Mittwoch, 9. November 2022
if i was unknown and unpersecuted i would travel to baghdad and live there, do you know why? in baghdad i could work with shahzadeh and with other artefacts. shahzade hates americans so a tv series was made for american US army feelings of inferiority: lovely jeannie, i love you guys i am jeannie, i will do everything for you...
Dienstag, 8. November 2022
i have to go to sleep, but what is the urge: "we have to kill the stasi camera action victims". money? or just sick nationalism and racial fanaticism? why can and should arab turks and iranians earn money in europe? for covering up the delusions of history, racism and the feeling of inferiority in europe? Darwinism? it's not about the race but about the financial economy? which is a greater crime? illegal vmat2 black market finance, or NS repetition? bosnian pyramid stone and feng shui with elamian vmat2 leaders
everything that iran built was eylam, the ajnabi that came to the country was just one goal: iran was aryan, aryan architecture, aryan system, aryan industriousness. Aryan intellect and aryan intelligence. the question is: what was the aryan 4000 bc in europe, were you super aryan? the rootrace origin?
what american and european current fascism and israelis have in common is: elam! hate against him to his roots in sudan ethiopia bahrain and other countries, skin color and religion were always a barricade, but for white muslims there are no barricades, we are all terrorists, a lab report is enough for a deal, vmat2 deal because It's not a Semite, it's a criminal, terrorist, fraudster and thief, or let's say: he is made into one with fake documents and fake pictures and clip material. my mom and my grandfather bagher, lefthand elam
Montag, 7. November 2022
the translation : iranian and european leftists: we get on the train of globalization without a ticket as pirates and fuck champagne socialists, vmat2 Boheme bourgeoisie. it means: if they climb higher than us, then we can suck penises better and let us fuck our asses better. we make money and rise high. trade with vmat2
تفکرات تخمی با ارزیابی و نتیجه گیری های کیری آخرش اینه: ما اگر سوار قطار گلوبالیزم یواشکی دزدی بدون بلیط بشیم بهتره، خورده بورژوا های چپ صلیبی و علی اللهی و در خدمت سرمایه کورخوندن که کون دادن بهتر از ما بلد هستن، ما ساک زن هم هستیم اگر قرار باشه اینها برن بالا و ما پس بمونیم. زمان دزدی از بانک با این تکنولوژي پیشرفته تمام شد، یا کون
since 1998, vienna, as the main person responsible in europe, has taught the ayatullah regime that one should secretly find minorities in laboratories not according to religion, religion is not confirmation because of "NAJES", laboratory reports and secret cameras are the confirmation of the najes, najes means: dirty minorities. vienna is the evil and disease of fascism in this world, austro fascism
Sonntag, 6. November 2022
the claim for damages because of my destroyed sex life is one thousand euros a day. the police state secret cameras are running up to this second, with bugs, and the only state and ayatullah whore was azadeh amiri. i have been living without sex for 5 years, from 42 to 47. and no woman is willing to show her privacy and intimacy in front of the camera like azadeh amiri
After the Russian invasion, we are injured poor chickens and roosters with bandaged beaks.that UNO and international judges and prosecutors, amnesty and hunranright watch satisfy this deep perverse dream and desire is more animal than fascism and antisemitism itself, the desire to dance with laughter and victory second national socialism.
چندین یادبود تاریخی ملانصرالدین در ترکیه و مکان های دیگر اروپا وجود دارد. بیشتر آن ها ملا را درحالیکه برعکس سوار یک الاغ شده، نشان می دهد و از این داستان می آید که روزی ملانصرالدین رو به عقب سوار بر الاغ بوده و وقتی مردم از او می پرسند که چرا بدین شکل نشسته است می گوید که این من نیستم که اشتباه نشسته ام، خر است که برعکس می رود.
the claim for damages because of my destroyed sex life is one thousand euros a day. the police state secret cameras are running up to this second, with bugs, and the only state and ayatullah whore was azadeh amiri. i have been living without sex for 5 years, from 42 to 47. and no woman is willing to show her privacy and intimacy in front of the camera like azadeh amiri
Samstag, 5. November 2022
both of our careers are destroyed, especially my sister's, because this old fascist and the psychopath are crimes against humanity, in vienna. Austro fascism and ayatullahs enjoy immunity, because of a father that I've blocked all contacts since 2002, and a nazi woman that I haven't personally seen to this day, not for a second
in book History of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution are coded columns where white magic fights against black magic, hollywood would take 4 years to decode and produce.a parallel paranormal society that conducted the negotiations on neutral holy ahrimanic soil vienna
sitting on a giant jade lonely and alone. you have to imagine that the hell red whore, the duck believes: you don't have everything that i have around me, all the people that i have around me. is that life and life's desire? social contacts with your scum? noah built a ship on a mountain or hill with jade mines
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...