Montag, 10. Oktober 2022

i need a camera lens for hadith 1265 for 75 thousand euros, and shiite world and leadership iran: family amiri and the whore are hallal, 15 million is just not enough for our sister azadeh

الإمامُ عليٌ عليه ‏السلامـ لمّا قيل لَهُ : هل يقدرُ ربُّك على‏أن يدخل الدنيا في بيضةٍ ـ : إنَّ اللّه‏َ تَبارَكَ وتَعالى لا يُنسَبُ إلَى العَجزِ ، والّذي سَألتَني لا يَكونُ

خارکوسده پول دوربین ندارم بهتر کیرت کنم، گائیدی مارو با این اتریش

آقا آب رو چرخوندم دیدم: اه، حدیث ۱۲۶۵.. یا امام جعفر صادق، چی گفت ابلیس


امام صادق عليه السلام : ابليس به عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام گفت:آيا پروردگار تو مى تواند [كره ]زمين را داخل تخم مرغى جاى دهد، بدون آن كه زمين را كوچك و تخم مرغ را بزرگ كند؟ عيسى عليه السلام فرمود: واى بر تو! خدا به صفت ناتوانى وصف نمى شود؛ كسى كه بتواند زمين را كوچك گرداند و تخم مرغ را بزرگ [چندان كه زمين داخل آن جاى گيرد ]تواناتر از چنين كسى كيست؟

امام على عليه السلام ـ آن گاه كه به او گفته شد آيا پروردگار تو مى تواند دنيا را در داخل تخم مرغى جاى دهد ـ فرمود : نسبت عجز به خداوند تبارك و تعالى نمى توان داد، اما آنچه از من پرسيدى شدنى نيست.

both times it was the black jews, the jews from the wehrmacht, at the time of jesus, and christians persecution and mass murders and second world war, both times it was the jews: we need excessive consumption, the people too, and today in vienna for 20 years, we have christian meat, dealer, armenian jewish vmat2

an aryan race admits itself: we cannot afford excessive consumption in neo-liberal tides, except to destroy the vmat2 jews, except to destroy vmat2 jews, we need money, the salary is only for monkeys, with the annihilation of the vmat2 jews we become human

because this culture is more than 7000 years old, the roots are in europe and the whole thing is a wooden stick in ass of blond monkey origin, in viennese ass american israeli and european ass, that's why we are "jews and armenians" we are jews, we are jews

America CIA AND NSA makes tribal investigations, genetics and DNA research, then they say to this day: aryan romano gypsy race is the higher authority and has the right to plunder, ali gharib his family azadeh amiri her family, the relatives and viennese iranian

it all happens because the shitty americans say to us: jews armenians with vmat2. mother fucker bastard animals

the viennese should have stopped the bastard nazi mayor 22 years ago, the town hall, police and secret service, today i'm 47, rana 40 and my mother 70, the viennese howl and make animal noises: we didn't want to do that, we didn't want to, after 22 years

it all happens because the shitty americans say to us: jews armenians with vmat2. mother fucker bastard animals

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians.

Nobody in this state feels guilty, nobody has the slightest remorse, and nobody feels empathy and humanity, because the ruining of these three businesses by the police, ayatullah regime and the Austrian state costs a fine of 500 million euros., NS repetition

I've been robbed year after year for 20 years, today they are standing in front of the door of my sister's apartment for robbery and murder. mostly police women, secret service women and their civil networks

Killing 1.5 million children is not normal, lynching women is not normal, killing 6 million in camps is not normal, this meat is from spaceship garbage containers, manipulated with dirt and garbage, aryan blood, manipulated with dirt and garbage genes, this hate in vienna is not normal

europe america israel is watching what is happening to my family and to me and doing stasi business with UNO support. this is public psychopathic anti VMAT2 SHOW. actually in iran too. elam rock art and hieronymus bosch painting

this is first world and europe: vmat2 will be plundered with ayatullahs and hezbollah for torture show, imagine what this europe is doing in iran with the help of ayatullahs. animals, blond with blue eyes, animals next to israel and amerika, animals

This executor wants 1700 euros, 1700 euros are legal fees for theft, the lawyer himself was there live, behind secret cameras, Dr. Vana

i criminal complaint the thieves and police and public prosecutor wrote back: criminal act not verifiable you jew, you secret jews iranian businessman....

see this list in 2008: bought a villa for 20,000 euros and an apartment for 10,000 euros. Sales value probably 120,000 euros, flat rate. I bought glass and porcelain for a flat rate of 300 pieces. books 700 pieces, flat rate, paintings 40 pieces flat rate. vienna police and viennese judges had azadeh amiri in the theft, and say: there is evidence with 15 dead so that we can retire

where is my police record, criminal record or convictions? my files are white, since 1986 until today. there are only political files and fake material

in iran there are dozens of thousands of targeted vmat2 by gypsy tribes like gharib, shams and amiris, keyhanrads and shirazis, coordinated from abroad with CIA AND NSA MOSSAD AND VIENNESE SCUM

they killed women in iran despite chador and hijab, what reformists make of genocide is a crime against humanity: murder because of hijab!? asshole gypsy reformists bastard killer genocide bastard meat

heinrich gross wien experimented from 1932 to 2022 with oriental resilience, physical and psychological, actually vmat2 and vmat1 human, the results are distributed in networks in all layers of society, therefore zero empathy about race and vmat from orient. the police and politicians the secret services specifically and intentionally choose vmat2 targets from iran, for mobile phone society, financial torture business and murder. which is also common in iran

viennese police viennese politics viennese antisemitism abuses mobile phone society, for murder and torture, those who keep their distance from antisemitism keep silent, because of real estate financing and luxury living

austria says: the whole of iran is unanimous with us. because of this family, 85 million? a single journalist should write then see what unanimous means

police officers in vienna and berlin, young uneducated inexperienced 0815 type: ayatullahs and hezbollah, the escaped murderers, killers torturers are important personalities and must be protected. this excuse of fascism, vmat2 racism and gene racism serves to cover up NS repetition, against bloodline and vmat

vmat2 stasi system is end result death, mysterious secret death because of billions of business, where are you? fucking police and secret service, you worth nothing, you inferrior uniform