and authorities? with ayarullahs?

in iran, people are being killed right now, vienna says: we can't take responsibility for anything we just want to hold fascism against jew activists iranians

Ich komme aus dem Iran und heute wünsche ich mir ein noch stärkeres Israel, ein Israel, das als eine große Militärmacht mit aller Kraft verhindert, dass faschistische Islamisten und deren Freunde, die Neonazis und so manche faschistisch veranlagte Linke, das Werk von Hitler im 21. Jahrhundert fortsetzen. Ich wünsche mir ein Israel, das Juden und Jüdinnen weltweit beschützen kann und gegenüber den islamischen faschistischen Mördern keinen Millimeter zurückweicht.

current fascism iran buys with austrian laboratory reports for jews and vmat hunt so they plunder kill and spy, current fascism iran with vienna

i will fine the jewish state of israel a billion euros for why our bloodline is called jewish. so we will be looted and killed in austria? with police force and authorities? and ayatullahs?

the ayatollahs kill young jewish girls in iran, DNA JEWS and in vienna the ayatollahs blackmail judges and police even more for looting, with the reasoning: everyone earns black money we need stones and valuables.

my sister has been having panic attacks for 2 weeks because of wiener behavior, i'm planning kiwara, with evidence

international authorities and UNO plus amnesty want to throw me in mauthausen concentration camp with hide evidence and kill my family afterwards

i will fine the jewish state of israel a billion euros for why our bloodline is called jewish. so we will be looted and killed in austria? with police force and authorities?

to date, all regional and international agencies have been bought for racial execution, suicide or assassination

Freitag, 30. September 2022

i will fine the jewish state of israel a billion euros for why our bloodline is called jewish. so we will be looted and killed in austria? with police force and authorities?

ask viennese jews from the wehrmacht and the israeli community: have you asked yourself why you are allowed to earn money illegally with a family in a country with mauthausen atrocities and racial extermination camps? with fake material and attempted murder?

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/Luris/Elamis/Bakhtiaris are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors  

Ich komme aus dem Iran und heute wünsche ich mir ein noch stärkeres Israel, ein Israel, das als eine große Militärmacht mit aller Kraft verhindert, dass faschistische Islamisten und deren Freunde, die Neonazis und so manche faschistisch veranlagte Linke, das Werk von Hitler im 21. Jahrhundert fortsetzen. Ich wünsche mir ein Israel, das Juden und Jüdinnen weltweit beschützen kann und gegenüber den islamischen faschistischen Mördern keinen Millimeter zurückweicht.

i will fine the jewish state of israel a billion euros for why our bloodline is called jewish.thus fascism and vienna with laboratory reports and DNA research repeated from 1932 to 1946. viennese police authorities and secret services and politicians and upper class

Dieses System mit Ayatollahs ist heute keine Menschenrechtsverletzung mehr, sondern Hinrichtung Mord und Totschlag mit altem Faschismus, Antisemitismus und vmat2-Psychopathiebewegung

kommen sie wie ein attentäter zu jemand mit psychose und paranoia, 970 euro gehalt, zahlungsunfähig!

I am ill and retired and cannot live alone or rent an apartment due to anxiety, depression, psychosis and sociophobia, schizophrenia and sleep safely on a couch in my sister's apartment, no state or official can use this for exploitation of family members and theft

15 illegal millions and sale of races are the topic with ayatullahs and this family and no company foundation goal and savings from rana. it will all end in death and blood. police officers are stasi murderers

my sister had an artist license from 2005, and I from 2002 a used goods license, they only want to do it with middle class and established middle class like 1932

what nazi police officers are currently discussing with judges on the internet: mr judge we need a race trade law because people can't afford anything anymore, 20 years of probation was enough. I hear the voices and everyone else closes their eyes, not their ears

we came to vienna as human in 1986, back then it said 7000 years of history, since it said you are not human i have increased it to 2 billion years

international lawyers have legal formulas, if two come here and the police in vienna don't release any evidence of antisemitism and terrorism, then it means 15 years in prison for hundreds in the police elite. my mother has 35 working years

only creation cannot endure innocent murder, animals ignore it, like vienna europe, america israel UNO and all human rights activists in the west

Do you understand? for us nobody should die, just report fascism terrorism and human rights violations. europe america is an animal next to israel, there are only animals left, in the vatican too, no more creation

see what's going on in iran: you can't buy and erase conscience, empathy and humanity with cyberterror and hundred euro bills. men and women are dying on the streets because of mahsa, iranians are not animals, iranian are people with history and creation history, we are still alive

my mother and my sister and i are international targets and sentenced to death without money, it is UNO that wants to kill like 1980 to 1988 and because of race, ethnicity and genes, otherwise vienna would never have had a chance for a financial project with race. 38.000 activists 1988, vmat business

Do you understand, UN stuff repress and blackmail Viennese officials for theft and looting after taking hundreds of millions of euros

I'm 970 euros pension and not executable, I only sleep on a couch and don't own anything

ahrimanism is happening right now in vienna, 3rd and 4th class psychopathy says in front of the police presence: we should kill this family, after what we did their lives have no meaning and value, only problems. this ahrimanism needs 40 times 9/11

آقا این پیوند ژنتیک عقاب و خرکرگدن بود، یعنی باید شبه نظامی باشی بفهمی هوشیدر و سوشیانت چجوریم دنیای ماتریالیسم اهریمنی رو نابود کردند، مادر جنده دوربین مخفی گذاشتی موتور مارو بیاری پائین؟ ننت رو میگام خارکوسده