Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2022

linguistic: nema para koon para regime jana jana

dirty ayatullahs hezbollah sepah, ajnabi bastards with EU fascism and austro fascism, dirty european origin, dirty iranian and persian killer, dirty psychopatic european in iran


genetic minorities, no religion. dirty austria and iranian government

good night

there are many dignitaries among ahura mazdanian anunnakis, the rebels, god's soldiers. millions for millions of people, positive energy, also for pleasant dreams. is the world so simple? as the politicians would like to believe, or atheists, or the ayatullahs? more vmat2 torturing and killing means armageddon from now on. for billions

these two containers are the urn of my mother's sister and brother, the contact in deep sleep or the gat and portal. she dreamed. tablet photo raw

when my mother slept at noon

i take daily photos like today therefore: there are a number of doctors, police commanders and politicians and many other officials, at 48 they look like a 3 day congested donkey ass, you know that? the asshole is tightly pressed with folds. they agree with the police commander for the gas chamber, an infected cell. the reason for the arrest is: denial and suppression of evidence does not exist in austria

Aryan race is evolutionary plastic man, Aryan right is for plastic man, looters are made of plastic. scum without potential

fucking politicians in the EU you filth, I can buy 6 houses and villas within 2 years with just one project out of 38 projects, you useless parrot freemason. Dirt and human traffickers, potentialless dirt

98% of Germany's Freemason politicians and 89% of Austrian Freemason politicians prove cheap plastic. lead superman vmat2 to poverty, destroy charisma, do not allow a appartement or habitat for vmat2, finance no teeth to bite. you fucking plastic origin evolution with fucking plastic pillars, you rubbish in parliament

what disgusts me are people with plastic pillars, i had never studied at a university, so my pillars are not made of plastic. wisdom, beauty strength and so on.this secret fuss and mystery stories about illuminati and freemasons is ultimately for me: the owl screams hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo. but geese and ducks have different sounds, it is a mystery why

today i bought a jug with phenomena on it, a man is sitting in front of the fire and behind him lies death's skull in a forest, is it handwork and coincidence or handwork on purpose? I think if I put it in the water and throw 16 different lights at it and take a picture then I'll find a genius work, or alien code!?

the mind control program: it is normal that we should live in wealth and vmat2 in poverty. through which? these viennese animals keep saying we hadn't done anything, that's also part of normality: denial. ruining 3 businesses, existence and career is normal for aryan prosperity. vienna is suppression of evidence and dictatorship


I have a tablet camera and the photos are mostly not good because of light and pixels, but still, I have evidence of my smoke subjects and scenes, million year old minerals and stones, me and the anunnaki stalkers, luciferian geese and ducks

I have to leave the apartment and move to an 80% anti-Semitic city. the big lie:, jude!, antisemitism concerns only race, and only one race, vmat race, all models, all skin colors and hair colors. I don't have counterintelligence, but this anunnaki spirit is the cousin of azadeh amiris spirit. she stalks me secondarily

Montag, 5. Dezember 2022

between 1910 and 1932 eighty percent of the austrian jews came from the orient. deeply religious people, true origin: vmat2

environmental activists together with socialists, social democrats, communists are worse than nazi occultism, if it is about topic vmat2 from the orient

a society that even the established middle class insults the victims of fascism stasi instead of reporting 15 human rights violations is a society that is unnecessary for the world, the flesh and blood, then as now,as far as crusades are concerned, as far as knight leagues in jerusalem are concerned, and as far as islam is concerned. and as for the jews: jews never protested

in any case ya imam ali, there were no wells that no aryan blood flowed inside, all the rivers and well ponds were full of blood because of rahim and his daughter and sons: get rich without work, or live in wealth and luxury with no potential

what was the role of the iranian aryan race in iran and what was the relationship of the tribes to iranian soil? in the last 600 years? looting, see viennese and aryan iranian

بچه های مارو زدن کشتن دسته به دسته، قتل عام ژنتیک کردن و عن باقی گذاشتن تو ایران، عن! بفرما.. ژن عن: ما همه اروپایی هستیم، آریایی هستیم، ما همه پیشرفته و مدرن هستیم. به بابل سلام برسونید

حاجی ما بچه بودیم ایران شاهدانه زیاد میخوردیم، یه زمانی هم بود این امگا سه خیلی مارو تقویت کرد، حاجی مادرقحبه ها هرکی شاهدانه خور بود زدن کشتن سر امگا سه، البته تقصیر کار خودشون هم بودن، سر انقلاب سه کردن امگا سه خور ها، حالا مادرقحبه ها مارو ول نمیکنن اتریش سر سه بازی، میگه شاه دانه مارو خوردی، اتریشی نیستی ایرانی هستی حق به گردنت داریم امگا خور جاکش

heas richter beweise für di, i moan wos bist gibts nur in favoriten, gema zu butter teich ich zaig di wos du luzifer anunnaki du, do wirst butter waich du sau schäd'l


even in democracy and the rule of law innocent murders become a tradition: when prices rise and salaries don't. if 30m2 apartment costs 240,000 euros

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2022

خلاصه خیلی چاکریم و مخلصیم قدیمیه داااا

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

against fascism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, dictatorship there is only one option for curbing: you are genetically inferior origin. as elam and luristan "fascism" and "nationalism" describes it: fuck off stay away from us