Dienstag, 15. November 2022

no longer skin color, but secret laboratory results and gene control, birth control and sterilization policy, in vienna, in europa in democracy and the rule of law

I have to go to sleep, good night 😇

that is the difference between 19th century vienna and paris, the parisians always like to laugh about vienna. in the times of the danube monarchy, many such gifts came to vienna from paris. Charles Henri Joseph Cordier (1827-1905)

This taboo is from prehistory, black matter spirit, black magician that calls himself a Jew, responsible for thousands of massacres also from 1932 to 1946, and in 1954 with the foundation of the UNO for more massacres. viennese stone from Favoriten, 10th district of Vienna

the police have become the backbone of society everywhere, so it says: i am human and have the right and privilege to support society through vmat human trade, the bone marrow, liquid matter is taboo, the service is: to finance real estate

atheism is nazi satanism and in worldwide national socialism system, vmat2 delusion and trade. also in iran with ayatullahs, in turkey with erdogan and freemasonry, in europe and america with leftists and social democracy NS mafia. prehistory stone vienna, vmat2 african gene

do you now understand why on an island in europe 60 to 70 social democratic youth die and the perpetrator says i am the nazi you monkey origin you miserable bastard monkey. these are the dirtiest tribes of europe, leftists and social democrats, dirtiest monkey blood

i am a victim of terror and fascism in vienna, thousands of private houses and apartments were financed by political activist and vmat2 trade, this is the answer to my request for an apartment from the state: 50 m2 for three people is enough, despite your illness and retirement.

Montag, 14. November 2022

I have to go, I feel today that I can get stones somewhere, 3 sets to buy, I don't know where, when and how, but they are waiting for me, somewhere, I hope I can find zeki and beki and deki and zepeleki.

from austrian mountains, native american ahrimanic bad genes and trek to america for atrocities

Since antiquity, as the case of Socrates and Xanthippe shows, the relationship between philosophers and women has generally been fraught with conflict.what today's "feminism" whatever branch is making the big fuss: schoppenhauer was misogynistic, nitzsche was misogynistic, bertold brecht and dozens of others were misogynistic: it's just a matter of race and genetic origin like azadeh amiri, her friends and viennese women, in austria and germany in europe: murdering 1.5 million children was women's business, men fought on the war fronts.

fĂŒr affen huan

Viennese whore was never in a position (as brecht describes it in mother courage) to say I am a racist, anti-Semite and fascist.it is ridiculous that ape origin sits on racial theory and politics rocking chair. there is just one thing: human origin and monkey origin, monkey says what? fascism? racial doctrine? arent you ashamed? you are of inferior origin, with fascism and racism uniform even more inferior. weak dirt origin you fascist

i also bought a mercedes amg turbo diesel and said drive, i don't need a car. after 3 months the turbo was damaged, cost 3000 euros, and a few other things too. I thought what does an SPÖ party book have? i say stand in the shop, i'll give you a mercedes, i'll give you money, you're my uncle, then i look at all the relatives today, far and near and notice it's not just the money, but also respect: he's not man, you are human, he is jew and armenian from bagher's side, he is 89 percent, you are 10 percent. collaboration traitor race. really ten percent jew and low jewish blood percentage is zionism and betrayal

austrian politicians, upper class secret services, judges and officials don't let themselves be dragged down because: racial madness and national socialism, jews/armenian vmat2 trade, with modern design: cyberterror. with international friends vienna organizes funny cyberterror holocaust denial, with ruined 3 shops and ruined music career, and of course attempted murder with gassing in hospitals. wrong medication and misdiagnosis

Sonntag, 13. November 2022

i have to go, i walk in a city of deaf, blind and dumb. the three monkeys are the mark of evolution, without empathy only money and capital oriented

320 and old ahrimanic aryan darcforce, in the 21st century, despite hundreds of laws regionally, thousands internationally because of ethnicity, race genes and minorities and the right to exist. 320

320 EURO

Engel Nummer 320

Nummer 320 und Liebe

Nummer 320 sagt, dass wir uns nicht aussuchen können, wen wir lieben. Manchmal passt diese Person nicht zu uns, manchmal erwidert sie das GefĂŒhl nicht, manchmal sind wir zu weit weg oder das Timing stimmt nicht. Es ist sehr wichtig, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was Sie stĂ€ndig Ă€ndern können und auf die Dinge, die Sie tatsĂ€chlich beeinflussen können. Wenn Sie Ihren Emotionen eine gewisse Bedeutung beimessen können, sollten Sie die andere Person wissen lassen, was Sie fĂŒhlen.

Ihre Schutzengel denken jedoch, dass Sie bereit sein sollten, manchmal zu versagen. Außerdem solltest du dich nicht von Leuten runterziehen lassen, nur weil sie eine andere Meinung haben. Versuche stark und geradlinig zu sein, auch in der Welt der Liebe.


i look at online auctions for two hours every day, on this one on an austrian action page i said: asshole if it were a little softer then you would never sell it, just stick needles in it and curse me

the secret society and their minion and officials know more about ancient races in persia than the iranians in iran itself, this is because archeology in iran itself is CIA and freemasonry bound for 40 years,but also before kajar time in safavid time europe dependent. There is no telepathy, there is only vmat2 connection to higher beings. these rituals also have another pleasure for ahrimanic offenders: the buzzard or falcon reports everything about us but he can't prove anything, he can only prove everything with violence, punishment for him and freedom and victory for us

After 17 years of camera action and the Stasi system, I owe 35,000 euros, my mother 180,000 because of two companies. a restaurateur hamburger and kebab seller and his daughter, a waitress, iranian gypsy tribes benefited with 1.5 million euros, with the help of the mayor of vienna, police, secret services, mojtaba khamenei and CIA. european gypsies from iranian villages like ghazvin are popular in the west and in israel, iranians are dying en masse and are being replaced by gypsies, 15 million and more in iran today

schönheit und stÀrke, du arbeit ich nixe arbeit, he!? mit geheim kameras machen ich nixe und du jemand... arschloch arisch

freemasonry accepts every parrot, that's the problem in vienna, judges without potential, without their own productive intellect and without 4 pillars.what you see in vienna is not beauty and strength and intellect, just a subway station WC landscape, where do you see the beauty in these big brother shows? where is the strength and beauty?

there are many theories about this relief, one of them is: the egyptians built lamps, the batteries were found in baghdad, they generated electricity. my point of view is: it was the Aryan Freemasonry race with black friends, later Wehrmacht Jews: build something for us so that we can see the gods in the yellow sand crystal from Libya, or we will kill you. we need your electromagnetic fields and nerve arteries: build something show something because only we know what it is about, you are just stupid slaves. So Cambysses II spent 2 years in Egypt and skinned thousands of these scum, including many judges and officials

Samstag, 12. November 2022

I have to go, will be back in the afternoon

this one picture is the motivation and ambition for a screenplay and shooting line, combined with other subjects from the stone and crystal. the evil sisters from avalon. the idea with image material and screenplay: 3 million euros. 320 photos

we all live together on this earth, who has problems with his origin is clear. but anti-jew fascism, national socialism based on jew identity, anti-semitism and racism based on religion and race was a lie, 80 percent of the victims were from the orient, israel is a lie, the pillars of the state of israel are ahrimanic lies, worse than german and ötzi country

After 40 years of mass murder you now have the confirmation: UNO and Vienna are both for family murder, it is the Viennese judges: first the son, then the daughter and then the mother because of her uterus. 40 years europe is the mass murderers, ayatullahs and hezbollah only european gypsies and servants. against native breed VMAT2 and VMAT1 IRAN