Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

they looted 3 shops with secret cameras including apartments and existence and austrian government says: romano gypsy iranian master race has the right 1932 in iran and in vienna

that's symbolism and ritual in the west, ritual murder like in iran: gypsies are worth more than iranians, also gypsies government ayatullah regime

15 illegal millions were given to family amiri and they left us debt for nazi looting.

international court of justice terror and murder and bomb attacks should reach you, this illegality in vienna is an atrocity against humanity, and has only left us with debts, now they want to plunder by killing victims. wofgang hagen is illegal, in a illegal system

das alles passierte weil michael evolution tier und bastrad häupel in wien herum schrie: wir haben vmat2 juden aus dem iran, versteckte muslim juden

ali gharib the kebab seller and his daughter the waitress: 3 million euros with jews vmat2 private life trading in chat rooms supported by fascism and anti-semitism, gypsies are worth more than iranian native businessmen

GREATER 9/11 action: viennese elite: we have been supported by all important international personalities to plunder the iranian native race, capitalism is the law book and the personalities are the judges and not international and regional laws or european human rights conventions. this calls for greater 9/11 action

this psychosis is old race, psychosis because of nazi satanism and ahrimanism, this psychosis also had old knight leagues, who first killed the bastard animal children. the original knights and race jesus tribe, "armenian jews blood", against aryan animals. photo today

9/11 is justice, 9/11 is justice mother fucker

we have debts because of state stasi secret camera, by stasi torture system, caused by state, today the animal wants to plunder my sister because of debts caused by state

i am a terror victim worse than the ghassemloo case, there is evidence and the austrian state says: iranian jews are not human

6 million euros illegal terror money was given to nasser farahani and relatives for establishing genocide. 3 shops ruined for debts cause and plunder. this is terrorism and 9/11 justice

plundering of Rana's savings and property will be punished with kindergarten occupation

rana is ethnic sister of mahsa, viennese iranian and austrian aryan scum race wants to kill rana with hide evidence because of genes vmat2 and race

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2022

atashkadeh is tactical defense against monkeys, you are new we are old, you are aggressive animals, you are bastard race, evolution, animals dirt and scum. austrian government proves it, animal origin politicians

atashkadeh is also a proven feature in safavid times, ethical and genetic traits

this is the result of darwinism: SPÖ austria: only evolution is important and worth living, no scum creation vmat2 human

vienna says to iranian passport and birth certificate you are not human, next to the ayatullahs because of bloodline and ethnic origin. just like mahsa case and millions of others

i am terror victim of indo iranian aryan gypsy families, hussein gharib, ali gharib, family amiri and azadeh amiri

I'm old elam, i am atashkaden soldier, fuck dirty aryan race, fuck aryan race

i am old elam, fuck israel germany and austria, i am old elam, i am old falcon ATASHKADEH

carpet shop license, antique shop license, artist license is not a human being, without personal rights, like 1932, Jewish Armenian Iranian blood

vienna says to iranian passport and birth certificate you are not human, next to the ayatullahs because of bloodline and ethnic origin. just like mahsa case and millions of others

austrian government and its authorities are more murderers and torturers than ayatullahs and filthy aryan iranian race is just watching

austrian government wants to kill us because of stasi capital and damages, for that 6 million was paid to father and relatives. 6 million so that they do not have punishment and remain without compensation. for ritual genocide

five million given to nasser farahani, 500,000 to his brothers, 250,000 to relatives to see two psychotic suicides or lynching, this is 9/11 terrorism, this is animalistic terrorism basrard race america europe

rana and my mother are in worse case than mahsa, hide evidence of vienna police viennese authorities is for attempted murder and capital. hide evidence is genocide with Viennese upper class because of sleazy race trade capital, hide evidence is because of my political activism and theft. hide evidnece is murder attempt with dirty iranians

in iran gypsies and indo aryan race kill every day prophets bloodline, every day, fucking gypsies ayatullahs, sepah basij gezbollah., every fucking day and say jew to us, jesus was jew too

first nazi satanism mass murder economy evidence and then kill, mass murder and racial fanaticism evidence and then kill, animals are terrorism, like in vienna. vmat2 and old race killer in middle east and europe and america

this is vmat2 ELAM and old race resistance like in ottoman time, how many more? see what and which animals the viennese are