Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2022

photo today, good morning, i read somewhere: a head without hair is honor and better connection to heaven and god, well i'm going to work with water today and take a few hundred photos

حالا خوار این مادرقحبه رو من چجوری بگام؟ دوربین و هزار چیز میز لازم داریم، به کوس ننه انقلاب 57، ایران مونده بدویم مریخ میکردیم ایران رو سویس کجاست

a few days before my aunt left the country i slept in the car for about 6 hours, hayedeh songs was on repeat all the time. the most beautiful feeling. since 1990, year of her death in washington, america cia and nsa doesn't leave us alone, especially my sister. with iranian gypsy mafia, iranian romanians and balkan mafia

آقا رفتیم تو نوستالژی، اومدم سوزان روشن گوش کنم، یاد این آهنگ افتادم، فکر کنم کاره تارا خاله مه، روحش بعضی اوقات مود مارو عوض میکنه، یک دفعه صدا خندهاش هم اومد، پرسیدم شوخی داری؟ کجا بیام؟ مکن همچی طاهره. دیدم باز داره میخنده مارو هم میخندونه، نمیدونم داییم داود کجاست، از زمانی روحش رفته آمریکا خبری ازش نیست، خلاصه اشپیروالیتی نموده مارو...... یا شیزوفرنی نمیدونم

can armenian jewish vmat2 walk on water? maybe i will find the sandals in vienna, djuuuu my lord old technology only works with our mental power

international database is untouchable, if it has been touched and insulted then we will die. the masses and networks will kill us because billions of internet business were at stake

this is iranian vmat2 mass murder plan and europe america israel howling donkeys because of mahsa

my sister is still alive and is a victim of anti-semitism and fascism, ayatullah regime and is supposed to be plundered more, and france is screaming: we are making the dead mahsa an honorary citizen and the evil living rana farahani a shitty eu citizen

they still sit in international chat rooms and try to damage rana and me because americans call us armenians jews, bastard americans say jew to our blood. austrian: then the two are jews, we have to harm

Mauthausen 1945: Austria is still a psychopathic society today, because Americans and Russians did not execute 10,000 austrians like animals, like animals these bastard meat should have been executed. animals like van der bellen, the newly elected masonic president

the viennese police have upheld illegality with the president and politicians for decades and say: he can't kill more than 15 austrians, that will become a schwedenplatz action

vienna calculates that i can't kill more than 15, even today when they think they can loot rana's valuables. that's me, i'm not a kid arab with a homemade bomb, no less than 5000 dead fascist animals, i'm systematically you animal

these collections and other chests belong to rana, energy healing, and shield against daekforce, the vienna police: ali khamenei wants the gems and semi gems, if it is denied by the family then we kill the family, order 5 million euros from iran

that's another version in the apartment, the white one

stasi black money in anti-Semitism means delusion and psychopathy, money laundering, the desire for death. Anyone who has studied a little economics understands what consumer and consumer collection and advertising means, apparently regional and international judges have a piece of shit instead of a brain

Illegal state-secret cameras left me 35,000 euros in debt and my mother 180,000 with no opportunity for business and work, international action with millions in damage. EU is dirt, more than dirt with Angela Merkel

I am forced to live in my sister's apartment because of mental illness, paranoid psychopherenia today with psychosis and depression, scared to death because of ayatullah terror and anti-semitism terror, gene racism terror, nobody can take advantage of this situation and steal valuables from rana and prevent her company foundation, except 9/ 11 junkies want to see action

for NS repetition, vienna has 100 million secret camera consumer statistics, with the promise: the jew victims never get evidence but poison or accidental death

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians.

hide evidence is crimes against humanity in europe, insofar as iranian fascists and viennese gene fascists are supported to maintain the racial extermination program with european antisemiticism

all of austria hides and suppresses evidence because ayatollah regime and americans say to us jews, we are jewish blood, americans and ayatullahs

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

this whore is 20 years NS agent in vienna, NS stasi agent

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

my mother restored carpets 10 hours a day with needles and scissors, do the communists or socialists, the social democrats have an ass for a day of hard work? you whore you communist mina ahadi, you national socialist whore

ask UNO and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AUSTRIA: where is the plunder law? these bastard dirt and animals, aryan monkeys answer: mobile phones are data protection, and so are internet portals

du scheiß huankind bastard arische drecksau rasse, du sau arisch du sau arisch, du sau, nach 80 jahre nationalsozialismus, du sau du arisch drecksau

scheiß huankind richter du bastard arische rasse komm, komm töte mich auch mit ayatullahs wegen illegale immobilien geschäfte, scheiß arische drecksau richter, scheiß blut und fleisch du scheiß arische richter

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians.

ایرانی دو پاسه خوار مادر کونی لجن ژن کیری، کوسکش نژاد آریایی کولی نشسته میگه: اتریش و آمریکا میگن: خونش جهوده، ما هم حق غارت از جهود داریم، مادر کوسده دوزاری گدا گشنه بی عرضه مادر کونی ایرانی وین، بی عرضه بی لیاقت، هیچکاره ننه سگ کولی آریایی

through 40 years of massacres until today, iranians have become inferior in asia europe and america, today the iranians with the old bloodline become financial stasi capital victims with international authorities support... earn money with iranian, armenian jews bloodline

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians.

200 killed to date and austrian government: the secret camera action is still running in vienna, it is a right, 450,000,000 euros from consumers revenue a business right of the ayatullahs

this is a mass murder business in vienna, UNO employees and amnesty international are deep inside, with mobile phones, against my sister and mother

animal race killed 1.5 million children, 3rd generation is also an animal, viennese scum animals, dirtiest origin, animal race kills children in iran today with the help of viennese animals and austrian support. Viennese judges, secret services and police politicians are the dirtiest Aryan animal race, dirty blood and meat

this is a mass murder business in vienna, UNO employees and amnesty international are deep inside, with mobile phones