Samstag, 8. Oktober 2022

اتریش یه گوزه بعد از جنایات جنگ جهانی دوم که باید ازش شکایت بشه کناره آخوند، تو از توالت فرنگی هم کمتری، که پنج سال نشستی میخونی و میگی چیزی ندیدم، ندیدم، ندیدم

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

.. دکلمه گل بی گلدون رو با صدا سوسولی بلدی؟.... ....... میگفتی با تو حیشم با من بمون همیسه.. گل آخه عسیسم، گل بی گلدون نمیسه...


مشتری هر روزه ما هم هی میخونه، بله، ما شدیم گوه، اون شده توالت فرنگی:، عسیسم من که تورو ندیدم

این عن ما انقدر عن بود، که زمانی که آیت الله خمینی در بیمارستان بستری شده بود، ایشون مسئول غذا ‌‌آوردن امام بودند، توجه میفرمایید؟ عنتر از خودشون بود بهش اعتماد داشتن، مثل امروز سر زری و رعنا وشخص بنده، مرتیکه کونده شاشخالی بیسواد لاشی

they set their feet unchastely in strangers' apartments, steal with their hands, they talk like animals, they lie like zahak and ahriman and say to creation najes, najes najes, najes, najes najes.

I can remember taking a shower every day for 40 years, so NAJES is: no evolutionary origin. i will prove freemasonry from 16th century with this policy in iran. ayatullah freemason from 16th century

people are being killed in iran right now, right now, vienna says: stasi terror with ayatullahs is a state secret, right to plunder theft and race trade is a privilege, you are jews, the ayatullahs also say najes. Najes. this is thanks to americans and their tribal research, half iran is najes

if reza shah hadn't killed modaress then 50 years of development wouldn't be possible, the reason is: reza shah had more black elam iranians friends than white aryan iranian friends, always behind the iron curtain

i was at the flea market today and noticed and felt: several plainclothes police officers are walking there, they want to see the mood, if anyone still knows me, because with sudden attacks and gene murder they get the stasi murder pot with ayatullahs free. Viennese animals and ayatullahs monkey origin, thieves and invaders like shah abbas time, exploiters and scum evolution origin the white turban ayatullahs in vienna, killer torturers and animals

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2022

i bought it online

Many of us are at different stages of the Ascension process, yet at every level with a sincere heart and conscious participation we can access exactly what we require. The first suggestion is to meditate upon the 12 Tree Grid with intention to move through each personal sphere knowing this is one’s direct connection to each of the Stargates of the earth and aspects of identity. Focusing on each 12 Tree Grid sphere starting at the first dimension level (1-12), ask to know your main tribal identity within the 12 Tribes and to receive the genetic time codes that main tribal identity requires. (ES community has many 12 Tree Grid meditations that one can devote specifically to this process). Once you feel connected to that dimension of tribal identity, you may feel called to meditate with the corresponding Planetary Emancipation Gridwork and Stargate meditation (PEG).

it started with this story: when the 12 vmat tribes from vienna migrated to persia, navajo and cherokee indians were there too..

this state has plundered my life and today i am in juden getho: i have no money for 8 teeth and terrorists, fascists nazis 450,000,000 euros still in distribution: azadeh amiri 15 million euros

the secrets of these 12 tribes is in vienna, deep underground, i am a part of it, tribe 13, bought from an aquarium shop..... just for fun, fucking bird and demon

Amnesty and UNO only get reports from secret state archeology and genes achieved: read what this is and what it was, never forget that evolution is human, never. they are animals and not human, spirituality is animal. we only had 12 jewish tribes, nothing else

i should correct some inconsistencies when i have time and old elami spirit baba comes back with his voice

Each of the 12 human tribes have a unique frequency and DNA program that is designed to anchor a specific part of its DNA coding into the planetary field, throughout each of the Root Races and evolutionary cycles. From the Guardian perspective, there are cycles upon cycles completing and converging now in the particle and anti-particle merge, comprising the historical timeline events of human seeding and planetary evolution, with the 8th and 12th Astrological precessions being of specific importance. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps[5]

hey cia and nsa, mossad, i swear that was someone else not me

iranians have been tricked because of their history insofar as no aryan race and israeli write without position and own opinion and enmity, no one is neutral historian, archeology in my hands is the truth. the 12 kings the 12 tribes

the destruction of our DNA traces is worth 450,000,000 euros, without children, our DNA is iran. Cyrus the Great Iran, before the Ice Age Persia

the austrian is quiet on all streets, on all public squares, he only has his freedom at home and in internet portals: tell iran we only want to kill these three, otherwise we won't be enemies with you, it's about 450,000,000 euros stasi camera income

In 1932 the looting began, nazis had set up gethos, and then potential was killed in concentration camps in poverty and misery, what is the difference between cyberterror and the old system? killing rana and me? with 16 potential jobs, in poverty?

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

rana and i are the sign of the evil people because we symbolize ancient times and prehistory with our genes dna and bones. that existence creates a gap between humanity: we were all monkeys truth is peace

i'm talking about black monkey meat therefore: the government showed us the way to prosperity through races black business, as good people and beings we earn more than our salary, we are entitled to it, even with torture and murder, and lynching

as a human i was looking for solutions to stop mass murders in iran, they say we are human, we report, we are europe and human, we report because of death and torture, we abhor counterwar and revolution

today this is lab workup: some of us have monkey in them, black meat, and some are vmat2, full human, spiritual and have the key to heaven transition. the stone is an old enlightenment. now it means we are good human rights activists and vmat2 whore fuckers, envy and complexes

I've been to the public prosecutor's office and police several times since 2017, I saw nazi sadism at amnesty international and UNO city, I saw nazi sadism, sick anti-Semitism and racial madness at ZARA, DIAKONIE, amnesty International and UNO, caritas. killers in the name of humanity : first world needs real estate financing by race torture

my mother and sister and my person are also symbolically genetically marked, with fake material and lies campaign international with 3 shops and a music career, all participate in murder system because of money

رژیم کولی آریایی بالکانی خارکوسدست،مادر جنده سیاسی نما

Mahsa's execution has prepared 50,000 genetically marked people for death in Iran. 50,000 genetic targets, if these 50,000 fight unarmed then another 150,000 will be killed. with the help of international darwin fascism, israel, europe, america, vienna

I was politically honest from 2002, with 25,000 hours of discussion, tens of thousands of rooms and users. this scum was bought by the regime to keep quiet, scum opposition, bought by vienna and regime for silent murder

رژیم به کوس ننه تو هم ریدم که اینها رو جلو چشم ما کردی آدم حسابی... کوسکش

من به کوس ننه همتون ریدم مادر جنده ها، یه آدم حسابی تو اینها نیست