Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022

there are regime whores, emam ali mosque whores, ayatullah and hezbollah wives in viennese networks, ahrimanic whores, aryan gypsy whores as muslims and say to police, judges, politicians, secret services and viennese: take him to prison and kill barbad farahani, our stasi capital is allah halal barekat, he is jew armenian. laboratory tests confirm

what neoliberalism and new world order intended for iran: vienna's democratic order linked to human values. parallel to this network society dictatorship tied to aryan values, aryan law and personal rights 1932 for native iranians. actually scarier than ayatullah regime

no iranian opposition party no organization will be allowed as long as it agrees with race wars, race wars like in europe and america, the situation should prevail like in vienna: old race is not from us, but in parallel society, and it should stay there and be watched, be spied on and die

the interesting thing is:no one asks about the phenomenon of stones and what the depth has to show. for 2 years

i stood at the flea market for 8 hours today, the end result death needs the approval of an entire society and city, i noticed that many keep in touch through purchases, police and judges watch live with bastard americans and ayatullahs

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2022

i have to go and will come in the afternoon, but it's nothing more than that: this system was created for secret jews. from orient africans and middle east developed by americans, dna genes and blood jews, the search is in laboratories with international connection and with police secret service sympathy and action. they will kill me and my family, it is lynching with azadeh amiri and ali gharib and iranian families in vienna, lynching with suppression of evidence

there is no more rational behavior because of social stasi money distribution in vienna, the promise of 1946 "never again fascism" was bought. we need our own houses and real estate "aryan race are not gypsies that rent apartments" the jews and armenians are gypsies

because of stasi camera actions we are bankrupt with 3 businesses, i owe 35,000, my mother owes 170,000, and the islamic republic of iran and the state of austria are hundreds of millions richer, since 2008 the business has been left to the working class and middle class, until today, even guest worker children who have been unemployed for 15 years are, or mansour farahani unemployed from 1997 to 2015

cia and nsa the white house calls half iranian jews armenians, and gives international looting rights to actual iranian fascism as far as native iranians are concerned, as in the last 40 years, and for 20 years in vienna with me and my family

old gypsies fascism in iran and austria, austrians are gypsies from rome, invaded 4th century ad, closely related to aryan romano gypsies iran. invaded between 500 bc, 4 ad christ and then again from the 14th century in iran

the term aryan beings was clearly explained before and during the second world war with the right to plunder, today with iranian old fascism and viennese old fascism judges: we are aryan beings with aryan iranian and native race is proven jew, according to the americans

opening my business in 2002 was based on my mother's 35 years of work in the antique textile trade, 1200 to 4000 euros salary civil servants including azadeh amiri and her father say: we were human with 1500 and 1800 euros salary, human needs real estate. this is how monkeys glorify fascism

since the arrival of the arian gyspy romano race, this ahrimanic social finance system has been iranian history: we are monkey brains and also need houses, money and luxury.

شعار شنیدم چند روز پیش: نه اینوری نه اونوری چیزم تو بیت رهبری، گفتم پس خیلی خوب، اینم این. کمی ورق زدم، زدم، زدم، خبر فوتبال نوشته بود: علی دایی منکر فلان و بهمان با خشایار محسنی و بهمان اموال و این و آن. باز ورق زدم برگشتم دیدم جدی جدی میگه تو بیت رهبری، بابا دیوانه احمق بگو: کیرم تو روح فوتبالیست غیرتی، شاشیدم تو کوس و روح نوچه بیت رهبری. بنده خدا پیر شده، این جوون میمون ها نگهش داشتن

The Golden Ass... and the deep state, whore babylon. 367 photos 367 positions and editings

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2022

I am a victim of anti-Semitism, a victim of ayatollah terror and at risk of my life on the streets of Vienna, the Viennese: the stasi persian jews/armenians money is an unavoidable economic option

this is achaemenid dynasty sign with eagle, the state taught vienna: nothing is important, only we are important, our society, our prosperity and our houses are important

شورای ملی مقاومت هم لطف کنند و بگویند رپته و مریم هم شپته. رضا پهلوی هم گفت کلاغ پر و من هم پر. خلاصه همه فهمیدند تو پاچه ملت دیگه دسته خر طلایی جا نداره... چه برسه رو پیشونیشون خانم ثروتمند و پر مروت

europe, america turkey, nato states reward the perpetrators, stasi torture perpetrators with millions of euros, iranian gypsies even say thank you to vienna, thank you for ruining three shops from 1998 to 2006, otherwise we would not have been able to earn any money, until today

market it in a pill box, little capsules and call it: attributes! what didn't you make money from the jew? i had three roman medallions in azadeh's apartment disappeared without a trace, my cat tina died with your poison because of a bet. my warehouse was also cleared out and robbed... 😂. make a capsule of fenugreek black garlic and rhino horn powder and name it attributes

today i bought a nomadic tuareg leather box from nigeria for my sister, i found this piece next to it, and asked are you antelope origin or continental rhinoceros horn? can i powder you and drink and sing yabadudabu or not? In any case, Jewish Armenians are like thieves, they know everything and don't pay anything! if it is indeed rhino then i would have to buy black garlic and fenugreek, it works faster on thieves and scammers

since 2002, austria and the ayatollah regime have been earning money through secret cameras, the interesting thing: NS repetition without protests, and today vienna says: we are suffering with iran, our real estate and luxury lives earned by jews are in danger, the victims are still alive

Where should I get 165 euros from, the anti-deppression stone is simulating and helps with dolamine production and other substances. opal from ethiopia

i have to go, I am a victim of anti-Semitism, a victim of ayatollah terror and at risk of my life on the streets of Vienna, the Viennese: the stasi persian jews/armenians money is an unavoidable economic option

the intention with stone plant plantations had the meaning and purpose: people in the 21st century look at billions of stones like potatoes and then say "i". Ricardo understood better than the politicians today in the 21st century

The veins of this stone have grown naturally, but the enmity of evolution to man, to creation, has had a manipulated and unnatural course, there is no natural enmity between two races, there are only Ahrimanic spirits, Anunnaki spirits and an evolutionarily advanced ape host . robot that says "i" even philosophical in european tragedies

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022

There is also written in small letters what private law means in democracy and the rule of law, in international law, human rights, civil rights. about company secrets, professional secrets and trading partners, shops and businesses even more small letters. america says: according to our gene research, luris and elamis and kurds are more jews than armenians, but still jewish armenians

I'm thinking, thinking about what I should talk about or do today, insofar as all human rights organizations, including international courts, watched the theft live in 2008-2009, the extravagance: looting the Jews, does Barbad kill the thieves or not?

If I prove that we are of Armenian/Jewish origin, in a country with 6 million genocide history, the same race, then the country must not allow itself the suppression of evidence with attempted murder, or looting and robbery intentions. this has been kept secret until now: all refugees are examined for blood as soon as they arrive, which means that ethnic and racial origin is also examined because of migration

these are my statistics from the first of october, these people know me because these psychopaths spread fake material worldwide so that criminal charges against the country would not be possible? reduce victims of NS repetition and ayatollah terror so that nobody works? all over the world?