Dienstag, 1. November 2022

iran is genetically controlled for europe, america and israel, with zaragri gypsies and other 11 gypsy tribes from balkans, gypsies from georgia, from former yugoslavia and from romania, hungary and albania. everyone calls themselves aryan and claim iran was and is aryan, the minorities and native people are immigrants. this is european, romano aryan psychopathy as in canada, australia and america

we are from my mother's side, elam and hamadan and from the father's side luristan hamedan, two governments say despite citizenship documents iran austria: we do not recognize all three as humane, but as minorities with half citizenship rights

my last facebook post

vienna land register authority, viennese tax office: there was no illegal cyberterror income and also no illegal real estate transactions with stasi terror money, not from ayatullahs, hezbolah, iranian and austrians

in renaissance europe was confronted with animals, evolution animals therefore this period is called renaissance barbarism, until the french revolution and until today, evolution animals vienna berlin paris and others do not accept any laws regarding vmat2 and vmat race. Led by German and Viennese animals, evolutionary animals

we looted from 2002, his business, career existence, we are still the stasi system, he is 47 but it is none of our business. this is animal europa, inferior evolutionary animal europa

to avoid these conflicts, an idiot wrote countless books with others, look at 21st century vienna: we do not prevent and thwart such crimes, revenge and blood is the law, it is tradition

this is old programming and alien spirit matter in the air, of which plutrach spoke: we do not allow your life to run normally, we determine the metaphysics of life, not god. god gave you intellect, why do you let us near you, kill the host or shall you not kill!? elami rock art 4000 B. C.

i signed a contract in september 2002, twenty years ago to this day, political iranians, human rights activists iranians are in my apartment with bugs and secret cameras, just like in my shop. led and manipulated by the 80s mass murderer: toudeh lartei, aksariat party, hezbollah and iranian leftists

progress and industrial revolution existed in prehistory, this one is a pirated copy

Whoever suffers from Stockholm syndrome worships his chains, at some point this chain strangles him with sugar-sweet friendliness to the point of shortness of breath and suffocation.at this point and the attempted stasi murder system with sweet kindness: kill yourselves, today's inferiority, even with a billion capital, was created from monkeys. the last 600 years was not progress but theft until today. from the middle of the 18th century: the origin of apes is a lie and cheaper than a pickpocket.

anti vmat2 movement and antigenic movement is a parallel society on neutral ahrimanic ground. All political and economic hostilities, differences and geopolitical conflicts, power position conflicts are irrelevant on this ground, void and not an issue, it's all about one thing: evolution is the truth and creation is a lie

Iranian regime is in internet cyberterror, human life trade with end result lynching, private life trade, and Viennese Berlin European exile Iranian say: we are political activists and human rights activists, why didn't we see anything? Where? which portals and chat rooms? which secret cameras and fake material?

Montag, 31. Oktober 2022

good night🤣

😇americans israelis iranian and european animals say a bunch of shit to me like in 1932 because the state says: we say who is human and who is not. like in 1932, because of vmat2 all citizenship rights were taken away, not because of the lie of jewish identity but because of old vmat2 civilization origin😇

we do not believe in anything along these lines what is claimed and we don't see what he means is because of 1918 genocides iran: 10 million iranian, and 1941 to 1946 genocides greece and greek islands. mother fucker fake fascists, that was always because of new human and old human, evolution and creation

fascism can only be explained with paraphysics and it includes vmat2 and elamite left metaphysics hand. a row of jinn judges with political jinn hate us, and they try to wipe out with the secret camera stasi aktion finanz system vmat2 and vmat1 and other models, like the political djinn ex mayor of vienna, and current mayor

I don't have money for a 70,000 euro lens camera, otherwise I would have proved everything in 3D or HD. they ruined my antiques business with stasi secret cameras. I'm not a ghost hunter, but the ghosts come to me

we do not believe in anything along these lines what is claimed is because of 1918 genocides iran: 10 million iranian, and 1941 to 1946 genocides greece and greek islands. mother fucker fake fascists, that was always because of new human and old human, evolution and creation

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022

i am this very old persian genes and dna, abraham's country was austria. I have to go have a nice day

Aristotle is convinced that the planets and the fixed stars influence life on earth and that the fixed stars influence life on earth and he too believed in the existence of daemons. In his History of Animals (it should be noted here that historia originally meant something closer to "research," not history in its modern sense, thus a better title is Biological Researches) he suggests the magical theory of sympathies and antipathies in the animal world, under the influence of the stars


the eye of the buzzard is a sign of what you miserable vienna and racial madness, you scum mass murderer, you european animal against eastern mysticism and religion. you animal race killer

how out of the fire and smoke? this logic scenes 20,000 tablet photos. new age physics vienna is happy with stasi murder money, with ayatullahs., everything else is eastern nonsense

did the viennese judges study paraphysics? Anyone who has studied legal philosophy should study paraphysics as a minor, this is the only way to understand Cambyses and his level of knowledge and eastern mysticism in his deeds, and maybe ancient Greece. goodnight... 😇

why did plato and others believe in demons? creation never needed these complicated laws, or later roman law. look at vienna today, these laws were written for a life of peace between humans and animals and the judges and public prosecutors in vienna were worse than before

مارمولک خارکوسده، امام علی چی چی؟

love is in the air and..... rebirth law and contract. tablet photo raw

love is in the air and the result: son of the bitches

love is in the air is a song that almost everyone has heard, including me by the way, and i kept laughing at the sarcasm. love is in the air is a story, a fate, it starts with love in the air, during the wedding both look serious in the face as if it were a universal task. seven years later two children remain from this love, otherwise no traces of love, togetherness, friendship or respect. the result of alien spirit chemtrails are two bastard kids, a whore and a son of the bitch by two assholes, mind controlled from first minute of acquaintance, because of these two bastards.
I had the honor of meeting this son of the bitch yesterday, a 9 year old boy with his mother and brother at the flea market.
The boy spent an hour trying to steal a Nordic necklace as if it were part of his umbilical cord that he had lost as a child
the asshole boy came everytime i turned around to talk to someone.
I looked through the mirrored vacuum cleaner tube from the neighboring flea market stand at our table and
each time he quickly tried to pull the necklace away. 
again and again i turned inconspicuously towards the table at his actions
and didn't look at him or at the table, and he walked away from the table angrily again and again.
this action with the help of the vacuum cleaner tube happened 5 times!? until he realized: I'm kidding him. then he came over and over again and laughed like an asshole in my face. For 30 minutes, he laughed again and again from afar, from near, from the left, from the right, and again and again he turned around and laughed while the mother kissed him 8 times on the forehead. love in the air, a universal task

i have to go, nice day

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.