Samstag, 19. November 2022

whatever filthy aryan animal talks about this topic: we will earn money from the iranian race and god genes, he talks about the information american research, and he talks about the second chance national socialism in europe and america with the help of israel

the vienna police prosecutor's office, viennese judges and authorities, UNO and amnesty international have never cared who has earned money since 2002, through the stasi system and illegal secret camera project, but everyone is interested in how much i buy for rana, artist since 2005, ruined career since 2007. a music talent with voice and piano. I'll show you the evidence. the problem with vienna is: we want to see evidence with corpses. no one researches the million income, no one will dig up the money with corpses and dead people because of fascism, NS repetition

اینم روش گری گوری پول در بیار

شُکرِ آن را، که تو در عشرتی ای مرغ چمن

به اسیرانِ قفس، مژده گلزار بیار

😇 14. bezirk, wiener steine

Oh Mensch! Gib acht!
Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?
Ich schlief, ich schlief.
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht.
Die Welt ist tief.
Und tiefer als der Tag gedacht.
Tief ist ihr Weh.
Lust – tiefer noch als Herzeleid.
Weh spricht: Vergeh!
Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit.
Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit!

Austria is a son of the bitch and a whore that sits and lives on a history that doesn't even belong to him, all historical buildings, tombs, writings and technology are being destroyed with the excuse of town planning and train tunnel construction, and secretly cleared out, all subterranean icons, saints paintings and rooms are being pulverized , the race belonging to it is tortured and killed. with the help of churches synagogues and mosques

You shit Europe America Israel, for 2000 years you Aryan you, you fucking black magician israeli Jew, you killer race Wehrmacht Jew, zionist nazis., anti persian and vmat race, anti elam bastards

did anyone think back then that michael jackson would die by chance in 2009? no more news from iranian streets, the world is shocked because of michael.

atashkadeh message: with a defective nuclear facility, iran's revolution will be stifled for another 30 years. does the regime do it?

michael häupl pressed the hand of carpet dealer ali rahimi in the hand of the mayor of moscow in 2002, for me it would mean 5 billion euros healthy economy, for ali rahimi the carpet dealer: international persian, elamite vmat2 slave trade. this is the romano gypsy race made in iran, and in the last 40 years you have seen: gypsy leadership and mismanagement with 200,000 murdered activists and their families

the problem of this world is that bad genes, apes origin evolution sits on top everywhere. one says i am a judge, one is a police officer, one is a politician, secret service agent and high officials. plus preachers, pastors, bishops, popes, ayatullahs and rabis, ali khamenei. bad gene sits high up and says: vmat2 and vmat1 man is gods blessing and we are privileged to sell it, we get orders direct from god as not god genes

the Viennese ayatullahs and "hezbollah" allah party are also "KOSEKSCH" from qum straight to vienna: Nasser Farahani we give you and your relatives money besides jews and christians, Vatikan and fuck your ex-wife daughter and son like a psycholatic demon, aren't you all three KOSKESCH? vatikan qum jerusalenlm?

this is the lower stone photographed from a different angle.I am of the opinion that if we archaeologically and scientifically uncover the tenth district, the fourth district and the fifth district through the eighth district and also the second district, then we learn what ethics means god and the world and faith and spirituality means. and the transition to heaven. the problem is: vatican, jerusalem and qum will go bankrupt, prophets all had handwriting and signature like plato. everything else is invalid. atheism and satanism will also be destroyed, both live until jerusalem and qum and vatican live.

Freitag, 18. November 2022

I have to go, will be back in the afternoon

sarcasm to laugh, a poem like onsori balkhi, kalim or others, black destiny and the bird, she the white false light and prophet, he hate and bad luck and misfortune. the ancient Rome

waking up next to black stones at half past five in the morning reminds one of universal duty, and not of golden days taken away by fraud, deceit and perfidy

judges from vienna, viennese police, secret services helped iranian in this city to millions of euros in black money and false standards, to this day the extent of the mass crime has not been researched, vienna helped 15 million euros for the shams family and amiri with javad zarif help, and 8 million euros for the ali and hussain gharib clan . 1200 to 2000 euros potential and salaries, prosperity and luxury without effort Intellect, know-how and economics studies, without practical or theoretical knowledge. i worked in bazaar for 10 years to learn retail and wholesale alphabet

In the first world war, the KuK army gave its soldiers opium to eat, after a while many soldiers fell ill from fungal infections and died, because opium has to be heated before it can be taken orally. the liquid of opium, from boiled opium (shire) is an asian/oriental/persian ritual for victory and defeat, namely: no woman is worth approaching me.shire (persian word for liquid) helps me never get up again, against atrocities. both whistles are victory and defeat. Victory because of no woman, defeat because of happy lonely

fucking america does these experiments like nazis in 1940 for international stasi show, manipulation torture and psychosis, murder. 140 billion dollar show business with cyber terror and stasi torture international

in 1946 the allies were supposed to sterilize the animal breed by shooting testicles and vaginas so today the 3rd and 4th bastard children in uniform police and military and secret services shouldn't say: we have the right against the old breed, jews armenians breed, monkey origin is the true origin.

I have to go out, I'll be back in the afternoon

Donnerstag, 17. November 2022

parasitic aggressiveness with secret cameras, for vmat2 murder and torture

in any case, i'm watching a program where a german claims: thirty percent of mankind has intelligent intellectuals paracites in the brain, the austrian population is there with 60% best statistics. i think that's the answer to the 1933 victim role: it wasn't us, it was the germans

vienna has forced our standards to drop below zero with secret camera campaigns, caused me to owe 35,000 euros, caused my mother to owe 180,000 euros and the scum as consumers watch how often in the last 17 years the executor rings our bell at 8 o'clock in the morning , it's amusing and funny, nazi fascist scum, leftists and green bastard animals plus amnesty and UN staff

I'm a rescuer, I found a lonely thing in a shop today, actually justifiably lonely, justifiably unnoticed, justifiably worthless. I was the savior from breaking and I prevented it from ending up in the garbage can, 8 euros! signed in a foreign language, my writing is also a foreign language with so many mistakes. moshe katze, former concentration camp inmate. 1960 "einsamkeit"

since the iranian opposition smelled money like iranian regime, since that time no one has known political activist jazz_man or barbad farahani. nobody knows race and minorities humiliation rana farahani and zahra khonjmanesch, nobody sees stasi murder torture, and silent attempted murder, isolation, depression and panic. Iranian opposition, all involved

Mittwoch, 16. November 2022

I have to go, will be back in the afternoon

my political activism from 2002 was because of the enlightenment of the mass murder long-term strategy, gene politics, crime and injustice. until now the killing because of ethnicity, genes and race does not stop, but members of the iranian government have been and are welcomed everywhere on the red carpet. in vienna, europe shows solidarity, 40 years of genetic minorities torture is a right, we darwinism are a right, this family has no right to exist

it doesn't matter to the austrians, as far as my mother and sister are concerned, because ruining three shops and attempted murder costs dozens of millions of euros in damages.

i have to go to bed, but that was also the result of the family marriage in archemide times, cousin and cousin. 😇 I'm one too

my thirst for knowledge won't leave me alone, first of all this is the urn of all white urns, i have never seen an urn like this. Tibet, China or the North Pole? or not Asian at all!? being put in a white urn by whose relatives is also a poem and ritual, especially when you marry the funny cousin and she puts your ashes in this urn with a laugh: you are not dead you donkey, my mother, your aunt once said: when he dies, put him in a colored white urn, and laugh every time you walk by, sadness doesn't do anything, only laughter connects. the cousin and the white urn and the traumatized spirit