Samstag, 15. Oktober 2022

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2022

I have to go, but won't come until the afternoon, before: mythologie sheep and eagle, the light over the light

vmat2 was partly mostly retail, like health food stores today or wholesome products shops today, also other branches of trade, but instinctive and intuitive, mostly scientific, mostly inventive and productive, mostly fair trade. bohemian bourgeoisie, champagne socialism that after intrigue and the destruction of existence has been described as a lumpen proletariar. vmat2 and feuerbach marx engels lenin and hegel enmity

mazdakism, light and dark

Mazdakism was an Iranian religion, which was an offshoot of Zoroastrianism. The religion has been called one of the most noteworthy examples of pre-modern communism.[1]

The religion was founded in the early Sasanian Empire by Zardusht, a Zoroastrian mobad who was a contemporary of Mani (d. 274).[2] However, it is named after its most prominent advocate, Mazdak, who was a powerful and controversial figure during the reign of Emperor Kavad I (r. 498–531).[3]

Mazdakism was a dualistic religion that appeared to be influenced by Manichaeism. It taught that there were two principles, light and dark (good and evil) that merged at a primordial time creating the universe. The Mazdakites worshipped the God of Light.[citation

so from 2004 i set up theories, 25,000 discussion hours, iran in the world system, geopolitics and economics, culture and genocide, crime and the behavior of western states. I had 200 listeners in the chat rooms every day, but it was broadcast live, my contacts in Iran were never to be found, to the extent that I knew that Israel and Europe/America despised Mazdak nationalism, they call it true Iranian national socialism.the light over the light, the body of light as racist and fascist

murdering children and people on iranian streets is american business, viennese business, viennese CIA, and MOSSAD business. with my family too, murder, after finance projekt:, armenian jews from iran

ali rahimi is the best friend of häupl the ex-mayor, but also best friend of ahmadinejad with connection to white house, ghalibaf and amadinejad the mass murderers of the 80s. this is world intrigue and chain murders as far as iranian vmat2 are concerned. with iranian network gypsy families. iranian government is CIA coordinated

Everything that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Vienna has allowed itself on the Internet with cyberterror, international lies and hate campaign, fake material, attempted murder, hundreds of millions of euros in business is based on American psychopathy against race and ethnic groups, with NSA and CIA from 1998.

I got anti-cholesterol tablets today, it's good that I read the insert: you are not allowed to take the tablets if you are of Asian descent, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Indian, Filipino Vietnamese. The problem with ancient race is: we have all DNA origins inside us. i love vietcong in me, psychopathy against the americans, invaders in my home

I live in a town where anyone who walks past me shows murderous hostility. through verbal and non-verbal behavior: why do you know that we made money with you, an armenian jew, these are mostly women and girls in vienna....

at least since the middle of the 19th century with anti-semitic songs and nationalistic texts there has been animal anti-semitism, all other explanations, racial theory and the jew race is a cover-up, there is only animal anti-semitism, there are only two types of people, old and new

vienna says we are silent nazi animals, and rahim with 500 iranian and viennese judges in murder conspiracy, the real estate is illegal and everyone wants to keep jewish gold and house, with the confidence: vienna remains silent even in case of death of the victim and proves animal antismitism

the regime has been getting its forces from vienna and berlin for decades and not from lebanon and palestine, it's all a diversionary manoeuvre. traiskirchen, a place near vienna, was a training camp for sepah and hezbollah for 8 years

since 2002 viennese iranians have been saying to me mentally ill and crazy because i presented the philosophy and politics of armed struggle as the only option, today everyone is crazy in iran, and presumably they have to be slaughtered, coordinated with the viennese secret service, military and secret society, and with anti-protest and revolutions units cobra and wega training

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2022

vienna bought Nasser farahani and my relatives with several million euros and says: fascism is the only truth, joy, fun and life. this future version should be manifested and imprinted in iran, human resources and torture apps in cellphones are the new future and oil fields. with us, with me and my sister and mother

we have been suffering darkforce for 40 years, with what help is a declared thing, the behavior towards my mother is darkforce, towards my sister and towards my person is darkforce, with bastard iranian, new iranian, forbidden flesh and blood on persian soil, forbidden since cyrus and daraeus the great

this one doctor alone killed hundreds, the appearance of rahim and his daughters cost thousands of lives in iran: armenian jews hunt with gypsy networks in iran

with my name i can take dozens of merhaphysics photos a day with equipment and light studio, this is an easier version with tablet. there are deeper and clearer subjects, landscapes, architecture, culture and politics, economics and spiritual ritual formulas. light VMAT2 bodies genocide and alien darkforce, viennese doctor

the only thing that vienna says: perpetrators are aryan race, all authorities refuse to serve: victims are jews perpetrators aryan. 1800 euro salary romano aryan and businessman with 16 other profession

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. stone from the 10th district of vienna

My ancestors Elam/luristan (jews/armenian) are buried 7 kilometers away from me, from a depth of 10 meters you can find the remains of the spaceships

I've been writing bloodline armenian/jew for 5 years and this state is doing together with UNO society to more animals and fascists, to more stasi torturers

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians.

after the second world war massacre, when it is published that we have the same blood groups as the 1932s victims, the stasi torture must stop, the state radicalizes the officials more for more stasi torture, all other networks too

i have lived in vienna since 1986 and have never applied for an apartment from the state, the answer is no. the reason is understandable for everyone: almost all women in austria have evidence of terror from me and evidence of antisemitism because of my sister and mother, how horrible an animal can you be? these animals can only be Viennese and Austrians, scum anti-Semites and fascists after 6 million "Jewish-Armenian" murders. a bastard origin a bastard breed a waste animal origin

large parts of austrian society are animals, animals with good and bad faces but animals that kill because of jewish gold, animals that vienna has often proven, animals, no empathy and justice despite the austrian constitution, animals with iranian romano race, money and murder, animals with new Iranian

vmat2 means connection, as you can see the man is standing on a dead head, the connection prevents animals from secretly killing him, psychologists call it paranoid schizophrenia and delusion

all secret studies on 800 vmat2 children are hidden in austria, there were never 800 children like today with wehrmacht israelis: there were no studies with barbad and rana, no causes of psychotic depression and paranoia and delusions of persecution, everyone participates and it's fun to destroy vmat2. with the help of viennese psychologists and doctors

austrian police have had a personal problem with vmat2 since 1946 since the reestablishment of the BSA with nazi academics until today, until 2004 with heinrich gross in contact. Viennese secret services since the era of himmler and adolf, Viennese politicians since the 15th century... personal problem because: what are you talking about?