Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2022

they have an absolute brain blockade when it comes to capital, the international market economy, day trade or international marketing, or what a trader is, a negotiator, a middleman, or a gap in the market, the economy or what's going on on the stock exchange. The metaphysics of the day trade belongs to the spiritual human, 52 volumes of Marx doesn't help anyone today either, so the left-wing beggars stand next to them, the only thing that remains is VMAT2 TRADE

As you know, my sister has been suffering from panic attacks since 2001. today she has some again: they will kill us if i open a company, they will kill us, she probably means the monkey children from the upper class, brain invalids rich children without projects, potential and ideas of their own

do you understand what's going on? 40 years crime in iran daily executions and vienna multiplies the crime tenfold: there are too many jew armenians in iran, we have a family, worth nothing from luristan elam tehran, VMAT2

they ruined my business and career internationally with secret cameras nazi show and today it says: what is in our mobile phones has nothing to do with arian law and fascism, am i confronted with monkeys and animals or not?

ayatollahs and hezbollah earn money with cyber terror in vienna and americans say iranian jews armenians families don't interest us. the money is aryan right and law

Because of the left side and left hand there are many theses and theories, in philosophy, science and theology, and the spiritual world, occultism and rituals. all nonsense

the sign elam bone tissue structure of the left hand, we are different, we are creation

in the 13th district there are graves with other bone tissue structures, bone crystals and dna, next to the stones, it says we are different, not mass murderers, serial killers, psychopaths and scum, we are different, we have always been human, as living beings, you shit monkey origin

scum aryan race iran europe, austria germany, scum aryan race. shops looting apartment looting in 21st century, scum evolution race, inferior thieves

کوسکش، نشستی تهرون از کی حساب میبری بدبخت آفرینش، مگه خدا تو رو کونی آفرید، یا من رو کونی آفرید؟ آخه مادرقحبه، ستار هم زمان شکنجه هی به یارو میمونه میخندید، خودش هم میگفت نمیدونم ستار به چی میخندید😇

we didn't take any monkeys or pets with us from vienna, the english assimilated them again from the 15th century in the great empire of persia.

this is the indo aryan romano race more scum animal than germans and austrians in 21st century, 80 percent of the iranian government consists of these psychopathic romanian and balkan immigrants, murderers and torturers abroad or at home

sick psychopathic 1800 salary poverty fascism has 500 Viennese judges behind it, in democracy and the rule of law

these children, 1.5 million dead corpses were jews? 15 years of physical and psychological experiments because the children were jews? because of the religious identity? sharlatan israel and austria bastard evolution israeli

austria germany killed more than 1.5 million children 80 years ago because they were jews? or because in some areas in vienna you can find bones after 2 meters of excavation, next to stones, that have nothing to do with evolution, bone structure and dna, that have nothing to do with primates and apes? you bastard evolution fascist. half iranian, suffering because of race and ethnic origin

israelis and western states have made gene comparisons of jeroboam in iran and the near east and north africa with gene archeology research institutes in vienna. evolutionary bastards

In 2009, during the green movement, I set up a system for armed struggle and andadvertised in paltalk and in vienna and other portals: don't go out on the streets unarmed. it wasn't just the ayatullahs in vienna that terrorized me, but mostly israelis, more monkeys than ayatullahs, more neanderthals and monkeys than hezbollah

fuck you sharlatan israel, fuck your state dirty bastards, lie of history. we are jeroboams you evolution bastard, we are jeroboams

fuck sharlatan israelis, we are jeroboams you evolution bastard, we are jeroboams

becaus of: we are prehistory human dna and gene and blood, called jews. one stone 800 photo and sujets, AUSTRIA/MAUTHAUSEN, fuck israel, fuck your religion fuck you israel, you the lie of history, fuck sharlatans, fuck the state of israel, fuck wehrmachtjude, fuck mossad and cia. 6 millions genocide because of race dna and gene from prehistory not because of religion you dirty mother fucker bastard

there are international treaties, financial and stasi torture treaties, exploitation of existence, degradation and murder because of iranian special native race. The contracts are with the UN, as perpetrator protection, fascism protection

this business was ruined with hundreds of millions of euros fascism project 2002 to 2006 and from 2007 illegal private life material and fake material was given to foreigners, guest worker children and others for cellphone chatrooms and social networks. with the reason: secret jews and armenians that call themselves muslim

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2022

Viennese fascists and murderers have focused on the three of us with UNO support international anti-Semitism and fascism because of the research of the Americans: Native Iranians are Jews Armenians and free for murder and looting, exploitation like in Iran

آقا اپوزیسیون مادر کوسده چپ و راستش فاشیسم رو از سال 2002 تایید کرده یا نه؟ آریایی مادر کونی کولی ایرانی، تو بودی با پلیس اتریش یا نه؟ سیاسی نما، مادر کونی آریایی ایرانی فاشیست

i have system constellations, strategies and tactics in 16 professions and 38 projects, and fascism a monkey, a monkey that prevents dna and genes great persia, for 24 years

there are international treaties, financial and stasi torture, exploitation of existence, degradation and murder because of iranian special native race. The contracts are with the UN, as perpetrator protection, fascism protection. crystal, stone and silver mirror. tablet photo raw, system setup.

The special genes and 13 strains DNA and genes crossing has a sign in Iran, Europe, Israel, America Turkey and other states hunt human in iran and have contracts with gypsy clans and tribes, gypsies 80% in government apparatus.

nobody even writes anonymously, google search is empty, no photos videos and fake material, that has an opinion: you are sick and crazy, your armed struggle announced from 2001 and your smoke too. responsible for this are 15 million new gypsies and 25 million hidden old gypsies. otherwise there would be dozens of thousands on the streets in iran

all my social contacts relatives, friends, father uncles and long-term acquaintances were bought with crumbs from 450 million euro cake, cousins and almost all children and young people, with crumbs

With amnesty, the UN never intended to sanitize the scum society, to free it from hatred, anti-Semitism and fascism, it only supervises that nothing happens to the perpetrator, iranian and austrian, actually for 40 years in iran and outside iran, nothing should happen to the perpetrator